lego wall-e and eve

lego wall-e and eve

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Lego Wall-E And Eve


You've wandered off the path!The web page you requested from our site could not be found.Frink LegoSimpsons LegosimpsonsLego BricknetworkPatrol LegoIdea LegoGalaxy PatrolPowerpigGroup LegoLego GalaxyForwardThanks to @PowerPig for the idea #LEGO_Galaxy_Patrol #LEGO #Simpsons #LEGOsimpsons #ProfessorFrink #Frink @lego_group @lego @bricknetwork @brickcentral)submitted by to r/lego les Points à relieret à colorierLEGO 21303 Wall E Beschikbaarheid: Niet op voorraad WALL-E is de kleine, vierkante robot met enorme ogen die je heel menselijk aankijken. De sympathieke machine is een ster uit de gelijknamige Pixar animatiefilm uit 2008, waarin WALL-E verliefd wordt op robot EVE. De LEGO 21303 WALL-E bestaat uit 677 onderdelen en is nog geen 20 cm groot. Toch is de LEGO 21303 WALL-E voorzien van alle belangrijke robotfuncties. Op zijn driehoekige rupsbanden rolt hij vooruit. Zijn armen kunnen alle kanten op buigen en de buik is met een luikje te openen. In zijn hand houdt hij een plantje, het bewijs van leven dat hij op de aarde heeft gevonden.

Maar het meest typerend voor WALL-E zijn de grote, sprekende ogen, die je in allerlei posities kunt zetten om hem verschillende gezichtsuitdrukkingen te geven. Met die vertederende blik zal WALL-E ongetwijfeld je hart snel veroveren!  • Inclusief verstelbare nek, beweegbaar hoofd, armen die op allerlei manieren kunnen worden bewogen, grijphanden, afvalruimte met klep en rupsbanden • Ook inclusief laatste-plant-op-aarde element • Bouw de authentieke LEGO versie van de geliefde robot! • Ideaal als displaymodel en voor rollenspel • Draai de nek en zet het hoofd in diverse standen • Beweeg de armen omhoog, omlaag en zijwaarts • Pak het plantje op met de grijphanden van WALL•E • De achterklep kan worden geopend en gesloten • Inclusief boekje met informatie over de ontwerper en over de Pixar Pixar animatiefilm • Het perfecte cadeau voor alle fans van LEGO speelgoed en WALL•E! • Afmetingen: 18 cm hoog, 16 cm lang en 16 cm breed Naar kassa en afrekenenhis Villainous Breakdown as he's deploying huge waves of Steward bots to try and stop EVE and WALL�E from reaching the holo-detector.the electric power of EVE's kiss is demonstrated in the space dancing sequenceClever variation — WALL�E is almost crushed to bits in the climax, but EVE knows how to fix him;

the real tension is that once she has, he doesn't remember anything about the 700 years of his life, including her. His acquired sentience appears lost. He then gets it back a few minutes later... only after she "kisses" him, of course. : When WALL�E regains his memories and his personality, the first thing to move is his fingers, and they twitch downwards slightly before fully closing around EVE's hand.The Axiom, or the A for short, is one of the locations seen in WALL•E. The Axiom is one of the countless starliner spacecrafts built by the Buy n Large corporation (BNL) to evacuate humanity to space while the Earth (that was overwhelmed by trash due to mass consumerism) was cleaned by the BNLs machines, trash compactor robots called WALL•Es and huge mobile incinerators. She was described as "the jewel of the BNL fleet" and was most likely its flagship. Designed as a massive luxury cruise ship, the Axiom kept everyone aboard fed and entertained as it cruised through space.

The ship was crewed almost entirely by robots, though there was a human captain. The majority of the ship's functions were handled by its computer, as well as an autopilot called AUTO. The ship has all the trappings of a typical cruise liner, such as shops, restaurants and swimming pools, as well as robotic stewards to keep order and an escape pod bay in case of an emergency. hitched a ride on one of the EVE probe transport ships that was returning to the . At the time when he arrives at the Axiom, it as well as the other starliners have been in space for hundreds of years because the cleaning operation had failed. The BNL CEO Shelby Forthright had ordered all Autopilots to follow Directive A-113 which was to stay in space and not return to Earth, regardless of any proof of life sustainability. When the ship has docked in the Axiom, WALL•E sees how the bots begin to unload the five EVE units that the ship has transported. Because he loves the EVE probe one he wants to follow her and he places himself on the third EVE so the unloader arm bot believes that he is the third probe and places him at the place where the cleaner bots led by a small robot called M-O are cleaning the EVEs.

Then GO-4, the ship's second-in-command, and two SECUR-T steward bots arrive there. GO-4 inspects EVEs and he realizes that the probe one has found a plant. He summons a cart like transport robot called MVR-A to take her away. GO-4 hops on the transport bot and a robotic arm loads EVE on it. WALL•E immediately starts to chase the MVR-A. MVR-A takes EVE and GO-4 (and WALL•E who has grabbed a handle at the back of the transport bot) to the bridge of the Axiom. AUTO inspects EVE and awakes the captain. AUTO and GO-4 make the captain think that EVE has actually not found anything and that she is just defective. Later, EVE and WALL•E see that GO-4 tries to destroy the plant he has stolen from EVE. WALL•E manages to save the plant and EVE takes it to the captain. After that captain orders AUTO to return Earth but he refuses because he must follow Directive A-113. Determined to return to Earth and restore it to its former glory, Captain McCrea fights AUTO for control of the ship, destroying GO-4 in the process when he attempts to intervene.

AUTO temporarily rids himself of the captain by spinning himself; since he serves as the ship's wheel, this causes the Axiom to tip onto her starboard side, dislodging the passengers from their hoverchairs. Though WALL•E is nearly killed trying to impede AUTO's efforts to prevent the ship from returning to Earth, Captain McCrea disables AUTO and the plant is placed in the scanner, triggering a hyper-jump which returns the starliner to Earth and allows her passengers to begin restoring their homeworld. In the end credits sequence, it was shown still docked next to a lake with vegetation growing over parts of its hull. ↑ "Captaining the Axiom" WALL•E (Blu-ray, disc-two). ↑ "Captain's Log: The Evolution Of Humans" WALL•E (Blu-ray, disc-two). Be the first to write a review While she probably won't use her plasma cannon on your workplace rivals, EVE can certainly look pretty on your desk when you get this WALL-E EVE Pop! The Extraterrestrial Vegetation Evaluator looks like a stylized, Pop!

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