lego the movie minifigures review

lego the movie minifigures review

lego the movie laser characters

Lego The Movie Minifigures Review


/2013/12/29/review-71004-lego-minifigures-the-lego-movie-series/ on this server. Your technical support key is: 2e89-e8e5-1756-6707Today I would like to show you a bit more in detail the LEGO Collectible Minifigure characters from The LEGO Movie. As you may remember this series of 16 Collectible Minifigures consists of Emmet, Wyldstyle, Bad Cop, President Business, Mrs. Scratchen Post, Panda Suit Guy, Calamity Drone, Marsha Queen of Mermaids, Wiley Fusebot, Velma Staplebot, Abraham Lincoln, William Shakespeare, Where are My Pants Guy?, Taco Tuesday Guy, Larry the Barista, and Gail the Construction Worker. If you have seen the movie already you should have no problem recognizing them all. So let’s start with Emmet. As you probably know already, Emmet comes in many of The LEGO Movie sets, but this is currently the only way to get the unique hat/hair combo. Emmet’s eyes don’t have pupils like most modern minifigures, but I guess it is just to show how plain of a guy he is. H

is head is reversible, with both sides smiling, but one with open and the other with closed eyes. (As a side-note; the Collectible Minifigure series is the only way to get Emmet’s head with both of his smiles.) Emmet’s torso and legs are the same as in the regular sets, but they are still very nice, with both front and back printing. I especially like the nametag with his name printed on. Emmet’s accessory is a printed tile featuring the instruction book from the beginning of The LEGO Movie about “How to Fit In, Have Everybody Like You, and Always Be Happy!” If you would like to get Emmet, you should have no problem finding him within the series as he is one of the most common minifigures per full box. I think that we’ve given Emmet enough time now, haven’t we? It’s time we move on to Mrs. Scratchen Post. Didn’t we just get an old lady in LEGO Collectible Minifigures Series 11? Well, that was Grandma and this is Mrs. Scratchen Post, but they are quite similar. Mrs. Scratchen Post’s hair isn’t a new mold, but the color is. H

er facial expression looks like she is scared of something… maybe the Micro-Managers? I sort of wish that she had a reversible head so she wasn’t scared all the time, but I suppose that you could use Grandma’s head for her. Her body has quite a bit of detailed printing – especially all that cat hair on both the torso and the legs! I also would like to mention that I absolutely love the new cat design, and I hope LEGO will add it to more sets and in more colors. Mrs. Scratchen Post’s cat actually looks exactly like our cat, Tigger. What day is it? It’s Taco Tuesday! This minifigure sort of a redo of the LEGO Collectible Minifigures Series 2 Maraca Man, but I don’t own that one, so I was very happy to get this minifig. His hat is nicely detailed, but I find it a little hard to put on. His facial printing is almost exactly like the Maraca Man’s, but winking. His torso has no printing, but that doesn’t matter, because you can’t see it under his poncho anyway. His legs are printed, but I might have preferred them to be bright-red instead of dark-red. H

is bowl is the first LEGO bowl with printing, which makes it extra special. I like the chili-peppers at the bottom of the bowl, and he nachos are also a nice addition. I think that this minifigure is worth getting, even if you already have the Maraca Man from the previous series. Joining the previous animal costumes within the LEGO Collectible Minifigure series, we now have the Panda Suit Guy! This is probably the best costumed minifigure in my opinion, and here is why. First is his mask; this is only the second costumed minifigure that has his face entirely covered except for the eyes – along with then Gorilla Suit Guy. And I really like the ears. His facial printing underneath shows that he is sweating. I like the tongue sticking out of his mouth too – although it makes him also look kind of happy not just sweaty. He comes with some nice body-printing and even have a zipper detail at the back. And his stuffed panda is adorable – the same design as the previously released teddy bear, with a different printing. I

think this minifigure will be popular with collectors, and fortunately he is very common within a full box and also really easy to find because of the big head. Now let’s review one of the wackiest of the characters, the Where Are My Pants? Ge is the host of a popular TV show within The LEGO Movie. My brother named him Bobby. His hair isn’t new, previously seen on the LEGO Collectible Minifigure Series 6 Mechanic. This is a new hairstyle for me however, so I was happy to find him. His facial printing comes with a large smile – although I’m not sure why, as he gets seen on TV in his underwear! He also comes with a second pair of white legs, in case he does want to put on his pants. Overall a nice minifigure, and worth picking up; whether it’s for the hair, underwear, shirt, or facial printing. Who’s President Business’ top henchman? Bhis minifigure comes in the #70802 The LEGO Movie Bad Cop Pursuit set, but there he is slightly different. I really like the two-toned helmet. H

is facial-printing comes with a scowl instead of an angry face, which is nice. His alternative face looks like a child scribbled it on with a marker, and if you have seen The LEGO Movie already you know why. Bad Cop’s torso doesn’t look too different from the classic police uniform, but it still looks great. His legs have no printing. As far as his accessories, I especially like his phone! I’m glad that LEGO decided to make an iPhone for both boy and girl minifigs instead of just girls. The handcuffs are readily available in LEGO City Police sets. This is a great minifig, especially if you don’t own the above mentioned larger set. That’s 37 dollars – don’t go to this Coffee Guy’s place! While you may not want to buy coffee from him, you should definitely get the minifigure! For starters, his hair is all new, and looks rather nice. His face comes with a kind of “whatever” look that’s just great. His printed on apron is great, but it might not work if you want to put together a whole staff of these guys as he has his name (Larry) printed on. H

is legs are printed with the rest of the apron and jeans underneath. His coffee cup is a new piece, with a happy coffee cup face printed on it. I also like the top of the cup with the lip for drinking. I think that this is a great minifigure to add to your LEGO City, just remember; don’t buy his coffee! 🙄
Now let’s look at Gail the Construction Worker. She also comes with a unique hat/hair combo, with a ponytail at the back. Looks like she has been hard at work as her face is all bruised up. I’m not sure why she is wearing a tank-top, as I don’t remember ever seeing a construction worker wearing a tank-top, but it looks great nonetheless. She has back printing, which just continues the design of her safety-vest. Her legs have a tool-belt slung low. I really like the look of it. Her jackhammer is quite common, but what’s a construction worker without a tool? You don’t see a whole lot of female construction workers in LEGO City sets, so she would be a great one to add.

And here is the main antagonist of The LEGO Movie, President Business himself! This minifigure only comes in one other set, in the #70809 The LEGO Movie Lord Business’ Evil Lair, so if you want to get him cheap, you can find him in the LEGO Collectible Minifigures series. His hair is all new, and quite wacky, but it doesn’t look bad on President Business – on other minifigures I’m not so sure…. His head has a neutral face and an absolutely furious face. I don’t really see the purpose of giving President Business a furious face, as I don’t recall him being that upset in the film (although it is nice to have the piece for creating infuriated minifigures). His suit-jacket is slightly different from the one in the large set, where it is fully buttoned. President Business comes with no back or leg printing. His coffee cup has the word Octan printed on it. Overall a very nice minifigure, but I would have preferred a smile over an infuriated face. And here comes another president; Ab

love his new hat/hair/beard combo, as it captures Ol Abe’s beard and top-hat just right. And the face-printing depicts the President’s stern look perfectly. His torso comes with some simple but nice printing. There is no back or leg printing. The tile he is holding reads “Four score and seven years ago… and even the smaller print is actually real text (not just scribble) from the beginning of Lincoln’s famous Gettysburg Address, but you would need a magnifying-glass to be able to read it. All in all, a superb minifig and a great historical character to add to your collection. Talking about history, here’s another famous person from history; Wis hairpiece uses the same mould as the Grandpa’s from the LEGO Collectible Minifigures Series 10, but this time minus the comb-over. His face, torso and leg printing is quite similar to the Actor from the LEGO Collectible Minifigures Series 8. The tile says “To Build… or not to Build” with some ink-stains at the bottom.

And for the final minifigure of this review we have Wiley Fusebot! His hat is brand new, and is very cool. It sits a little low, so it might not look good on some minifigures, but it doesn’t take away the coolness of it. His head-printing comes with thick metal eyebrows and missing teeth. I love the little detail of bolts for a beard! His torso-printing looks like an outlaw’s shirt, or maybe a trapper’s. The legs are printed with a canteen and a patch topped off with some dirt. His accessories are quite common, found in many LEGO sets. Ad now to end this figure’s review with a question: did any of you guys see Wiley in The LEGO Movie? Because if he was in there I didn’t catch him. Still a very nice Western minifigure, and you can always just get him for the unique elements and accessories. So what do you think? Have you been collecting The LEGO Movie minifigures? Which one of the characters is your favorite? Feel free to share and discuss in the comment section below! 😉

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