living room chairs under 150

living room chairs under 150

living room chairs san francisco

Living Room Chairs Under 150


One of the things I love about staying in a hotel is the mini-lounges and sitting areas throughout the lobby and elsewhere throughout the premises.  I just love checking in and then having a seat in a swanky lounge area observing the atmosphere and people, surfing my tablet or taking it easy. I’m a huge fan of accent chairs for the living room, bedroom, hallways, foyers and other areas of the home because they fill space with a function.  Moreover, accent chairs in the home create an inviting environment by suggesting “sit down and relax.” While you can certainly spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars on an accent chair, you don’t have to.  That’s what this gallery is all about – featuring attractive accent chairs under $100.  We’ve scoured furniture stores for inexpensive accent chairs and only included those we believe are attractive and can enhance your home decor. Below is our automatically updating and current list of living room chairs that won’t cost you a bundle.

If you don’t see what you want today, come back because these items often go on sale and we’ll update our list to include on-sale accent chairs.Here’s an ideal wood-framed, vinyl upholstery accent chair for a richly decorated room in a dark motif.  I would situate this chair to the side of a room as a reading chair with a small table adjacent to it.  It would work in living room, bedroom, as a reception chair or a foyer chair.Here’s a small accent chair priced just under $100 with a yellow-green fabric that works very well in an earth-tone dominant room.  It works best in conjunction with other furniture (i.e. a true accent chair) because it’s relatively small – so it’s a good idea to situate among larger furniture items in the room.  As a bedroom accent chair, it would work best with a matching chair and small table.Here’s another IKEA style chair in a contemporary design that is both aesthetically pleasing and comfortable.  I say aesthetically pleasing with a grain of salt because it needs to be placed in the right room in conjunction with the right furniture.  

For example, it’s not a good fit with antique sofas; however, it works with mid-century modern sofas and chairs. This style of chair is large enough to only require another sofa in the room, which is great for smaller spaces (hence this style of accent chair is great for apartment living rooms).This is a beautiful captain accent chair that could be used as a reception chair or dining chair as well.  While it’s not as comfortable as other accent chairs featured here, it’s beautiful for under $100.  The exposed wood (mahogany hardwood) makes it a great fit in any room with wood flooring and/or other natural wood furniture.  Just be careful not to have too many different wood tones in the room.Zebra print furniture isn’t to everyone’s liking, but it sure does jazz up a room.  You definitely don’t want to overwhelm your room with zebra or animal print… one or two items (chair, rug, pillows, wall art, etc.) will do the job.  This zebra print accent chair is a great deal priced just under $100.  

I like it because of the wood frame, which works well with the print.  See our zebra print living room decor ideas article and gallery here for more inspiration involving zebra print.This accent chair is similar in design to other accent chairs in this gallery with a different upholstery pattern.  This one with with its lighter fabric pattern would work well in many color schemes because it’s more neutral.This chair definitely lives up to its categorization as an “accent chair.”  It’s a colorful pattern that with chocolate wood legs that would work well in any earth-tone dominant room.  The intricate pattern offers a splash of color that would work great adjacent to a chocolate or tan sofa.Here’s a classic accent chair in that it offers a splash of color to a dark or light room as well as being a slight design so that it complements larger furniture well.This is a simple, yet elegant accent chair that lightens up a darker room motif (thanks to the chocolate wooden legs) or fits in with lighter furniture.  

I particularly like this chair for a bedroom because it’s not very big, yet offers a reasonably comfortable sitting option.  Place a small table next to it in the bedroom and you have a compact sitting area.This is definitely a casual accent chair that is ideal for a tropical, southern or coastal style family room, solarium or covered patio.  It’s a plantation style accent chair. One of the main benefits of this chair is it’s comfortable with the reclining design.Here’s a contemporary accent chair for casual rooms.  It’s a design made famous by IKEA.  We have one currently.  It’s comfortable and reasonably stylish. This chair fits well in casual rooms… it’s’ not really a good fit in a formal living room unless it’s a modern living room design with accompanying modern furniture.This rich burgundy accent chair with matching ottoman is built for comfort and style.  It could work well in a forma living room setting with equally plush furniture throughout.  

It’s also a style that works well as a stand-alone sitting area in a bedroom.  Of course, it’s a good option for a more casual room such as a television/entertainment/family room.This very inexpensive chair (it’s vinyl… not leather), offers high arms and back with a well cushioned seat.  It’s a great fit as an accent chair for living rooms with matching furniture color of offset lighter furniture.This is a floral accent chair with a mainly dark pattern that would work well with dark grey furniture for a matching color scheme.This grey and blue accent chair would fit nicely in a room with some blue (i.e. drapes, wall art, pillows, other furniture, etc.).I love the pattern of this accent chair (because I like geometric patterns).  It’s an elegant pattern, but this chair definitely requires other larger furniture in the space. This is a very popular inexpensive accent chair design, therefore, I suggest getting two of them and placing a small table in between them creating a small sitting space within a larger room (i.e. living room or bedroom).

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