liposomal vitamin c avec glutathione

liposomal vitamin c avec glutathione

liposomal vitamin c aurora

Liposomal Vitamin C Avec Glutathione


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Le glutathion est un puissant antioxydant qui diminue ou empêche l’oxydation d’autres substances. C’est l’antioxydant intracellulaire le plus important dans l’organisme. Il va permettre à d’autres vitamines antioxydantes, comme la vitamine C et E, d’agir pleinement au sein de l’organisme, en recyclant les formes oxydées et en restaurant leur potentiel antioxydant. De par la présence de son groupement thiol, le glutathion est le principal outil de votre foie pour neutraliser les agents toxiques et polluants. En transformant ces agents en composés solubles, ils peuvent aisément être éliminés hors de l’organisme par la bile ou encore les urines. Le glutathion intervient dans la régulation du système de défenses naturelles et en particulier sur la première ligne de défense. C’est en quelque sorte une « nourriture » pour les acteurs de nos défenses naturelles et le "chef d'orchestre des antioxydants. La déficience chonique en glutathion que l'on observe dans certaines maladies chroniques graves est en relation avec des insuffisances hépatiques avec risques évolutif de fibroses;

Sources scientifiques : Biam, Dorvault 23ème édition. Le glutathion R est la forme optimisée d'absorption du glutathion type "Ultrathione" telle que la préconise le Professeur Luc MONTAGNIER (Prix Nobel de médecine) dans son livre: Prévenir plutôt que guérir, Mon combat pour la vie. La combinaison de glutathion et d'acide ascorbique (vitamine C) est un complexe stable, le seul, selon lui à être vraiment absorbable par l'intestin. 1  gélule au réveil et au coucher. Dans le cadre de pathologies créant un stress oxydatif important cette posologie peut être multipliée par un facteur de 2 à 6 (mais alors sous surveillance d'un médecin connaissant bien le produit et les effets des antioxydants). Ce complément alimentaire ne se substitue pas à un régime alimentaire varié et équilibré ni à un mode de vie sain. Conserver à température ambiante (15 - 25°C) dans un endroit sec et à l’abri de la lumière. Ce produit est un complément alimentaire.

Tenir hors de la portée des jeunes enfants. Ne pas dépasser la dose journalière indiquée. Le glutathion est d'autant plus efficace qu'il est associé à ses précurseurs: - au plan alimentaire: framboises, cresson, thé vert et asperges - en suppléments: la silymarine (SILYVITAL) , le thé vert en gélules d'extraits standardisés, ou en gélules N-ACETYL CYSTEINE et la PROTEINE DE PETIT LAIT -WHEY PROTEINE qui a également des actions détoxifiantes, de régulation de la flore intestinale et d'anabolisme musculaire (importante chez les sportifs et les personnes âgées qui ont tendance à perdre leurs muscles -sarcopénie-).Customized nutritional therapies offer real solutions for the symptoms and complications associated with diabetic neuropathy. Diabetic neuropathy is the result of the long term effect of poor glycemic control and type 2 diabetes mellitus. In the United States alone, according to 2012 statistics, approximately 9.3% of the population is diabetic, and another 37% of the population is pre-diabetic.

Type 2 diabetes is a condition that is preventable and effectively treatable through nutritional means. Not only can nutritional therapies effectively manage type two diabetes, but nutrition can also be used to effectively treat the complications of diabetes mellitus. This includes the use of: Diabetic neuropathy is the result of the long term struggles with diabetes. It is a painful series of complications that involves nerve damage, damage of organ function, especially to the kidneys, retina, and peripheral tissues. When blood sugar fails to get taken up into the cells, metabolism inside of the cells is severely compromised. This process of erratic and ineffective glucose utilization results in numerous inflammatory and toxic processes. These inflammatory processes are responsible for diabetic neuropathy, as well as the cardiovascular disease complications that are inevitably a result of these processes. Hexosamine Pathway - This pathway involves the formation of glucosamine-related by-products.

The elevated production of n-acetyl  glucosamine from glucose can result in various glycoproteins, proteoglycans and glycolipids, which create oxidative damage and toxicity (1, 2). Polyol Pathway - the Polyol pathway is normally inactive because healthy people without diabetes can metabolize blood sugar just fine. The story is quite different for diabetics with insulin resistance (3, 4). Our muscles, abdominal fat tissue (called adipose) and certain organs require insulin for normal glucose transport into those cell types. However our nerves, retinas, and kidneys don't require insulin in order for glucose to be made available in those tissues. That means when glucose levels are elevated, the nerves, kidneys and retina passively take up glucose in an unlimited fashion. This results in the activation of the polyol pathway. The polyol pathway results in the formation of sorbitol, a type of toxic sugar that causes glycation (stickiness) of protein molecules. This process of glycation results in the formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs).

AGEs are one of the main causes of diabetic neuropathy, including the induction of noxiously inflammatory processes that damage our cardiovascular system. In addition to sorbitol formation, the polyol pathway produces fructose directly from sorbitol. One of the main problems with increased levels of fructose is that it increases uric acid. At high enough levels fructose inhibits nitric oxide, which results in endothelial dysfunction and blood vessels that can't properly dilate. At high enough levels, Uric acid is also known to precipitate into joints causing gout. We can actually divert our cells from producing sorbitol. This is sometimes referred to as the "AGE shunt". The fat soluble form of vitamin B-1 known as benfotiamine does just this. Benfotiamine diverts metabolites that form sorbitol towards another pathway known as the pentose phosphate pathway. It's for this reason that repeated studies have found benfotiamine to be effective at improving diabetic neuropathy complications as well as shunting sorbitol.

An assortment of other nutrients and herbs have shown the ability to shunt AGE formation as well This includes: alpha lipoic acid, and pyradoxamine (unfortunately not currently available in the US). Not only does the powerful antioxidant alpha lipoic acid divert AGE formation, it improves motor nerve conduction velocity, increases GLUT-4 uptake of glucose and protects from Ischemic stroke. Alpha lipoic acid also has been shown to activate AMPK, increase fatty acid oxidation and prevents fatty liver Diaglycerol Protein Kinase C  (DPKC) - Activation of this pathway results in inflammatory proteins such as NF kappa beta (5). The result of the activation can make the vascular endothelium excessively permeable (6), as well as cause white blood cells to clump (7). These are very bad circumstances. Peroxynitrite formation - peroxynitrites are powerful oxidants which are at play with most significant tissue destructive processes, including diabetic neuropathy (8). Peroxynitrites form as a result of the interaction between the free radical superoxide with the blood vessel-dilating free radical nitric oxide.

When nitric oxide is oxidized excessively, the endothelium becomes a net producer of superoxides. When formed, peroxynitrite inactivates our important antioxidant cellular defenses such as glutathione as well as oxidizes our co-enzyme Q10. The result of peroxynitrite is severe cellular toxicity, and any number of destructive outcomes. The cornerstone of an effective nutritional strategy for those with type 2 diabetes mellitus involves controlling serum glucose. This involves supporting the function of a number of important cellular processes. The following is a short list of two of these processes, as well as nutrients and herbs which have been shown to attenuate these processes. There are a wide variety of nutrients and herbs which have been shown to mitigate the potentially deadly effects of nerve, organ and tissue damage and necrosis, which is the result of hyperglycemia. Below is a short list of the most notable. In conclusion, nutrient and herbal therapies offer powerful solutions for the many problems associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus, including complications of polyneuropathy, and vascular-related injuries.

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