


Common expressions

a light bulb

switch the light on/off

leave the light on

the light comes on

Common expressions

Match the halves:

1. I switched on the light by my bed

2. Don't forget to switch the lights off

3. The street lights come on

4. You left the light on in the bathroom

5. He must be in.

6. It was so dark that I couldn't find

7. I had to stand on a chair to change

a. at about 7 o'clock at this time of year.

b. The light in his room is still on.

c. the light bulb.

d. when you go out.

e. and read for about an hour.

f. all night again!

g. the light switch.

1-e 2-d 3-a 4-f 5-b 6-g 7-c




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