liposomal vitamin c enema

liposomal vitamin c enema

liposomal vitamin c empirical labs

Liposomal Vitamin C Enema


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This therapy challenges cancer cells at a metabolic level and does no harm to the body unlike conventional chemotherapy. The value and impact of a daily vitamin C supplement as well as high, concentrated doses for acute illnesses is becoming increasingly clear. Studies have already shown the efficacy of liposomal vitamin C in treating infections and as an anti-cancer therapy.  Now, another study is confirming its effectiveness against inflammation in cancer patients, one of the primary markers. High levels of inflammation seem to indicate a higher risk of cancer as well as a less hopeful prognosis for healing and recovery. Inflammation impairs the immune system, plays a role in cachexia, lowers toleration of numerous cancer treatments, and generally decreases health and quality of life. The inflammatory response plays a major role in tumor development. Inflammation is a factor during numerous cancer phases including initiation, promotion, invasion and malignant conversion as well as metastasis.

This connection between cancer and inflammation isn’t restricted to just one type of tumor, either. Inflammation can be a factor in the ecosystem of just about all types of neoplastic tissues. The current amount of inflammation in the body can actually predict the chances and length of survival time for numerous types of cancer. Persons that have among the lowest inflammation levels are twice as likely to survive for at least two years with a cancer diagnosis. This study made use of high-dose intravenous vitamin C (IVC) treatments and analyzed their effects. This was the first time this type of treatment was tested and studied specifically for its effects on inflammation in cancer patients. The results found indicate great promise for the use of high-dose intravenous vitamin C treatments to help reduce inflammation in cancer patients, which is one of the major factors of cancer and its progression. Over the past 35 years, the Riordan Clinic has had quite a bit of experience in administering extremely high doses of vitamin C to cancer patients.

These tests for vitamin C have been conducted due to its proven value as a therapeutic and preventative measure. Markers of inflammation such as pro-inflammatory cytokines and C-reactive protein tumor markers showed a positive response to vitamin C treatments, with inflammation reduced significantly. This improvement correlated with reduced tumor size and the hindrance of the cancer’s ability to metastasize. Vitamin C is especially valuable in extremely high doses taken either orally or intravenously. A range of cancers have been proven to benefit from vitamin C treatments, including cancers of the prostate, breast, skin, bladder, lung, pancreas, thyroid, and B-cell lymphoma. This research was conducted by Riordan Clinic scientists and published in the Journal of Translational Medicine. When supplementing with liposomal vitamin C orally for major health issues, 10,000 to 12,000 mg per day should be taken. This dose can be taken in 2,000 to 4,000 mg doses gradually throughout the day to aid absorption.

This article on how vitamin c therapy reduces inflammation first appeared on NaturalHealth365. January 2015, L.D. Wilson Consultants, rectal fissures, abscesses and fistulas are  fairly common complaints.   small linear tears or wounds in the rectal mucosa or lining of the end of the large intestine that do not heal well. As a result, they are like an open cut that hurts and may bleed a little whenever one has a bowel movement. They can also become infected, in which case they could lead to a more serious infection since they are in a relatively unclean area of the body. A perianal abscess is a pocket of bacteria or some other microorganism that forms near the rectal or anal area. An anal or rectal fistula is is an abnormal opening that develops between the rectal or anal area of the large intestine and an adjoining structure such as the skin around the rectum, a woman�s vagina, or some other structure. problems are not only uncomfortable and often painful. 

They are also quite important because they may prevent a person from doing coffee enemas, a key part of a nutritional explores the causes and correction of this condition. This causes straining at the stool and perhaps a toxic condition of the rectum.  There can also be mechanical abrasion of the rectum as well. Copper interferes can damage connective tissue in the body.  mucosa and muscles in this area are all connective tissue, as are the tendons and ligaments that support the rectum. For some reason, some people have a weakness in this area, and this may be one factor to consider as a cause of fistulas. related to copper toxicity is zinc deficiency.  Zinc, vitamin C, bioflavinoids and other compounds are needed for connective tissue health. Generalized inflammation might also contribute to fissures and fistulas. Common causes for inflammation are low levels of omega-3 fatty acids or vitamin D, too much aluminum or nickel, and high levels of biounavailable forms

of iron, manganese, copper, chromium, selenium and boron. Some doctors are able to heal fissures with botox injections, which relax the muscles of the rectal area.  Perhaps the muscles becomes chronically tense, and this may impair circulation and prevent healing in the area.  Rather than botox, which is quite toxic, one can use warm or hot sitz baths with Epsom salts. This is a common phenomenon in which circulation or nerve energy is impaired in the pelvic region of the body.  The cause may be some kind of childhood trauma that affects this area such as a sexual molestation, rape, or even just article entitled Pelvic Syndrome discusses Unhappiness may contribute to this condition as well. Another possible cause is an infection, particularly a yeast type of infection that may be difficult to identify and heal due to other factors such as copper imbalance. nutritional balancing program with a healthful diet and lifestyle, supplements

as indicated by a properly performed hair mineral analysis, and the use of a near infrared sauna, are all excellent general measures.  Coffee enemas or colonic irrigation may not be possible, as they often irritate the fissures. heal with a nutritional balancing program, though I would add the Epsom salt baths described below as this will speed up the healing tremendously in some Fill a bathtub with only one to two inches of hot water.  pounds of Epsom salts until they dissolve.  Sit in this bath for at least 20 minutes each day.  Do this every day for a few weeks, ifThe Epsom salts are soothing to the area, kill some germs, and relax the musculature in theThis has definitely gotten rid of some anal fissures. Some doctors suggest a sitz bath with warm water and a mixture of horse tail and oat straw tea. First prepare the horse tail and oat straw tea first by boiling a quantity of these herbs for at least 20 minutes.

Then let it cool somewhat for best results. bathtub with only about one to two inches of warm-to-hot water so you can sit in it and the water will touch the rectum.  Add the herbal mixture to the bath water, and sit in the tub for at least half an hour. the same herb mixture for a second and maybe a third bath later in theJust leave the herbs and water in the tub and repeat the treatment at least three times during the dayThe next day, make some more herbs fresh and repeat the procedure for at least a week or maybe several drink horse tail or oat straw tea, at least one strong cup per day.  Just boil the herb in some water for about 20 minutes and drink as a tea. I do not have experience with this treatment, but it helps many chronic conditions, so it might be worth a try.  I welcome any feedback on this idea. set up a single red, 250-watt, �heat lamp� so you can conveniently expose the rectal area to it.  an old  toilet seat or two boards

with about 6 inches of space between them.  Place the heat lamp below the seat shining upwards from underneath you for maximum comfort. Position yourself as close to the lamp as you can stand, of course without touching it, as it is extremely hot and will burn.  Pull the cheeks of the buttocks apart so the light hits the rectum.  may want to cover the testicles with a hand or cloth to prevent the light from shining directly on the testicles, as they are best kept cool. to touch the hot lamp, as it is extremely hot and will leave a nasty burn.  Several sessions daily of about 10-20 minutes each would be best.  red heat lamp will bring blood and nerve energy to this area of the body and stimulate the lower chakra area as well.  more on this treatment, read Single Lamp Protocols traditionally used for the anal and rectal areas include golden seal, horse chestnut, horse tail and oat straw. Aloe might also be useful.

All of these herbs happen to be rich in silica compounds.  They will probably work best if taken by mouth and used topically, as well. A cream made with vitamin E or perhaps vitamin A might also help. This may be extremely helpful, according to some books on reflexology. I would suggest first doing a short general treatment on both entireRub the bottoms and tops of both feet in a general ways for about ten minutes per foot. correct points for the rectal area for another 5 or 10 minutes each.  Two reflex points for the rectal area On the bottom of the foot, very near the back of the heel, toward the very inside edge of the heel, and mainly on the left foot but perhaps on the right foot as well. Just feel around the bottom inside part of the heel of the left foot, in particular, until you find tender spots and rub them for a few minutes. On the inside of the ankle, along the Achilles tendon, about half way up the lower leg or perhaps closer to the ankle bone. 

The best way to find the tender spots is to slowly work your way up the inside of the Achilles tendon until you feelThen work this area for a few minutes. tonify and relax the tissues in this area, and also bring more blood and nerve energy to the area.  treatments for at least a few weeks or more may be needed in a chronic case, and it might take longer, so ideally continue with the routine for a few months, if needed, to give it a good chance of working.  I would combine any remedy with a nutritional balancing program and maybe the Epsom salt baths for bestRead Reflexology on this website for more information about this simple, yet powerful and very safe healing method. An abscess is usually treated medically by draining it, and then the person is given antibiotics to kill the germs until it heals.  This is one option, of course.  However, I would suggest using a natural antibiotic only, as the regular medical ones are quite toxic. 

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