


Let's know exactly about Mega Cloud ...

WidoxLKJuly 19, 2021

We all need a place to keep our own files so we usually keep our files on a pen drive or a hard drive.

But suppose we have a big file and we need to download it later. Then we have a question as to where to keep this file. And suppose we make a document or a presentation, we now need to send it to about 30 on average. So at that time we send this file or document to Telegram or WhatsApp. We all know that it can be a little confusing because when we try to do our document separately like WhatsApp, we get in trouble. Must be sent separately. When I send a document to a group and then put another 5 messages in the group, it takes a while for someone to search for that file. So cloudstorage is the solution to all this. So we all know that cloud storage is Google Drive , One Drive , Dropbox , Mega Cloudall belong to this. Now you all know what cloud storage is. 😊 So we 've all used google drive, one drive before so you know how these work but the most special thing about all of this is the mega cloud. Today I am going to simply tell you everything about it from the beginning. The article is a bit long but it will be very useful for you not to be lazy ...

As I said before, Mega Cloud is a bit different than other cloud storage.

1.Download Technology


3.Upload Technology

4.Mega Chat

5.Free storage size and low price premium plans

Here are the special things about Mega Cloud. Let's talk about that in detail now.

1 . Download Technology

The main reason why Mega Cloud is changing with other things is this Download Technology. Now we have a Mega link. When we click on that link to download it, it will open in the web browser. Then the download button will be clicked. But when we download another file, the web browser will show that it is downloading. If it is a desktop pc, press ctrl + j in the web browser and the download page will be displayed. This page shows all the files that we have downloaded and downloaded. But when we download a file in the mega cloud it does not show that. The reason is that mega cloud is a bit different. No matter how many downloads it has, the download speed is shown on the page that opens when we click on the link in the Mega file. The reason for that is the encrypted technology left in the Mega cloud to protect our information. In Sinhala, the encryption decrypts every downloaded file and downloads itself. That downoad is not directly to the hard drive but to the temporary memory of our computer or smartphone. When the file is downloaded to that temporary memory, it will be downloaded to the hard drive at once. Because the file is downloaded to the temporary memory without the hard drive directly, it does not show up on the download page.

So how do we easily download a file in Mega cloud? All you have to do is download the Mega Cloud app to your computer and phone. If you download a file from the mega cloud using this desktop app or mobile app, you can download it at 2 twice the speed of a normal web browser.

This is what it looks like when you go to Mega Cloud and download a file from your phone's web browser.

Here is how to load a mega cloud file.

How to download Mega Android and Windows App?

All you have to do is click on the link below and go to that site and download the Windows software.


It can be downloaded very quickly from the Mega Cloud desktop app.

If you want to download the Android app to your phone, you can go to this link and download it. Or go to the Google Play store and search for Mega and the app will come up. He has to install it.


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