lego starcraft 2 protoss

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Lego Starcraft 2 Protoss


As I am not a StarCraft player, I had to look up a Protoss Carrier as it appears in game to judge the accuracy of Tim Schwalfenberg’s LEGO scale replica. I’m looking at this carrier, and I’m thinking, “There’s no way this could be built with LEGO.” But it was built, and built beautifully. Brilliant use of brick bending techniques brings the alien curves to life. Tim adds that his Protoss Carrier was built to 100 LEGO studs in length (just over 31 inches) in only six days, making his build that much more impressive.Tell all your friends! Last year at BrickWorld, a group of builders created a 14-foot-long LEGO StarCraft II display. One of the builders, Cecilie Fritzvold has just now posted detailed photos of her own sections, expanded and updated so she can display them separately at other events — and they’re definitely worth a closer look, especially if you missed the huge display last year. Cecilie’s Terran Dominion base includes everything you need to survive a Zealot rush, from the Command Center to Barracks and a Factory, bunkers for perimeter defense, and plenty of resources.

Click through to see more StarCraft II LEGO We don’t want any of our readers to be distracted from completing the final Protoss chapter of StarCraft II, which was released last month. But as long as you’re here, have a look at this massive build by Tim Schwalfenberg, which was inspired by the StarCraft 2 trailer from 2009. It’s one of those dioramas that makes you stop scrolling the photostream and devote your whole lunch break to examining all the smart design features. The way Tim used regular yellow pieces to accentuate the robot arms deserves special attention. And check out this close-up of the marine as well. The original Starcraft game came out almost 15 years ago and has spawned a decade and a half of Starcraft inspired LEGO builds, from the humble probe, to the hydralisk troops to even the imposing Battle Cruisers. And today we add another great Starcraft build to the ranks – ccy_8086 has built this fantastic Protoss Zealot with a great mix of  bionicle and system:

While there’s tons of great piece usages, the face in particular I thought was fantastic. But this isn’t the first time CCY has embraced his inner gamer, his last build was an equally impressive Space Marine, which he still has built: I feel mathematical when I look at this model of Finn and Jake from Adventure Time. The responsible party is ccy_8086, whose work has not been featured nearly enough on TBB. With that in mind, enjoy another masterpiece by ccy_8086, the CMC015 power battle suit from Starcraft 2. Mark Stafford (lego_nabii) has just posted a photo of an awesome model, built by one of his fellow designers at LEGO, Luis Castenada. Luis built an awesome custom Marine from StarCraft. Obviously, the head is not an authentic Lego piece, and a few parts have been painted, but that doesn’t stop this from being amazing. Here’s hoping that LEGO will wrest the license away from Mega, and release some sets like this. Ever since the mutalisk buff, in Starcraft 2 Heart of the Swarm, this Zerg flyer has been massively popular in games.

It looks like Mike Nieves (retinence) got the message and made his own to join his Zerg swarm. You can see more photos on Imgur. The hydralisk is one of the most iconic creatures in the game of StarCraft, and Mike Nieves‘ Lego rendition captures the ferociousness of this feared zerg beast. Mike recently made an infestor and has plans to build other zerg units as well, and I can’t wait to see them. Mike Nieves built an infestor from StarCraft II in his trademark style, which I thought was perfect for depicting this Zerg creature. Anyone who has played StarCraft 2 will instantly recognize Sven Junga‘s model of the Hyperion. Even those who are unfamiliar with the game may recognize the hammerhead shape of the battlecruiser design, which has been done several times in Lego. Check out Sven’s growing Terran army in this photo on Flickr. This banshee, by Antti Havala, is incredibly gorgeous and that isn’t something you can say about a lot of Technic builds. Sporting four rotors, two motors, adjustable rotor pitch and two LED headlights, this Banshee screams for attention.

You have to watch the video too. Many thanks to Glory_Forever for the heads up! By now it’s clear that the Terran units from Starcraft 2 are easiest to make out of LEGO. Sven Junga adds the marine to list of the community’s brick-built Terran units including the Battlecruiser, Thor, Viking, Banshee, Medivac, Siege Tank and more. It’s a good thing I can counter marines with my banelings!Tell all your friends! Une partie de StarCraft en LEGO. Terran vs Protoss qui va gagner ? lego motion protoss starcraft stop terran Article + 28 commentaires ← Suivant Précédent → Spiderman 2 en LEGO Super Mario Bros 3 en LEGO L'histoire de l'humanité en LEGO This amazing 14-foot StarCraft II LEGO model took three years to build 06.30.2015 :: 5:02PM EST RyanWhitwam When the disembodied voice of the Protoss commanded you to construct additional pylons, this is not what it had in mind. A group of eight Lego artists have been working on a crazy 14-foot long StarCraft II battle scene for the last three years, and now it’s done.

Let me just save you the trouble of wondering — yes, it’s cool as hell. The model is built across several small islands not unlike the layout of many levels in the game. All three factions from StarCraft are represented here, and this isn’t just a series of three bases showing off units. The model is a giant interlocking battle with multiple skirmishes and pockets of different units. The video above offers a good look at the various areas of Protoss, Zerg, and Terran forces. The artists managed to capture the likeness of many Starcraft units and structures with Lego. The Terran Battlecruisers and Protoss Gateways are particularly neat. The Protoss Carriers also have swarms of fighters buzzing around them. Even the small replicas like Dragoons and Terran Hellions are recognizable. The Zerg units are more organic in the game, but they look neat rendered as blocks as well. I wouldn’t have thought you could build a Hydralisk out of Lego, but there it is. Make sure you check out the full Flickr album for close up shots of the models, and some proper lightboxes images of individual models.

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