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Lego Star Wars Nikki


With a new Star Wars movie comes a new LEGO game tie-in, and anticipation has been building. Coming to a galaxy close to you is LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens, available June 28 on X-box, PlayStation and Nintendo consoles. The game will take place in the time between Star Wars: Return of the Jedi and Star Wars: The Force Awakens, offering additional insight into the new movie and its characters. Gamers will be able to play as Rey, Finn, Poe Dameron, Han Solo, Chewbacca, C-3PO and BB-8, as well as Kylo Ren, General Hux and Captain Phasma, while also exploring some of the new Star Wars locales, such as Jakku and Starkiller Base. PlayStation 3 and 4 players will have access to exclusive downloadable content, the Droid Character Pack and the Phantom Limb Level Pack. And for you BB-8 fans, check out video, “Little Droid in the Big City”:C-3PO is a protocol droid built by Anakin Skywalker. 3-PO became a useful ally to both the Republic and the Rebel Alliance. The counterpart of C-3PO is R2-D2.

He can be found throughout the entire Star Wars saga as well. Together, the two droids went in the possession of several different masters, among them Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala, Mungo Baobab and Luke Skywalker. Originally, C-3PO was created in 112 BBY on the planet of Affa, where he served as a protocol droid. In 32 BBY, C-3PO was located on the desert planet Tatooine and went into the possession of a local slave boy named Anakin Skywalker. The boy tried to rebuild C-3PO in the following months. Anakin left him unfinished when he went with Qui-Gon Jinn. Shmi Skywalker, the mother of Anakin, later upgraded C-3PO with coverings and brought him along when Watto sold her to Owen Lars. In 22 BBY Anakin Skywalker returned to Tatooine, along with his future wife, Padmé Amidala, to search for his mother. After her death because of torture conducted by Tusken Raiders, Skywalker returned to the Lars' homestead and buried here there. When he left, he took C-3PO with him. The protocol droid got later, together with his counterpart R2-D2, involved with the Battle of Geonosis.

This battle marked the beginning of a galaxy-wide conflict, known as the Clone Wars. This war was fought between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. During the Clone Wars, C-3PO went into the possession of Padmé Amidala, when Anakin donated him to his wife. The protocol droid went on may dangerous missions together with Amidala and highly supported the Republic during the Clone Wars. In 19 BBY, Anakin Skywalker turned into Darth Vader and killed Padmé Amidala. Amidala gave birth to Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa before she died. Luke was given to the Lars' family and Leia was adopted by Bail Organa. R2-D2 and C-3PO were given to Raymus Antilles, and C-3PO's memory was being erased. In the time before the Battle of Yavin, R2-D2 and C-3PO got separated from the Tantive IV and from their master, Raymus Antilles. They wandered the galaxy and searched for a new master. Their new masters included Jost Ellon, Vik and Nikki Idd, Llez, Thall Joben, Jann Tosh and Mungo Baobab.

However, after their journeys, the two droids managed to return to the Tantive IV and went in the possession of Raymus Antilles again. C-3PO is a playable character in every Lego Star Wars game. He has no weapons but he can unlock doors using the protocol droid panel. When he is attacked his legs and arms fall off before he is killed. He can blow up when the self destructfeature is enabled. The first C-3PO variant was light gold and featured a custom-made head mould. The later variant was slightly darker, with a more detailed torso showing exposed wires and printing on the same head mould, highlighting his eyes.With so many ah-mazing LEGO games in the App Store, it’s hard to come up with a list of the top five! However, there’s also a number of LEGO games that don’t work well or are just plain boring. Check out the following five recommendations and give your mobile gaming library a dose of awesomeness: 1) LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga Episode I is free, but you’ll have to purchase the other five apps to complete the saga.

Play as your favorite characters and enjoy seeing them in LEGO form, even Jar Jar Binks! Featuring 36 modes and over 120 characters, get ready to swing that lightsaber. 2) LEGO Star Wars: The Yoda Chronicles Play as the little green Jedi or Count Dooku and save the galaxy from certain doom! This app features over 15 levels, mini-movies, 30 official LEGO Star Wars minifigures, and much more. 3) LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-7 Go back to Hogwarts with the LEGO Harry Potter app and relive Harry’s adventures all over again. Years 1-4 and 5-7 are separate apps, but well worth buying together. Goofy and fun, it’s ideal for any die-hard Harry Potter fan. 4) LEGO Batman: DC Super Heroes Play with Batman, Robin, Superman and your other favorite DC Comics superheroes in this campy game. It’s going to take up a whole lot of room on your iPhone or iPad, but the fun to be had is well worth it. Enjoy classic LEGO humor, over 80 playable characters, and other nifty stuff.

5) LEGO Lord of the Rings Have fun with Tolkien’s fantasy classic in LEGO form! Get rid of that oh-so-annoying ring with Frodo, Sam, Pippin and Merry, and play through each saga (The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, The Return of the King). Enjoy these LEGO games with your kiddies…then sneak a few games for yourself! Elige envíos GRATIS más rápidos con Amazon Premium o elige envío GRATIS en 4-5 días Cómpralo antes de y elige al completar tu pedido. Al comprar 20€ o más en producto oficial de Star Wars podrás participar en el sorteo de un viaje a Orlando para tí y 9 acompañantes Descubre cómo. Advertencias: Utilizar bajo vigilancia de un adulto. 16 x 13 x 23,5 cm ; Pilas 2 AAA necesaria(s), incluida(s) Número de modelo del producto: 9002137 Producto en desde: 4 de septiembre de 2012 Valoración media de los clientes: (100 opiniones de clientes) Clasificación en los más vendidos de Amazon:

nº34.572 en Hogar (Ver el Top 100 en Hogar) en Hogar > Decoración del hogar > Relojes y despertadores > Despertadores > Despertadores electrónicos Este producto está sujeto a instrucciones y advertencias específicas de seguridad Reloj despertador digital de Lego, con la forma de la figura de Storm Trooper de Star Wars. Contenido de la caja Más información del producto Lego Star Wars Stormtrooper 9002137 - Despertador Reloj despertador estilo LEGO con la forma del Soldado Imperial de la Guerra de las Galaxias. Como George Lucas dejó una Galaxia muy muy lejana como una balsa de aceite, todos felices y sonrientes, pues los Stormtrooper se tuvieron que buscar otro trabajo hasta que salga el Episodio VII. Ver preguntas y respuestas Ver las 100 opiniones de clientes Principales opiniones de clientes Informar de un abuso Ver todas las 100 opiniones de clientes (primero las más recientes) en Las opiniones más recientes

A MI HIJO LE ENCANTO , EL TAMAÑO ESTÁ MUY BIEN Y ES MUY CHULO EN GENERAL. SE APAGA GOLPEANDOLE EN EL CASCO Es tal cual aparece en la foto y la descripción. Mi chico esta súper contento con el. Sonido de alarma bastante alto. Para fans de la guerra de las galaxias esta bien como decoración. Para despertarse no, ya que es el típico pitido molesto con el que lanzarias el muñeco contra... Es muy muy chulo el despertador gradual que tiene para irte despertando sin asustar. Lo recomiendo tanto para niños como para adultos. Está muy bien, pero le falta la opción de ver el reloj en 24 horas y no sólo am/pm. Por lo demás, perfecto. Muy bien en general sólo le faltaría una música diferente para el despertador kiza la banda sonora de star wars Muy bueno.lo que expectamos.el niño feliz funciona bien y bueno tambien que llevaba pilas dentro no hacía falta comprar los Despertados muy orginal y funcional, la única pega es que el reloj solo tiene el formato de 12 horas.

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