linus pauling vitamin c recipe

linus pauling vitamin c recipe

linus pauling vitamin c quotes

Linus Pauling Vitamin C Recipe


Add 1 level tablespoon ascorbic acid (about $20 for a pound) to 1/2 cup distilled water. Blend for 1 minute in a blender. Add 3 level tablespoons of non-GMO soy lecithin or sunflower lecithin (about 1 dollar per ounce) to 1 cup distilled water. Lecithin may be granular or liquid. Pour both solutions into ultrasonic cleaner (about $35) for 6 minutes, stirring frequently with wooden spoon. An ultrasonic cleaner vibrates liquid with high frequency sound (25 kHz – 150 kHz). The high frequency vibrations encapsulates, or coats vitamin C particles in a layer of lipid material (liposomes) allowing for easy absorption through cell walls. The encapsulation also protects the ascorbic acid from being destroyed by stomach acid. 1,000 mg (1 gram) vitamin C tablet or capsule: Absorption 20% = 200 mg into blood stream 1,000 mg Liposomal Vitamin C (1 tbsp Liposomal Encapsulated C): Absorption 80% + = 800 mg + into blood stream In other words, 1 gram of liposomal encapsulated vitamin C (LEC) is equal to 4 grams + worth of regular vitamin C pills.

LEC is even more effective than ascorbic acid injections for absorption into cells. There is no toxic dose of vitamin C. Both FDA and Health Canada recommend 60 mg of vitamin C per day, which is about the content of 1 orange. However, Dr. Linus Pauling, vitamin C guru and the only guy in history to earn two unshared Nobel Prizes determined that the daily dose of vitamin C for optimal health was 18 times that much; Following his own advice, Pauling lived to be 92. He did not eat 17 oranges a day, he took regular vitamin C (ascorbic acid) supplements. Note that taking 1080 mg of regular vitamin C tablets or capsules would result in absorption of only 216 mg. To absorb 216 mg of vitamin C, you would only need to take about a half teaspoon of LEC. Since high doses of vitamin C can cause digestive problems, note that LE is an efficient and safe way to take high doses of vitamin C. You can spend $30 to $60 for 2 ounces of ready made LEC if you want, or you can make it yourself for in minutes for pennies.

Mega-dosing on vitamin C has been known to cure many ailments. It is worth researching the wonders of vitamin C. LEC and Vitamin C Links: Vitamin C Mega-Dosing Continues to Unleash Healing Miracles Around the World: Living Proof Vitamin C Miracle Cure – 60 Minutes: Vitamin C Featured Articles from Natural News: LIPOSOMAL ENCAPSULATED VITAMIN C – As Effective As IV – DIY for Pennies: Brooks Bradley’s simple test to gauge LET efficiency of a liposomal Vitamin C solution: 1) Pour 4 ounces (8 tablespoons) of the finished LET Vitamin C into a 12oz glass. 2) Add 1/4 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate to 1 oz of distilled water, stirring for 3 to 5 seconds. 3) Pour the sodium bicarbonate solution into the LET Vitamin C mixture, stirring. If the resulting foam reaction line from this mixture is half an inch, you will have approximately a 50% encapsulation rate. If the foam is 3/8″ or less you will have approximately 60% encapsulation.

If the foam is 1/8″ thick or less, you will have around 75% encapsulation. Foam occurs when the unencapsulated Vitamin C reacts with the sodium bicarbonate which is added to produce sodium ascorbate. The liposome encapsulated Vitamin C will not react. Thus, the less foam, the more Vitamin C is encapsulated and the more efficient your process. By the way, this test solution should not be discarded as it is still valuable as a medicinal! The formed sodium ascorbate is a very usable form of Vitamin C."I tried your cold/flu therapy, and it works magic!I applaud your efforts." If you place your faith in "medical science" (or those who cloak themselves in that term when they insist that vitamin C has no benefit against the common cold) you may be surprised just how easy it is to halt a viral infection at the onset with high-dose vitamin C. We predict that you will find any of the following high-dose vitamin C cold (and flu) cures surprisingly effective.

At first sign of cold or flu, begin taking at least 8 g (8000 mg) of vitamin C as ascorbic acid every twenty minutes for 3 to 4 hours until bowel tolerance. If symptoms recur, continue smaller dosages of 2-4 g every 4-6 hours for ten days to prevent recurrence. Begin protocol at the first sign of a runny nose, tickle in the throat, etc. If not caught at the beginning, the infection can't be stopped, but you may lessen its severity and duration. Note: 8 grams equals sixteen - 500 mg pills, or eight - 1000 mg pills. The 'trick' here is achieving very high blood serum levels by mouth as described in the Hickey/Roberts book ASCORBATE: The Science of This recommended surefire dosage is 4 times Irwin Stones recommendation of 2 g every 20-30 minutes for the first two to threeIf you have trouble with 8 g, you might try lowering to Stone's dosage for the common cold. If you have a low bowel tolerance or stomach distress from oral vitamin C,

you may experience great benefit from our second surefire Cold/Flu cure: the nasal spray approach. At the onset of a cold, mix 3.1 grams (3100 mg or about 1 teaspoon sodium ascorbate or ascorbic acid crystals) in 100 milliliters (ml) water or saline ( just enough to dissolve all the vitamin.) Use dropper and place 20 drops in each nostril, Place solution in clean, sterile nasal spray device and apply several fine sprays of the ascorbate solution in each nostril. ascorbate soaked cotton balls: in our forum for this alternate nasal approach for chronic sinusitis. Repeat often, perhaps every 15 to 30 minutes for several hours, and then once per hour for 24 hours after all symptoms are gone Take Irwin Stone's 2 g dose orally. The idea behind this technique comes from page 19 of Linus Pauling's book HOW TO LIVE LONGER AND FEEL BETTER (1986 paperback). "Braenden (1973) reports that From this we surmise that, 3.1 g (3100 mg) times 1000 might mean that

the spray or drops nasally is equivalent to 3 Million milligrams or "units" of Vitamin C orally! Feedback on Ascorbate Nasal Spray Interesting idea! A Foundation member found the ascorbic acid spray a little irritating to the nostril, and made his own colloidal silver nasal spray - with This general cure for infection was relayed to us after using the new China-FREE True-Liposomal Vitamin C in the United Kingdom. Half a bottle (or 16 teaspoons) has suppressed infections within six If you have a low bowel tolerance or stomach distress from ordinary oral vitamin C, you may experience great benefit from our their surefire vitamin C Cold/Flu cure: the True-liposomal approach. Note: For all cures, avoid sugars/simple carbs, which may compete with vitamin C for cellular uptake during therapy. effectiveness of vitamin C in preventing and relieving the symptoms of It is amazing that researchers from a major drug company reported two

trials in The Journal of International Medical Research that demonstrated that taking vitamin C plus zinc supplements helps relieve the common cold symptoms and reduce the illness duration. Silvia Maggini at Bayer Consumer Care Ltd in Basel, Switzerland and colleagues presented data from two preliminary, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trials in which patients with the common cold were given a combination of 1000 mg vitamin C and 10 mg zinc for In both trials, the vitamin C plus zinc supplement nonsignificantly reduced rhinorrhoea duration by 9 to 27 percent. In an analysis of combined data from the two trials of 94 subjects, the vitamin C plus zinc supplement reduced rhinorrhoea over a 5-day treatment more Robert Cathcart's Treatment of the flu with massive doses of vitamin C... More Vitamin C for C Supplementation and Respiratory Infections: a Systematic Review... (Alternative viewpoint with low doses)

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