linus pauling vitamin c arthritis

linus pauling vitamin c arthritis

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Linus Pauling Vitamin C Arthritis


Get Started With Your FREE Natural Bone Building Kit.Get a free copy of our ‘Stop The Bone Thieves’ eBook, exclusive content that you can’t find anywhere else, plus vital osteoporosis news and updates. Follow Me On FacebookJoin me on the road…During the next few months I'll be travelling to many cities in Canada to talk about heart disease and other medical issues. I hope I have a chance to meet many of you at the following events: All of Dr. Gifford Jones lectures are free and on a first come, first serve basis and there is no registration (unless otherwise noted). Arrive early as seating may be limited. Natural, Safe Ways To Ease Arthritis Pain “Why shoot a mouse with an elephant gun?” I recently remarked to a patient suffering from osteoarthritis (the wear and tear type). She had never been advised to try a variety of these lesser medications before using stronger drugs which may cause major complications. I believe this vitamin is the most overlooked natural remedy in treating aging joints.

It’s an indisputable fact that vitamin C is needed to produce healthy collagen, a vital component of cartilage. Unhealthy cartilage eventually means bones grind against one another causing pain. Researchers at Boston University Medical Center studied the vitamin C intake of 640 people. They discovered that those with a higher intake of vitamin C were protected against progression of osteoarthritis of the knee and slowed development of knee pain. Remember, animals make vitamin C and humans do not. Linus Pauling, two-time Nobel prize winner believed that due to this fact humans receive enough C in food to stop dying of scurvy. ) for more information on viamin C). Pauling took 20,000 milligrams (mg) daily. The recommended daily dose is 75 mg. But if you decide to take more of this vitamin discuss this matter with your physician. Large amounts can cause diarrhea and abdominal cramps. If you don’t use your joints you lose them. Exercise is the pumping mechanism that pushes vitamin C and other nutrients into joints to nourish cartilage.

I’m convinced that under-use, not just over-use, is the reason why so many people need hip and knee replacements. Glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate These supplements have been used for years in Europe to prevent and treat arthritis. Glucosamine gives cartilage its structure. Chondroitin works with glucosamine to attract and hold water, providing cartilage with its cushioning effect. Several reports show that patients taking 1,500 mg of glucosamine and 1,200 mg of chondroitin daily with meals had less pain and increased mobility compared to those treated with a placebo. But other reports are less enthusiastic about this medication. A sound diet is powerful therapy for any condition and arthritis is no exception. Studies show that a mostly vegetarian diet has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect in improving joint pain. Patients with arthritis should concentrate on complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, vegetables, legumes and fruits. Omega-3 fatty acids are high in EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and are present in fish oils.

They help to ease arthritis pain by decreasing the production of prostaglandins that cause pain and inflammation. Or you can take two 360 mg capsules of EPA twice a day with meals. MyoMed Cream and The New Patch Last year I mentioned that a new natural non-toxic cream called MyoMed was available to ease the pain of arthritis ad other painful conditions. Since that time many readers have told me how much this medication has improved their quality of life. How it’s helped them to return to sporting activities or simply made their life less painful. Today, there are over 300 over-the-counter topical painkillers in North America, but 90 percent of them contain methyl salicylate. But excessive use of this substance can result in serious health problems. MyoMed does not contain this substance. Rather, it’s a combination of six natural, toxin-free anti-inflammatory herbs that provides speedy relief. Now, there’s a MyoMed patch with the same ingredients that provide 24 hour relief of pain and available in over 700 health food stores.

If you use it please send along the result. To my knowledge these natural approaches to treating arthritis hasn’t killed anyone. But in North America every years 26,000 people die from gastrointestinal bleeding due to taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Aspirin, Tylenol, Advil (Ibuprofen) Naproxen and others. Natural remedies can also have side-effects. After all it was hemlock that killed Socrates! But pound for pound natural remedies are much safer than prescription drugs and it seems logical to try these first. Vitamin CResults of a person that has taken high doses of Vitamin C Most Recent Medical TipsChronic joint pain is a plague for 47 million Americans, with a large portion of them having become totally dependent upon expensive pain medications. Despite mountains of misinformation, joint pain does not necessarily need to occur with aging, and it can usually be eliminated naturally, with much safer alternatives. The human body was designed to heal itself when given the appropriate nutrients.

Arthritis is sometimes caused by a virus. This fact is somewhat ignored in the health industry, because the mainstream establishment is unable to kill the virus with antibiotics. Admitting the impotency of their pharmaceutical arsenal would be admitting failure, so they simply lie about it. Their lack of success in stopping the arthritis virus is heralded as unquestionable scientific proof that no virus exists. The logic is very circular. The evidence of the medical cover-up begins with the fact that there are some viral conditions that are known to directly cause arthritis, such as hepatitis and Lyme disease. Furthermore, arthritis should only occur in regions which have been historically aggravated or injured. If arthritis begins spreading throughout a body like they admit that arthritis does, then it is obviously not the result of an injury or of regionalized inflammation. Injuries cannot move about with a will of their own, even if our modern medical science claims that they do. Finally, there are alternative therapies that actually kill the (supposedly non-existent) virus, such as colloidal silver;

to effect a permanent cure. Be warned about Internet scoundrels who recommend using toxic borax to kill the virus, because borax is very dangerous, and it is likely to yield long-term organ damage. The supplemental treatments work by correcting deficiencies. People with exceptional diets and lifestyles do not suffer chronic diseases like arthritis. Our soils are now so minerally deficient that even well-balanced diets are not always enough. Always choose organic produce whenever it is available, and read the PLU numbers on produce to avoid genetically engineered produce. Eating wholesome, home-made foods is a primary step in the elimination of health conditions. Society's reliance upon processed foods has left it chronically malnourished and physiologically inflamed. Pay close attention to the effects of lotions. Most lotions damage the liver to eventually produce cascading health problems. They are one of the many hidden chemical industry gotchas that are found in retailers.

For these reasons, we formulated our own copper-based lotion. We could not find anything commercially that we believed was fit for human usage, so we created a copper lotion containing natural ingredients. When Arthritis is Not Really Arthritis An entirely different therapy and a parasite cleanse are necessary for an unknown percentage of arthritis cases, because the "arthritis" is sometimes Lyme disease that has been misdiagnosed, or another parasitic condition. Nevertheless, some of the symptom treatments herein may be of use for pain. It is especially likely to be misdiagnosed Lyme disease in cases of juvenile arthritis, because this condition historically did not exist. Reference the report about Lyme disease, if you need a detailed Lyme disease treatment protocol. Naturally Curing Lyme Disease and Chronic Lyme Disease Aging Doesn't Equal Weight Gain, Slowed Metabolism, Poor Health, or Fatigue How MSG (Monosodium Glutamate) is Hidden in Your Foods and its Antidote, Taurine

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