

It's crazy how much life changes.

One day I was seventeen in high school. Only thing on my mind was boys, cars, and college. Working shitty retail. Everything easy. Graduation coming soon.

One day I was eighteen, spontaneously moving across country with the boy I fell so hard for. Only thing on my mind was jobs, apartments, and occasional homesickness. Working numerous jobs. Everything so real. Bills suck. 

One day I was nineteen, engaged to the depressed boy. Only thing on my mind was loneliness, insecurity, and so much love. Starting a career. Everything is much harder. Love isn't always enough. 

One day I was twenty, in a hospital room, holding the boys hand. Only thing on my mind is his closed eyes, his loose grip, his last breath. Everything is dark for a long time.

Today I am twenty-one. Back home, working the same shitty retail job from when I was seventeen. Only thing on my mind is school work, my happiness, and all the love that surrounds me. I lost everything, but found so much more. Everything is okay.

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