

Originally, 50 litecoins were issued in each new block. The block reward eventually becomes so small that there can only be 84,000,000 litecoins in existence. There are many websites that track and estimate block reward halvings. You can use one of the many litecoin mining calculators to determine the potential profitability of hardware. Litecoin mining profitability will depend on the price of litecoin, hash power of your hardware, electricity costs, and hardware efficiency.

So put in my four-digit pin that I created when I created my account. And I’ll click on update settings, and that will update that automatic payout threshold setting. The second thing I’m going to do is change my payment address. So I’m going to go back into my wallet, hit the receive tab. Remember that address that we created, you want to right click on it, copy address, and we’re going to paste that address into this text box.

The first thing you need is dash o and then you paste that host name that you copied earlier. Litecoin Miner X6S The next thing you need is dash u, which is going to be your username. You need to put your pool username dot your worker name.

I’m going to walk you through how to start mining litecoin on your mac computer. The first thing you need to do is join a litecoin pool using coinhunter. When you get to one of these sites, first thing you need to do is create an account for the site. You can click that button down there. There’s a lot of fields you have to sign out, or you have to fill out to sign up. I’m not going to do it for you because I already have an account, I’m just going to go back to the home page and login directly.

But what I did here is I just for esthetics more or less I created these two, one for the cpu miner and one for the gpu miner. And yeah, basically how you do that is down here you just type like gpu 2 and add password, whatever. You have it there, but I’m not going to use that so just click delete. But any way extract it to your desired location and then you need to make a bat file so that you can like log into the kattare – to burnside’s litecoin mining pool. And the way I did that as like on my desktop here for example.

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