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Lego Star Wars Mmorpg


Click the button below to download and play Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. Sep 27, 2011 at 3:57 pm BioWare's Star Wars: The Old Republic is, without a doubt, one the most anticipated releases of the year. Not only is it a Star Wars MMO with real potential, it's a spiritual sequel to Knights of the Old Republic, arguably the very best Star Wars videogames to date, and it represents BioWare's (arguably the most popular developers of story-based Western style RPG's around) first foray into MMO territory. But is too much being hung on the success of The Old Republic?According to reports, The Old Republic is the single largest project ever undertaken by EA Games. For a monolithic company such as EA, producing games like Battlefield: Bad Company 2 and Dead Space 2, that's a big deal. EA are really pushing The Old Republic as their “World of Warcraft Killer,” and that means no expense is being spared. If anything can topple World of Warcraft, it'll be a Star Wars MMO developed by BioWare.

Unfortunately, though, focus is so squarely on The Old Republic that Star Wars, as a videogame franchise, is being forgotten. All the Star Wars eggs are in one basket, as it were. But what about those of us who just aren't into MMOs? Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars is just around the corner, of course. It'll probably be an above average game, but it'll get lost in The Old Republic's hype. The more troubling thing is that LucasArts' release slate appears to be clear. Once Lego Star Wars III is done, it's just The Old Republic (actually published by EA, an extreme rarity to find a game neither developed nor published by LucasArts). All the Star Wars eggs indeed. Should Star Wars fans panic? After all, if The Old Republic has been as big a production as it's been reported, failure could destroy investor faith in the Star Wars brand. In even worse news, the last Star Wars game, The Force Unleashed II, publicly suffered from staff cuts, while LucasArts were forced to axe even more jobs after the games lukewarm reception.

The outlook isn't promising. But fear not, Star Wars fans. The chances of The Old Republic buckling under the weight of its own potential are slim. And even if the Force is not strong with it, there are plenty of reasons not to lose hope. The ongoing Clone Wars series on Cartoon Network, for example, may not be to everyone's tastes. It may also have not yet had much success in the videogame department: Republic Heroes was a mess, and free-to-play online game Clone Wars Adventures has slipped largely under the radar. However, the fact that the series is still ongoing means that there is still interest in the Star Wars franchise, and, even better, the show is hugely successful. Inevitably there will be more videogame adaptations of the series. Some will probably be awful. There is a chance, however, that there could be a winner.And it's not just The Clone Wars keeping Star Wars alive. Thanks to the success of 3D movies, the entire Star Wars Saga will be getting cinematic re-releases over the next six years.

Is it corporate moneygrabbing? Of course it is. Will I be going to see each and every one? Not only will it be a great chance to see all the movies as they were meant to be seen, on the big screen, the imagination on display in those films is perfect for 3D. These re-releases (not forgetting the high-definition releases on Blu-ray later this year) will rejuvenate interest in Star Wars in a big way. Because it's Star Wars, it won't just be the films. Toys, books, comics and, of course, games, will all be rolled out to up the hype. But is there anything else that can be done? After all, there's been a Star Wars game in practically every conceivable genre. Dark Forces and Jedi Knight thrust us into the Star Wars universe from a first-person perspective. Empire at War let us witness the conflicts from a strategic position. Knights of the Old Republic let us role-play a character and shape the universe. So it's pretty much all been done, but gaming technology has come a long way. How great would it be to start new franchises based on the latest technology?

A new FPS franchise with ultra-realistic graphics. A new RTS game with Company of Heroes' level of tactical control. A new RPG with Mass Effect's depth and complexity. It's an exciting time, with plenty of possibilities. STAR WARS The Old Republic: HK-47 and T3-M4 Last Updated 1 year ago. MANY years before the events of STAR WARS episodes I-VI was the time of the OLD REPUBLIC where infinite battles of colossal scale were fought between the SITH EMPIRE and the REPUBLIC aided by the JEDI. Two droids, the deadly and sadistic assassin HK-47 along with the brave and loyal utility droid T3-M4 found themselves at the heart of this titanic struggle. Opposite in personality but working together to aid their master, be it Darth/Master Revan or the last Jedi, Meetra Surik in their cause to save (or doom) the galaxy. They became unforgetable Star Wars characters in the game Knights of the Old Republic and its sequel, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. HK returned again in the MMORPG Star Wars: The Old Republic.

The droids were created using Digital Designer and then rendered with POV Ray. I was overall very pleased with the final models, T3 especially. Problems were encountered with: HK's "mouth", the used design was the best manageable at that scale HK's "eyes", they're not very aesthetically appealing or accurate HK has little articulation in his legs and feet T3's head blaster, not accurate to original character T3's back, inaccurate to game Such issues, I believe, are easily solvable at later stages. A blaster for HK-47 is a possible addition to the set. Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR), som utvecklas av Bioware, är ett MMORPG-spel baserat i Star Wars-universumet. Spelet offentliggjordes vid en presskonferens den 21 oktober 2008. The Old Republic finns till Windows, men en version för Mac OS X är under utveckling. Spelet släpptes den 20 december 2011. Medlemmarna av de två rivaliserande sidorna - the Galactic Republic och Sith Empire - kommer att skilja sig åt genom att spelarens moral kommer att påverka - en nyckeldel i spelet kommer att vara att skilja på de båda faktionerna[4].

Varje sida kommer att ha olika sorts klasser, varje med en egen unik historia och utvecklande storyline, som ändras beroende på spelarnas val. Klasserna kommer också att vara exklusiva till sin egen sida. De klasser som kommer att vara tillgängliga i spelet är: Bounty Hunter, Trooper, Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular, Smuggler, Sith Warrior, Sith Inquisitor och Imperial Agent. Spelare kommer även att kunna välja mellan ett antal olika raser (utöver vanliga människor) som finns i Star Wars-universumet, exempelvis Twi'lek, Zabrak eller Miraluka. Spelare kan själva välja vilken roll de vill utföra genom ett "advanced class"-system, vilket förväntas minimera sökande efter spelare som kan utföra specifika roller i spelet. The Old Republic kommer även att använda ett "cover"-system, något som inte använts i många liknande spel. Spelarens val i spelet kommer att permanent förändra storylinen och påverka spelarnas NPC-kompanjoner såväl som vilka framtida val spelaren kan göra[4].

Spelets utvecklare säger att spelet kommer att ge större fokus på storyn än något annat MMORPG spel gör. Varje figur i spelet kommer att ha en komplett ljudinspelad dialog för att förstärka spelkänslan, och interaktion med dessa figurer kommer att ha ett dialogsystem snarlikt det som används i Mass Effect-trilogin[4]. Spelare kan välja mellan ett antal olika NPC:er att ha som kompanjon, men att tillbringa mycket tid med en specifik kompanjon kan ge fördelar, och spelaren kan även ingå en romans med en del NPC:er. Bioware har även sagt att det finns möjlighet för spelaren att misslyckas grovt i sina interaktioner med NPC:er om de misslyckas att uppfylla kompanjonens förväntningar. På Gamescom släppte Bioware ett kort klipp som demonstrerade eldstrider i yttre rymden. Rymdstrider kommer att vara av så kallade "tunnel shooter"-stil, även kallad Shoot 'em up. Spelaren kommer att kunna kontrollera sitt sikte, men kommer inte att kunna styra själva skeppet. Jake Neri, producent på LucasArts meddelade att målet är att fånga den mest cinematiska upplevelse de kan, och spelaren ska känna sig som en del av en Star Wars-film.

Spelet äger rum 300 år efter Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic och över 3500 år innan Star Wars-filmerna[4]. Jediriddarna hålls ansvariga för Sith-imperiets framgång under det 28-åriga "Great Galactical War" och flyttar därför frånt Coruscant till Tython där Jedi-ordern grundades, för att söka hjälp med Kraften[4]. På Korriban ligger Sith-akademin, som övergavs kort efter Darth Revans äventyr i Knights of the Old Republic. Akademin kan besökas i dess övergivna tillstånd i Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. I The Old Republics början uppstår nya konflikter som kommer att utgöra storyn under spelets gång[4]. The Old Republic utgör Biowares första spel på MMORPG-marknaden[7], och är den andra Star Wars MMORPG, efter Star Wars Galaxies. Bioware har länge velat göra en MMO, men de har väntat tills de haft rätt förutsättningar[4]. En stor del av spelet fokuserar på att utveckla figurers individualla historier, och i oktober 2008 ansåg Bioware att detta spel skulle ha längre storyline än alla deras tidigare spel tillsammans.

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