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Lego Wall-E Nxt


Please, wait while we are validating your browserWall-E из конструктора LEGO может убирать мусор Мультики Pixar любят многие — в самом деле, в них всегда есть о чём поразмыслить, да и сделаны они практически всегда отлично. Один энтузиаст из Монреаля, Марк-Андре Базергюи, умудрился построить из конструктора LEGO модель пиксаровского персонажа, робота-мусорщика Wall-E. При этом робот много чего умеет — ведь он основан не только на пластмассовых блоках, но и на специальном компьютере NXT, который также делает LEGO. Про некоторые вещи, которые можно делать с помощью него, можно прочитать здесь, а пока посмотрим на Wall-У из LEGO.

Базергюи делал его 250 часов. В результате получился робот высотой 20 см, который может повторять практически все движения и трансформации своего прототипа. Например, он может сложиться в куб или может передвигаться по местности на гусеницах, управляемый с пульта. Он также может подбирать предметы, смотреть вверх и ему можно запрограммировать несколько действий, которые он произведёт последовательно без вмешательства оператора. Справедливости ради нужно заметить, что Wall-E из LEGO собирали многие (форма робота просто обязывает), но ни одна модель не была столь забавной.

В конце-концов, этот Wall-E ещё и исполняет свои прямые обязанности: может подобрать мусор, который вы оставили на полу и донести до мусорного ведра, а вам не придётся вставать с кресла. Почта защищена сервером "СПАМОРЕЗ"$20.75 Metal Gear Mini-Servos with mounting Kit for NXT/EV3 Model: SMK902MG Quantity: 913 ItemsThis kit contains a very compact, light duty servo motor, mounting plates, horn plates and mounting hardware to integrate it with your NXT/EV3 contraptions. The kit comes with mounting instructions. Quantity: This kit is designed to integrate a light duty servo motor with your NXT contraptions. It is ideal for low force, high precision movements such as steering mechanism, or camera shutter release. The kit contains:Very compact and lightweight servo motorMounting plates to mount servo on your contrpationHorn plates to attach Servo axis to your contrapationsMounting screws and instructionsThe kit does not include blue pins as shown in the picture.

/ev3-and-nxt/25-8-channel-servo-controller-for-nxt-or-ev3Customer PostsMLCAD Rendering by PhiloThe requested URL /spip.php?article2167 was not found on this server.In 1948 Alan Turing described a Logical Computing Machine with the following definition: "An infinite memory capacity obtained in the form of an infinite tape marked out into squares on each of which a symbol could be printed. At any moment there is one symbol in the machine; it is called the scanned symbol. The machine can alter the scanned symbol and its behavior is in part determined by that symbol, but the symbols on the tape elsewhere do not affect the behavior of the machine. However, the tape can be moved back and forth through the machine, this being one of the elementary operations of the machine. Any symbol on the tape may therefore eventually have an innings."This concept is known today as the Turing Machine. Enter the NXT Turing Machine:The NXT Turing Machine was made as a computer science project at Aarhus University.

The NXT robot travels along a track which is the memory. Bricks are shifted up or down to represent their logic states. The whole system is run using the PC in a Java based GUI. Commands such as read, write, and move are sent to the NXT using bluetooth.The guys at Lego of Doom have an absolutely writeup of their project and I would very highly recomend that you check it out! Just a cool little tidbit I picked up on while surfing around, someone has come up with a Mindstorms NXT version of the robot WALL-E from the new upcoming Pixar movie! I can't wait to see the flick and this only makes me want to see it even more!Check it out here. WiigoBotLego Mindstorms NXT SegwaySPC (Self Parking Car)NXT Rubik's cube solver - Final versionDanny's Mindstorms NXT Rubik Cube Solver Here is a cool project I ran across while browsing YouTube. A group of software creators used the NXT system to create a fully functioning warehouse environment. I've seen some really cool robots created over the past few years.

Alot of times I try to emulate their creations and make them myself. The problem however is that I just can't seem to nail down exactly how the robot was put together.Each creation that is featured is listed with a title, description, and full set of building instructions via Brickshelf. Furthermore, it is listed if that robot can be made with the usual 8527 kit. Then each set of instructions is rated in bricks on it's dificulty with one stud being the lowest and three the highest. Finally, there is a catagory for a NXT-Gprogram, if provided by the creator.You can find the Mindstorms Building Instructions website at: ‘Brick does not endorse this girlly brick thing. It’s basically a Lego photo frame from Brando, for little girls or those with girlly cubicles. You don’t attach other bricks to it. Instead you attach little flowery accessories like a clock, hair brush, cell phone, and hair dryer for some reason. Looks like it comes in white and purple.

You’ll want to hide this in the same spot you hide your Hannah Montana stuff, so your co-workers don’t make fun and call you a sissy girlly man. But if you’re going to buy this for your little girl, it will cost you $16, even though the whole thing is pretty lame. I’m sure she has Legos already and can make this herself.Bazmarc from the Trossen Robotics Community Forums has built a Lego Wall-E that kills all others dead. It has more movement, therefore more cuteness. It’s the Lego NXT Autonomous Wall-E Robot! Of course it looks like Wall-E, but also has some impressive features. Like I said, it’s movements blow other Wall-E Lego projects away. The result is that it’s more genuine. It’s a TRC Project Contest entry and though they haven’t even announced the contest yet, I can’t imagine anything else beating this little guy.Technical specs: Technical specs: 1 Mindstorms NXT with rechargable pack, 3 Lego NXT Servo Motors, 4 Lego PowerFonctions motors, 2 PF IR receiver, 1 UltraSonic sensor, 1 Sound sensor, 1 InfraRed link sensor, (HiTechnic), 1 NXTservo module and 1 mini RC servo, (Mindsensors), 10 AA batteries, Lego parts mainly from the Bulldozer set #8275 and other parts from various technic sets.

Check out a short video below.The time is now for a LEGO backpack my fellow geeks. What with back to school and all. Obviously it’s awesome because it looks like a LEGO brick, but just think, it not only will carry your schoolbooks, but you can also fill it up with LEGOS so you can easily transport all your bricks and build something cool wherever you go.I know what you’re thinking. Won’t I look uncool? Won’t I get beat up if I wear that? You just might and that’s not my problem. But I figure if you’ve got nerd nads enough to buy this thing, you probably have no problem wearing it whatever the consequences. Each of the little “brick nipples”(Hey, what do you call them?) is an individual zippered storage compartment, so it’s got plenty of storage.Legos aren’t just for play you know. They can also be used to construct and even fix important real life things that you can use. Like this Lego PC case for example. Looking like some shiny black monolith, it’s made entirely out of black Lego bricks.

Look how nice and shiny that is. He didn’t just randomly put Lego bricks together either. He used MLCAD to specifically design the PC before building.The PC is a Mini-ITX form factor that allows for a low power PC inside, which runs a 1.5GHz VIA C7 processor and has a 250GB Seagate hard drive. It’s even got dual gigabite ports on the JetWay motherboard. Check out the below video to see how he did it. Yet another real life situation solved by Legos. Have you played with Legos today?Here’s something that makes my cold geek heart melt, skip a beat and pop out of my chest cartoon style. This Lego version of Donkey Kong actually moves people! Donkey Kong throws rolling barrels at Mario and Mario jumps. Have a look at the video below.I’m not joking when I say that it’s right up there with the toaster and the waffle maker. The guy even made it play the Donkey Kong game start song. If I were rich I would create a Think tank with guys like this, throw a trillion bucks at them and see what else they could do.

I would advance geekery and nerdum ahead by a good thousand years.What’s a guy to do for a hobby when he has a love for both NES and Lego? Combine them of course. More specifically recreate all kinds of classic NES awesomeness using Legos. Scenes from such games as Metal Gear, Duck Hunt, Excitebike, Bionic Commando, Contra, Mortal Combat, Castlevania and more.These aren’t just slapped together scenes either, but highly detailed snapshots of the game. It’s like a walk down memory lane using Lego vision. It must have taken him hours to do all the work. And a lot of game pausing.Is there anything Lego can’t do? This guy builds himself an authentic old time record player using Legos and a plastic cup in under 3 minutes. Then proceeds to play himself a record, thereby proving the whole deal isn’t just the product of too much bong water. In this video we also learn that a coffee cup will improve the sound quality of a Lego turntable. Fred and Friends has a cool-looking fake Lego cutlery set that will hopefully make it to market.

Although judging by the picture, they believe that everyone uses utensils to eat apples and bananas for some reason.These have a great look, but what’s really cool is that the handles are silicone and they snap together just like Legos. So, let’s say you’re eating steak. Attach the knife to the fork in opposite directions, for awesome cutting then stabbing action. It’s also great for playing at the table while waiting on dinner. You could construct a bunch of cool cutlery things. Better then a Duplo set.This has got to be the coolest Star Wars Lego creation ever. This my friends is a $400 Death Star, comprised of nearly 4,000 pieces and yes, it is available to order. Go change your nerd pants. It shows off 14 classic scenes from the Death Star from the original trilogy. Comes with 25 mini-figs and droids that seem more awesome then usual. You know what you must do geeks. Go without a few comics, pull an extra shift, see if mom will let you slide on this month’s basement rent.We knew it had to happen sooner or later.

And it will happen often from here on out. Geeks love LEGO and we also love adorable robots. Building a LEGO Wall-E is serious business too. Joe Meno, editor of Brickjournal magazine, took three months planning it and the end result is a beautiful thing to behold. The end result is a Lego robot with a moving neck and arms, plus rolling treads. Wall-E was cute already. In Lego form he’s twice as awesome. But what about Eve?This has got to be the coolest Lego Johnny Five from Short Circuit I have ever seen. It’s creator is user rack911 from The Brothers Brick. (No relation to us, but on the Brick family tree somewhere)Go ahead and check out a ton of pictures of the project at the Brickshelf Gallery. See, this is the kind of thing that Lego needs to be paying attention to. I would buy it and you would buy it. Robots are cool, Legos are cool. Put the two together and it’s geek magic. He did an excellent job.Check out this amazingly detailed ’66 Barris Batmobile LEGO replica. The creator has a great eye for detail and even included a Bat-Phone in the car.

The Batman and Robin figures are pretty awesome too.Now, if Lego had this kind of amazing creation sitting on the store shelves, I’d be buying one faster then 1960′s Batman can slide down the Bat-pole. I’d love to see what the creator would do with the rest of the Bat-verse. Definitely a high point in an otherwise slow news day.As kids, we all built our share of toy weapons out of LEGO, but the end result was always a mess of different colored bricks that just looked weird. Here are some more authentic looking weapons. We told you about the Glock 17, but BrickGun actually has several models available. The BrickGun models are surprisingly accurate when compared to their real life counterparts. At the moment the company sells 5 different models including a Beretta 92FS, a Desert Eagle Mark XIV, a Glock 17 and 19, plus a limited edition Heckler & Koch MP5 which is sold out at the moment.They won’t fire a projectile, but they have ‘working’ triggers, slides, hammers and other moving parts.

The handgun kits range in price from $39.99 to $59.99 and include all the LEGO pieces and instructions you’ll need. Or you can order a CD with just the instructions or even purchase PDF files directly from the BrickGun website.The BrickGun Glock 17 is obviously our gun of choice here at the Brick. It’s perfect for LEGO related crime, and would come in real handy if you ever find yourself in an alternate universe where humans are LEGO people. It’s built to a 1:1 scale so it fits your hand just like the real thing.It looks just like a LEGO replica, and even shares many details of the actual glock. You can even pull the slide back and cock the internal striker. Pulling the trigger will cause the striker to fall with a nice loud “click”. The slide can also be opened like the real deal when the magazine is emptied. Good thing this doesn’t shoot anything, so you can’t put somebody’s eye out. No word on pricing yet.Here at the Brick we’ve reported on our share of MP3 players, but these plastic and unofficial Lego-like bricks are one of the coolest/lamest, depending on your perspective.

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