lego star wars remix

lego star wars remix

lego star wars remake a new hope

Lego Star Wars Remix


Before fans were hotly debating the relative merits of lightsaber crossguards, the biggest controversy to rock the galaxy concerned a certain trigger-happy Rodian and a scruffy-looking nerf herder. While that matter is largely settled -- Han shot first, no matter what happens on the screen -- George Lucas' re-releases of the original Star Wars trilogy, and the questionable plot changes and added special effects, have lived on in infamy. If you've been on the internet at all in the past few days, chances are you've seen the teaser trailer for ." And, like every big trailer to do the rounds these days, you've probably also seen it re-created in Lego.What you may have missed is the work of one enterprising Australian writer/director named Michael Shanks, who's given the teaser a hilarious "George Lucas" treatment. The "George Lucas' Special Edition Trailer" plays like a supercut of the changes made to the remastered trilogy, with a few over-the-top extras thrown in for good measure (six-sided lightsabers and Hayden Christensen, anyone?).

While the quality of Shanks' work on the video is incredibly impressive, what's even more astounding is that the whole parody trailer came together mere days after the trailer's official release late last week. Check out the trailer in all its glory below. Try and keep count of the rapid-fire references, and let us know your favourite in the comments below. The one that took the cake for me was a blink-and-you'll-miss-it Han shot first gag. Disney and Lucasfilm's "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" will be out in theatres in 2D, 3D and IMAX 3D on December 18, 2015.We’ll admit it: we were all squeeing like fanboys when we saw the official trailer for the upcoming sequel, Star Wars: The Force Awakens. We may have watched it quite a bit more than once, but the YouTubers below have taken their fandom to another level, with some really well crafted remixes of the official short film. Check out trailers below starring the cast of (and scenes directly from) the original trilogy, the trailer as Wes Anderson would do it, and a bizarre rendering of it all with pets in place of human actors.

Oh, and there’s also the obligatory Lego version, as well, so be sure to scroll all the way down. This Wes Anderson-style take on the Star Wars universe is a film we’d love to see. With his film-festival cred and distinctive narrative voice, Anderson would be a perfect choice to direct Star Wars: The Indie Film. However, since we’re getting a Star Wars sequel directed by none other than J.J. “Lens Flare” Abrams himself, this next trailer features plenty of those shiny bright lights that featured so prominently in earlier Abrams films, most notably Star Trek, the other “star” franchise. While we’re imagining different directors at the helm of the anticipated sci-fi blockbuster, why not think about getting George Lucas himself to create a trailer, prequel style. This short film continues the work Lucas did in “re-imagining” the first three films by adding a ton of special effects, creatures, and even story beats (Han shot first, ok?), into everyone’s favorite films.

Here’s a fantastic shot for shot remake of the new trailer using only footage from the original trilogy. We’re pretty impressed at both the visual fidelity of the original shots as well as the obvious homage that Abrams and the trailer makers have created to the first and best films in the series. File this one under bizarre recreations, with its starring cast of cats and dogs in the main roles. Heck, there’s even a Roomba filling in for the Millennium Falcon near the end for this cute short from The Pet Collective, called Paw Warz: The Furrce Awakens (because of course it is). What you see above is the result of 22 hours of work from the stop-motion genius of FinalFeature, a 17-year-old based in Hollywood who has quite a large set of short films to his credit. This one recreates the entire Force Awakens trailer in everyone’s favorite building toy, LEGO bricks.This article contains spoilers for Star Wars: The Force Awakens. It's in your best interest to see the film before reading any further.

Don't say we didn't warn you.So, you enjoyed Star Wars: The Force Awakens - of course you did. But could it be because it's essentially a remix of the original Star Wars, aka A New Hope?If you haven't already spent some quality time scratching your chin and wondering about the similarities, allow our 13-strong pictorial list to help. Bear in mind that we really do love Star Wars: The Force Awakens - just take a look at our review over in this direction for proof... 1. A young orphan, fascinated by stories of the Rebels, lives on a backwater sand planet, landspeedering around, feeling they should be doing something else2. Droid turns up carrying a message that it must get back to master4. A huge, spherical megabase is looming, with an over-elaborate weapon threatening everyone5. Trio of baddies who want the droid's plans: big and obscured, only ever seen in holograms; masked middle management with link to goodies; Nazi-esque human played by a BritRemix Gendered LEGO Commercials with HTML5 Video

In January 2012 the LEGO Group released their new “LEGO for girls” line called Friends. As part of a 40 million dollar advertising campaign they also began airing 3 TV ads to promote this new theme. LEGO Friends includes 14 pink and pastel colored kits based on the lives of 5 Bratz or Polly Pocket style mini-dolls. The TV commercials feature the dolls baking cupcakes, getting their plastic hair styled and taking care of pets at the vet. In contrast LEGO produces over a dozen LEGO lines marketed primarily to boys including Alien Conquest, Atlantis, City, Dino, Hero Factory, Kingdoms, Ninjago, Pharaoh’s Quest, Pirates of the Caribbean, Racers, Star Wars, Superheroes and World Racers themes. The TV commercials for these LEGO themes focus primarily on action, violence and combat based play scenarios. The absurd gender stereotyping in each set of commercials create hilarious and insightful juxtapositions when placed into our HTML5 Gendered Advertising Remixer web app (beta version 2).

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