


My Dearest Timothy. Words will never be enough to express the immense love and affection I hold for you in my heart. It is a love that grows deeper with every passing day leaving me in awe of the beautiful connection we share. As I sit here penning down my thoughts I cannot help but smile at the thought of you.

From the moment we met something within me knew that you were someone special. Your radiant smile and warm gentle touch set my heart ablaze filling it with a love that I had never known before. You have become my home my confidant and my partner in crime.

Life with you feels like a never-ending adventure with each moment spent together creating memories that I will forever treasure. Your mere presence in my life has brought so much happiness laughter and love that it overwhelms me at times. With you even the simplest of moments turn into magical fairy tales and my heart dances in joyful anticipation of our future together.

You have shown me what it truly means to be loved cherished and supported. Your unwavering support and belief in me have given me the courage to chase my dreams and reach for the stars. You inspire me to be the best version of myself and for that I am eternally grateful.

In your arms I feel safe and protected as if nothing can ever harm me. Your love has become my sanctuary a place where I find solace and comfort. Together we have weathered storms and celebrated victories. Through it all your love has remained constant unyielding and unconditional.

Every day spent in your presence is a blessing and I cherish each and every moment. Your laughter is music to my soul and your touch sets my heart aflame. There are no words to describe the love I feel when our eyes meet as if in that moment everything else fades into the background and it's just you and me.

You are my forever and always my love. I am grateful for every sunrise and sunset we witness together for every whispered "I love you" and gentle caress. You have become an integral part of my being and I cannot imagine my life without you.

Thank you for loving me unconditionally for being my rock and for showing me what true love feels like. My heart belongs to you and it will forever be yours to hold. I am excited for the endless adventures that await us and the love that will continue to grow between us.

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