

Hello, my friend

Thank you for your letter, I was glad to read it.
I have heard that Canada is a great country to travel, especially its sightseeing places. Unfortunately, I am not able to travel during Summer time because of my work, however, the whole of September will be a perfect time for travelling. Also, in my opinion, the best way to travel is travelling by train. The main reason for this mode of travel is that the train is the best vehicle to see all the beautiful natural places in Canada. On the other hand, there are some problems related to travel. The first issue is the ticket prices, considering that Canada is far from my country, the plane or train tickets' prices will be high. Secondly, I have a fear of flying, that means that it is going to be hard for me to fly to another continent without stressful conditions. Nevertheless, I believe that this travel will be fun and interesting and I am in anticipation of this journey.

Kind regards,

(Имя - Фамилия)

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