lego star wars race help

lego star wars race help

lego star wars ps4

Lego Star Wars Race Help


- 2 months 6 days ago The second last mission of the story, The Finale has you playing as Poe while attacking Starkiller Base, and as Finn and Rey as they deal with Kylo Ren. The mission begins with you playing as Poe, flying his X-Wing. The first thing you should do is fly around looking for a Race Beacon. Once you find it, fly through it and complete the race to get a Mini Kit. Once you have the Mini Kit, start blasting away at TIE Fighters. You'll need to kill several before you're allowed to progress. Next up is a trench run. While in there, keep the trigger held down so you blast apart anything in your way. Keep an eye out for the green turrets though. Kill 5 of them and you'll get a Mini Kit. Continue along the trench, blasting apart anything you see. This section lasts for quite a while, so do your best to avoid the enemies and stay alive, as each death will cost you Studs. Eventually, you will cut right into a smaller pipe. Keep an eye out for the rings of Studs. Inside one is your next Mini Kit.

After the trench, you will be in a circular room. All you need to do here is shoot the huge red pipes that go past. Keep an eye out for the First Order emblems though. There are three, and if you shoot all three, you will get a Mini Kit. Don't worry, if you miss one of the emblems, it will come back around after a few seconds! After the pipes are all destroyed, you will move on to the next part of the mission. The next part has you fighting Kylo Ren. Before doing anything as Finn, switch to Rey. Smash everything up here and you'll make a snowman and get a 1/3 counter. Freeplay: Return to this area with someone who can melt ice, like the Flametrooper. Melt the block of ice here, then switch to Admiral Ackbar. Jump in the water and you will obtain a Mini Kit. The first part is pretty straightforward. Run around avoiding him, until he leaps at you and a button prompt appears. Hit it, then slash at him to deal damage. Repeat this a few times until Finn is held by the force. Switch to Rey, and deal with any Stormtroopers.

Head right as far as you can, and you'll find some stuff to smash. Do so, then build the left object, which is a gun to shoot Kylo. It will switch you back to Rey automatically, but don't stay as him. Switch back to Rey. Right beside the gun you built are some bricks. Build them into a snowman to get a 2/3 counter. Now return to being Finn. Back as Finn, fight with Kylo some more before you lose your lightsaber. Rey will pick it up, and a new fight begins. This time, switch to Finn who will be up top. There will be some trees up here, so shake the left one with the grapple hook to get a Mini Kit. Just make sure you switch back to Rey to pick it up! Behind the second tree is a switch. When you hit it, it will trigger a special event. Tuck up against the wall beside the switch and go into cover shooter mode. Wait patiently, and you will see droids float up and appear. Shoot enough of them, and a Mini Kit will appear. With those two Mini Kits obtained, switch back to Rey and duke it out with Kylo.

The fight isn't much different than before, so simply wait for him to lunge at you, then attack him. After a few cycles of this, Kylo will grab Rey. Switch to Finn and shake the second tree to cause snow to fall and distract Kylo. Now that you have control of both people, push the giant rock on the right out of your way. The terrain will shake and you two will be split up. Simply head right along the path available to you until both characters are together. Before climbing up the wall, head to the south part of the ledge. There is a tough to see stone pillar you can jump on, as demonstrated below. Jump to it as Finn, and follow the path. Go through the gas to get a Mini Kit. Head back and climb up top. Go right immediately and smash everything. Build the final snowman to get a 3/3 and a Mini Kit. Freeplay: Return as someone who can use the Force, like Luke Skywalker. At this end section, there are a few trees. Shake the one on the right and you will notice a tiny object falls out. Use the Force on it, and don't let go.

It will roll around into a huge snowball. Jump on top of it with a double jump character to obtain the Red Brick. Use Rey to climb up the wall with her lightsaber, then head towards Kylo and duke it out with him one more time to finish the level! The Escape From The Finalizer is the third story mission. It's a long one, as it follows the exploits of Poe and Finn and then finishes with you playing Rey. This mission will begin with Poe and Finn. The starting area has plenty of things to smash, but nothing important to collect on your first playthrough. Freeplay: Return here on Freeplay, and play as Darth Vader. On the left wall, there will be a huge section you can destroy using the Force. Walk into the new revealed room. At the far end is a production set, a reference to the movie. However, if you walk down the other hall, you will find some red, force objects. Destroy them, then build the object to spawn a Mini Kit. You aren't done yet though! Behind this same mini is another. Go up to the golden robot and use your the Force on him.

This will tickle him, and cause another Mini Kit to appear. Once you've cleared the area, head down the stairs on the right. Before pushing the block, make sure to kill the small droid on the ground. Sadly, the cute robot is tied to a Mini Kit, so it must die! Once dead, you will get a counter of 1/4. After killing the robot, push the block on the right all the way, then push it up. Now use both characters to push the next block until it falls into the put and forms a bridge. Cross it, and smash everything in this area, which will allow you to build a lift. Use it to get up to the next section, where you should immediately begin smashing everything, including the second of the four small robots. After smashing everything, head right and use your grapple to pull down a container. Push it right until it falls in the pit, then run across it and jump to the far side. Grapple another crate, and push it left to create a bridge. Smash everything in this area and you'll be able to build an alarm clock that will wake up the droid.

Bring the droid across the bridge and to the console. Activate the console and the speeder will move, allowing you to get through. Once in the new section, you can build 3 different things. The first should be the middle option, which is a bridge and leads to a Red Brick. Once you have the Red Brick, build the right most option. Ride the lift up, then jump up and shimmy across the small red ledge. Once you are all the way to the left, jump up. This will pull open a panel. Smash the lift you created, and build the leftmost option now. It will form a huge grapple, that will rip down the wall through the anchor you unveiled. Climb up to the opening now and proceed to destroy the room. In the chaos, you will likely kill the third of the four robots needed for a Mini Kit. Once done, activate the console and line everything up to unlock the tie fighter. Once you exit the room, you will activate a cover shooter section. Take your time and shoot away at the Stormtroopers. If you use your power up ability, you'll be able to unload on them and easily kill all of them, even the mini boss, within seconds.

During this part, you will see the final small droid as well. You can shoot it now, or simply get it later, either way you'll ultimately get your Mini Kit. The last part of the cover shooter section has you fighting a large mounted turret. As Poe, fire at the red barrels on the right, then use your Binoculars to expose the weak point, which is on the side of the turret. Do this to either side, and the turret will soon die. If you didn't kill the fourth robot do so now, but once you're ready, go up to the Tie Fighter and enter it. Blow up all the other Tie Fighters, then the turrets, and this part of the mission will end. The next section has you flying around the Star Destroyer. Your main goal is to blow up 10 turrets. They are easy to spot, but they also have huge red icons around them making it near impossible to miss them. You will notice though, as you shoot them that a counter for 30 appears. Only 10 are needed to progress the mission, but blow up all 30 and you will get a Mini Kit.

So take the time to fly around the ship and kill them all. Sweep over the top, then fly through the middle part, and then sweep the bottom of the Star Destroyer. Before long you will kill all 30, and automatically receive a Mini Kit. Once that is done, you will have likely noticed the large blue icon in the middle of the ship. If you fly through it, it activates a small race. Finish it to a get a large stud reward and a Mini Kit. The last thing you want to do, before progressing, is kill some Tie Fighters. Not just any though, look for the ones with bright, glowing Proton Torpedoes behind them. Kill 5 of these kind and you will get another Mini Kit. Once you have both of the Mini Kits from this section, go ahead and start collecting Proton Torpedoes then fire them at the huge gun that appeared earlier on. Once it's dead, this part of the mission ends. The next part only lasts a few seconds. Just keep on firing, and ensure you don't die and before long you will be done. Once you are back on Jakku, you will be controlling Rey.

Smash everything around you and you'll find a few things to build. In the bottom right of the screen, you can build a tiny Sand Crawler. It rewards you by continually spitting on Golden Studs. The other object is closer to the center. Smash it and you can build one of two things. What you pick is unimportant, as both will cause the huge creature to move. Freeplay: When playing this level in the future, bring Darth Vader. Go up to the shiny red wall to the left of the huge creature and rip it down. Inside is a Mini Kit. With the area cleared, stand inside the floating letters to use Rey's Binoculars. Look at the wall behind the large creature to see it is weak. Now hop on the creature and ride over to it and have him smash the wall. Use BB-8 to energize it, and it will open a new section. Climb up here, and follow the pipes. You will run across a wall, and hang from some pipes. Jump over to the end and hang there for a few seconds as the panel charges. Once it does, it reveals another panel for BB-8, so use him on it.

This will open the door to the next section. This next section has a lot of smashable objects, but most are pointless. Slowly progress to the right until you reach the end. On the far right wall is a section of pipes. If you hang on them and follow them over, you'll find a Mini Kit. After grabbing that, smash everything here to find a new object to build. Do so, then toss Rey's staff into the exposed socket so you can use it to jump up. Go left now, using the run booster to cross the gap. Climb up, then push the box off and jump down after it. Build the object for BB-8, then use him to jump in it and launch up top. While controlling him, zip across to the right. You will find a sandy ramp with a X's and O's game on it. Roll up that and into the tiny hatch. Activate the device you find, then climb up the newly exposed section using Rey. Freeplay: Right next to the X's and O's is a door only someone with a Lightsaber can open. Return with someone who has one, chop open the door and inside you can build a Mini Kit.

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