


My name is Farzona. I am not perfect, but everyday i work hard to pursue the ideal that was shaped by 8 years old me. I am extremely determined to get a higher education somewhere where your personality will be listened, understood, estimated. Currently, i live in the area that lacks of not only social and educational support, but also freedom to self-realization, with the low degree of education rank. Hence, I prepared myself and my future to defense what I believe and appreciate.

In 2015, I have finished the school with scores that allowed me to be thankful for my patience and hard work, and be a good girl for my parents. As I entered the Westminster lyceum, my life transformed to the large globe of events, social work and studying. Indeed, I had a great experience in all spheres of life. This educational tornado swallowed me for the next 2 years. During the years in the globe, I was a member of lyceum volunteer community, full-time photographer of our lyceum magazine, participant of chess club held every month. The reason for this impetuous omnipresence was a simple desire, in one way egoistic. I profoundly wanted to be useful and estimated. That was an output of the deprivation of self-belief and self-confidence. The problem, I have been solving since school after an ordinary history lesson. Once at school, I had to express my thoughts during the history class, what was not posing any difficulties at that moment. However, by a cruelty of my classmates I was laughed for my point of view considered like a foolish. That day I cried for the rest of my life, as I thought. The next years, I was trying to go with a flow, anything is better than being a black sheep.

Thus, in lyceum I crave the idea to change myself and be above someone’s taunts. My endeavors, they did not take long to see. As soon as the introduction week finished, my plan was in its way to achievement. The first step was to win the class chief position. I was freshman, like the majority of my 32 classmates I did not know anybody there, so I got on well with a girl, then with another. In the end I assembled the group of 6 girls, the group that we lately called “Hexagon” and even become a football team during the high school years, in fact, we stay in touch to the present day. I presented myself as an ambitious, joyful and full of desire to help. One week before the election, I have already made a good campaign with a help of my girls and a well-prepared speech which couldn’t get out of my mouth; I had a disagreeable talk with my opposition, who treated me like a silly girl against the majority who were boys. I was so excited and angry, so even do not remember how everything passed. But the one thing was clear- I won.

Besotted with the evanescent taste of glory, I break the ice of my long-lasting silence and started to prepare a plan for the next 10 years, which were including my education in France. French has always been a part of my soul and a way of self-expression. The decision has been made and the mission completed. I was about to pack my baggage.

September 2018, a month of a war between me and my parents, this time, the luck was not on my side. I returned home after two weeks of studying in a language that I esteem the most.

That is interesting how life provides you with various obstacles, and it is only you decide who you want to be. Looking throw my life, I understood that I am truly inspired to discover and collect knowledge, be useful, be a small part of  a society who simply help people just because we are all humans. I am really convinced that support and attention are not the last gestures needed to lead a happy life. Perhaps, I may seem to be naïve to desperately believe that we are capable to help everyone in this world. In fact, all we need to do is simply pay attention.

To conclure, i would appeal you to pay attetion to someone you know only from this letter. I know the studing abroad is going to be a challege. I am ready to withstands all the surprises of life and hope to contribute my talets and abilities to your university and be a meritorius/worthwhile/valuable member.

Thank you for your cosideration and time.

P.S.Should i write i am looking forward bla bla bla?

the end is a little bit desperate

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