Level Up!

Level Up!


Congrats on reaching level 10!

Here are some new features that you have unlocked:

Part 1: Classes

Part 2: Skills

Part 3: Crafting

Part 4: Exchange

Part 5: Auction

Part 1: Class Selection

This is a bit like maplestory with the multiple job selections.

Once you select your class, THERE IS NO GOING BACK. You are an Esquire or Master FOREVER. Choose wisely, consult your leaders, take a few minutes, anything, consider your options.

In chat wars, there are 2 main types of classes which you can choose at level 10:

ESQUIRE - Attack/Defense class

Esquires are basically the fighters that make up the basis of the castle. Either you deal heavy damage to opponent castle or defend us with your high defense. You grow in stats, and gear yourself to become stronger and help the castle win wars.

At level 20, you will be able to choose between Ranger, Knight and Sentinel.

🗡 Knights (The mobilized army of a castle, they are the ones that fight to get inside enemy castles.)

🛡Sentinel (The stationary army of a castle, they stand guard at the gates and repel intruders.)

🏹 Rangers (The adventurers of the castle. They are good for defense and attacking, need to set atk/def target a few hours before war time. Because of this, rangers get advanced orders so will require very trusted players in order to be one!)

MASTER - Support class

Master on the other hand, is the support. You help players with potions, equipment and recipes depending on the job you choose. Expect yourself not to do well in battle but to contribute to the castle through the support you give to other players.

As a level 20 Master, you will be able to choose between Collector, Alchemist and Blacksmith.

 ⚒ Blacksmith (Uses metal and materials to craft advanced weapons and armor for the castle, taking advantage of heat and metallurgy to give power to the soldiers.)

⚗️Alchemist (Gathers herbs and brews potions to provide buffs to friendlies and debuffs enemies.)

📦 Collectors (Backbone of a castle. They provide stock/resources for use within the castle.)

🌟 The castle always lacks attack so it’s recommended for you to choose ESQUIRE.

And ours is a ranger squad so we’ll recommend you choose ranger as well 🤗 We’ll explain more in the level 20 guide :)

More info on classes: @chatwarsguide


Part 2: Skills

Now you finally have some skills to add!

Well, there’s really only 2 that are absolutely important that you add before level 20:

Enlightened Warrior - Gives you more exp from battles

Prudent Duelist - Gives you more exp when you arena. (TIME TO MAX THAT 5/5 ARENA DAILY)!

These are skills that will give you more exp and get you to level 20 fasterrrrrr!

The other skill points you can save til level 20.


Part 3: Crafting

OMG. The single most important feature in the game. Crafting!

Access through castle > Workshop

Crafting allows you to combine your stock to created more complex materials/equips. Get all the crafting recipes from @CCCrafting

Some useful things you can consider crafting:

  • Torch (reduces amount of time for night questing and gives you additional items)
  • Coke (you’ll need this to craft torch)
  • Pouch of gold (for use in auction later in game)
  • Wrapper (wrap extra equipment and it won’t drop in war)

Part 4: Exchange

Buying and selling in Chat Wars is crucial for storing resources before battle, and making the big money! This guide will show you how to buy, sell, and store on the ⚖️ Exchange. 

Think of this exactly like the stock market. Prices of items fluctuate according to demand and supply.

Exchange at level 10 gives you 2 slots to buy and sell.

Once on the exchange, you’ll get a list (in order) of a small guide on how to use the market, active deals and a /command to cancel the offer, and the ability to review your past 10 market transactions under /trades.

Buying stocks from the exchange:

/t (item) to search the item (ie /t thread) or /t_(itemcode), (ie /t_01 for thread) to go directly to the item itself.

Items are defined by their itemcode. Each one has a different one, and some are important to know by heart!

From there you can see the current market price of the items and buy/sell.

Once you select an item to buy you can choose to buy one. The basic structure is: 


So example, if I wanted to buy 3 bones, I would do:


Selling stocks

Selling is very similar to buying, except you’re giving away resources this time. In order to sell an item, observe market prices. Want a fast sale? Sell 1 below lowest price. Want long term wealth? Sell at market price. To sell, use:


(Cost being how much you’d like to sell it for)

If I wanted to sell the bones I bought earlier for 10 gold a piece, I would do:


Try to keep your money in stock. When you need to get money to upgrade your equip, sell your stock to get the gold.

🌟 Check out this useful link that maps out the average price of each stock over time, before you decide whether to buy or sell:


Hiding stocks in the exchange:

Any items that are in the exchange cannot be lost during war.

As such, it is highly recommended for you to keep your most valuable/highest quantity stock in the exchange before war by selling them for 1000g each.

Setting a high selling price per item will ensure that no one will buy it. You can remove them after war.

How to do it:

/wts_(itemcode)_(quantity)_1000 or forward your /stock to the castle bot. The bot will forward you a list of items you might choose to save as well as the commands needed to save them in the exchange. Forward the command for whichever stock you want back to Chat Wars. Tadaa! Your stock is now safe and secure in the exchange.


  1. If you want to look up something over and over, use the ItemID instead of name. Example, /t_01 to create a tap-able, repeatable command. It’s useful when used to watch an item for a cheap offer. 
  2. You can use chat wars helper bot (@chtwrsCastleBot) to give you alerts when your item sells.

Part 5: Auction

Auction is exactly what it is. You put your items on sale and players get to bid for them. Highest bidder wins. But a few caveats:

  1. Pouch of gold is the currency for auction. So make sure you have a few on hand before you start auctioning!
  2. You need to place a deposit of 1 pouch to get a slot in the auction. This pouch is returned to you when your item is sold. However, if no one bids on your item, your 1 pouch will be forfeited.
  3. Equipments need to be wrapped before you can auction them.

🌟 So make sure you are serious about selling the items you are auctioning! Auctioning useless equipments like hat will not get you bids.

Once you’ve decided to put something up on auction, you can make the following adjustments:

  • Set time: /l_<lot no>_time <number of hours> (Do note that 1 game hour is 20 mins actual time; 3 game hours -> 1 hour)
  • Set min price: /l_<lot no>_price <number>
  • Start bids: /l_<lot no>_start
  • Cancel bid: /l_<lot no>_cancel (your 1 pog deposit will be forfeited)

To find an item in auction, type:

/au (item)

So if I were looking for all the hunter armor in the market, I would type.

/au hunter armor

All the available lots will show up, along with the time left.

🌟Due to the nature of the game, you do not really need to bother with Auction until later on as you can obtain your current required equip through the shop.

Auction is needed for higher level players to collect recipes and parts to craft level 25+ weapons.

Pro tip:

🌟 If you have someone buying your item before you put on exchange, you can let them know the lot number beforehand so that they can bid for it once the lot is live.

For more advanced tips feel free to ask!

Thanks :)

Credit: GeorgeTheMiner, Erebus for certain parts of guide

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