
A simple idea to create a platform for lending a wide range of cryptoassets.
The service will be available through a desktop and mobile version that makes the use of the platform convenient and affordable.
The use of the platform provides an opportunity for cryptoasset holders to earn revenue from them without sale, which makes the platform particularly interesting for various types of traded funds and other professional players.
The platform will provide an opportunity for large players to receive the needed liquidity to perform speculation that are available in traditional markets such as short sell, arbitrage and so on, which are almost inaccessible in the most cryptocurrency exchanges.
Also, the usage of the well-defined deposit refund system minimizes the risks to lenders.
So we have a platform that will be convenient and mobile enough due to available applications, automated and transparent due to the smart contracts, and the platform that will work with ample liquidity due to targeting of professional players and cryptocurrency wallets services.

According to the answer from Telegram: “Block chain and ICO adds “a lot of useful things” to the area of the cryptocurrency lending.

In our understanding it is a decentralization that allows this platform to become an assistant, not a mediator. And it will ensure transparency of online transactions; guarantee the direct funds flow between lenders and borrowers.

Of course there are a lot of questions about whether you need a block chain or not, but it should be stated, that considering interesting functions of this token it is needed.

Steve Swain (co-founder and CEO). He has more than 500 connections in LinkedIn and 1867 followers. He dedicated the whole career to the banking and risk strategies. He worked in such companies as Lehman Brothers, Credit Suisse, UBS, PWS, etc.

Linda Wang (co-founder and COO). She has more than 500 connections in LinkedIn and 3397 followers. She has worked in Token Card for 2 months and worked as an operation consultant in Deloitte UK. In general, she doesn’t have extensive experience. Her remit includes finance and technology.

Luca Sbardella (CTO). He is working as a chief developer in Quantmind – dynamic quant ltd for almost 10 years. He develops technological solutions for large companies and so on. He was an advisor in BoA, Citi, etc. He has active Github: 2091 edits in the past year. 118 stars, 67 followers.

Bryan Du (Product Manager). He has 460 connections in LinkedIn. He has quite extensive experience in large companies, where he worked as a product consultant of electronic trading. Credit Suisse, RBS, Deutsche Bank, UBS, etc.

Julien Klepatch (developer).  He has more than 500 connections in LinkedIn. He is developing applications on the basis of Ethereum, he has helped with the developing of the last fork for Monero. Before that he has worked in software developing for financial sector. He has a GitHub: 144 edits in the past year, 6 stars and 13 followers.

Qing Xian Lee (developer). He develops smart contracts. He founded the CodeTract Company that works on the technical support of ICO (smart contract developing, transaction analytics, etc). There is no GitHub.

Andrew Mullinger The connection is confirmed. He has more than 500 connections in LinkedIn and 1396 followers. He is a co-founder of funding circle [the platform for express loans for small and medium-sized businesses. It is quite large company that operates in 5 countries. Loan size is to 1.000.000 pounds. In fact, it is the LendingBlock, but without crypt.] He was involved in risk management in large companies.

Alberto Sonnino The connection is confirmed indirectly. He is quite doubtful adviser; he has PhD in information security. He works as a teaching assistant in the university he had finished. He doesn’t have experience per se.

Chalie Beach The connection is confirmed. He has more than 500 connections in LinkedIn; he is quite experienced advisor in finance. He has experience at a top-level positions in PwC, UBS, IG.

Kingsley Advani The connection is confirmed. He has more than 500 connections in LinkedIn and 6757 followers. He has one year experience at IBM, one year at BNP Paribas. He is an investor of majority successful ICO (Neo, Wanchain, Ethereum, etc).

Alphablock. It is a new investment company. There aren’t still at the crunchbase.

Astronaut capital, the same, it is a new company. The investment pool is approximately 1.2 m dollars.

Fengshui capital. It is not currently clear.

MW partners. It is may be a consulting company.

GBIC. They are cryptoinvestors. There is no information about investment pool. It is a new company. Successful investments are Wax and ICON.

Investors are quite ordinary and unconfirmed. But at least they are here.

PassFort – KYC&AML

Norton rose fulright – издание, новостной партнер

Isolas – юридический партнер

Digital radish – партнер по маркетингу

Crowdcreate – партнер по сопровождению ICO

The roadmap is clear and detailed, it is scheduled for months. But if you look closely, there are some cons. Namely, duration is mentioned just till August 2018; low informativity, e.g. information about may-june-july is really doesn’t need to be here.

5% is for private sale, 15% is for founders, 5% is for team, 5% is for community support, 15% is for development fund, 55% is for sale.

Salt again, EthLend, jibrel network, etc. But there is a significant difference between companies. Salt and Jibrel Network are in addition to lending are engaged in other things. As for ETHLend, it is focused mainly on the ETH. And Lendingblock plans to work with all cryptocurrencies.

Telegram: 3258 users, answer wait time is approximately one minite. There are 2-3 notifications a minute.  

Twitter: 1957 followers, 228 likes, the last post 52 minutes ago.

Facebook/LinkedIn/Medium/YouTube: FB – 95 likes,

99 followers. LinkedIn – 146 connections. Medium is absent.

Reddit: 27 subscribers.

Bitcointalk: updates and bounty threads, mentions in another threads.

GitHub: check, closed (admins’ answer).

All the links are at the project web-site
The metrics is good, they collect not so much, it is rare nowadays, competent distribution of tokens.
High ROI for projects in this sphere.
Rapidly distribution of tokens.
Business model is clear.

Publicity is low
The usage of  blockchain technology is not really clear.
A base of borrowers and creditors is absent.
A large maximum bonus (even if it is a small bonus in percentage terms of the total fee.)

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