lego star wars kody pc

lego star wars kody pc

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Lego Star Wars Kody Pc


This cheat will allow you to give yourself as many studs as you want, but it may be a difficult one to follow if you don't know much about computers. It involves editing the save game. Back-up the original files first before opening them, or you'll be sorry you altered your FAT. Save games can be found in your game's installation directory under directories named lsw_0, lsw_1, etc. These correspond to the save locations available in the game. There should be two files in the directory: CODE.BIN is only 4 bytes and that 4 bytes is one place that holds the number of studs you have. It's a standard 4 byte integral value editable by any hex editor.BIN is the file that keeps track of everything in the game, like levels that you've completed, characters you've bought, and all that. If you know where to look, you can give yourself all of that stuff, too. (I've got most of it mapped out, but it would take too long to explain here.) Also in this file, though, is the second location storing how many studs you have (why they decided it needed to be stored twice, I don't know).

Starting at byte 0x204 (with zero as the first byte) is another 4-byte integer that stores your studs. (For you non-hexadecimal speakers, that's bytes number 516 through 519.) Now we come to the tricky part. The last four bytes of LSW.BIN (starting at 0x210 or decimal 528) are a checksum. You must set this to a correct value or the game will tell you that the file is corrupted. Since you've only changed one value in the file, you don't need to worry about how the checksum actually works. All you need to do is increase the checksum by the same amount that you increased the studs by. For example, if you had 100 studs and changed it to 1000, you would need to add 900 to the checksum.BIN, simply set the four bytes to the number of studs you want (encoded as a four-byte integer, of course).BIN, set bytes 0x204-0x207 to the same value that you put in CODE.BIN, find the value of the last four bytes as a 4-byte integer. Add to that value the value by which you increased your stud count.

Set this new value in the last four bytes. I've successfully used this method to give myself 1,400,000,000 (yes, that's 1.4 billion) studs. I haven't tested to see if the value stored there is signed or unsigned, but a billion studs is more than you'll ever need. This cheat will allow you to give yourself as many studs as you want, but it may be a difficult one to follow if you don't know much about computers. BIN is only 4 bytes and that 4 bytes is one place that holds the number of stud...LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars (lista kod�w) PC, X360, PS3, Wii W celu wprowadzenia jednego z poni�szych kod�w musisz najpierw zatrzyma� gr�. Z menu wybierz teraz kolejno opcje Extras i Enter Code.Ponowne wprowadzenie niekt�rych kod�w mo�e doprowadzi� do ich wy��czenia. 2D5GNM � Study postaci N1CKR1 � mno�nik Stud�w x10 3F5L56 � idealne odbijanie pocisk�w mieczem X1V4N2 � mroczna strona Mocy GCHP7S � szybsze budowanie

CSD5NA � wykrywacz Minikit�w B1D3W3 � super dopalacze YZPHUV � wynik punktowy x2 43T5E5 � wynik punktowy x4 SEBHGR � wynik punktowy x6 BYFSAQ � wynik punktowy x8 N1CKR1 � wynix punktowy x10 6MZ5CH � magnez na Study 2D7JNS � odzyskanie pe�ni si� QD2C31 � Study postaci BS828K � super ci�cia C4ES4R � korzystanie z dw�ch mieczy �wietlnych 4GT3VQ � o�wietlanie ciemno�ci KODY � POSTACIE I �RODKI TRANSPORTU 2VG95B � Aayla Secura G2BFEN � Adi Gallia 272Y9Q � Admira� Ackbar (wersja klasyczna) NG6PYX � Admira� Yularen F9VUYJ � Anakin Skywalker 9AA4DW � Anakin Skywalker (arena Geonosian) RCTFLV � Jedi Starfighter Anakina Skywalkera ZY3AE2 � Arc-170 Starfighter YG9DD7 � Asajj Ventress AA279H � AT-AP Walker M2V1JV � Aurra Sing GEHX6C � Bail Organa YMWV33 � BARC Speeder BTVTZ5 � Barriss Offee

5Y7MA4 � Battle Droid LSU4LJ � Battle Droid Commander 9U4TF3 � Bib Fortuna TY2BYJ � Bobba Fett (wersja klasyczna) NHME85 � Cad Bane D8SNGJ � Kapitan Antilles (wersja klasyczna) MW3QYH � Kapitan Rex GD6FX3 � Kapitan Typho 5C62YQ � Chancellor Palpatine 66UU3T � Chewbacca (wersja klasyczna) HQ7BVD � Clone Pilot 7GFNCQ � Clone Shadow Trooper (wersja klasyczna) NP5GTT � Clone Trooper 7CB6NS � Commander Bly SMN259 � Commander Cody U25HFC � Commander Fil JRPR2A � Commander Ponds QEGU64 � Commando Droid 5XZQSV � Commando Stone EWR7WM � Count Dooku QH68AK � Darth Maul QH68AK � Darth Maul (wersja klasyczna) QXY5XN � Darth Sidius (wersja klasyczna) FM4JB7 � Darth Vader (wersja klasyczna) NMJFBL � Darth Vader Battle Damaged (wersja klasyczna) 9MUTS2 � Destroyer Droid MB9EMW � Dr Nuvo Vindi NACMGG � Dwarf Spider Droid

WUFDYA � Eeth Koth WSFZZQ � Gammorean Guard 7FNU4T � Genera� Grievous GAFZUD � Geonosian Guard PJ2U3R � Geonosian Solar Sailor EDENEC � Geonosian Starfighter 2C8NHP � Gold Super Battle Droid C686PK � Gonk Droid NH2405 � Grand Moff Tarkin FUW4C2 � Greedo (wersja klasyczna) T7XF9Z � Hailfire Droid KFDBXF � Han Solo (wersja klasyczna) G65KJJ � Heavy Super Battle Droid WXUTWY � Heavy Weapons Clone Trooper 4AXTY4 � Helios 3D 5A7XYX � Hondo Hohnaka 77QEJL � H-Type Nubian Yacht NPGG24 � Hyena Bomber 5W6FGD � Imperial Guard (wersja klasyczna) 5KZQ4D � Jango Fett MESPTS � Jar Jar Binks HRX2UK � Jedi Shuttle PYWJ6N � Kit Fitso H68D3K � Kit Fitso�s Jedi Starfighter ERAEWE � Lando Calrissian (wersja klasyczna) SM3Y9B � LEP Servent Droid 3NEUXC � Lieutenant Thire TKCYUZ � Lok Durd PG73HF � Luke Skywalker (wersja klasyczna)

MKUYQ8 � Luminara Uunduli R35Y7N � Lurman Villager V4WMJN � Luxury Droid 8NVRWJ � Mace Windu HJ5HHD � Magnaguard Starfighter BET7CU � Medical Frigate ZKXG43 � Nahdar Vebb 6LT4QL � Neimodian Shuttle QFYXMC � Nute Gunray J9HNF9 � Obi-Wan Kenobi FFBU5M � Obi-Wan Kenobi (wersja klasyczna) 5U9FJK � Obi-Wan Kenobi (arena Geonosian) 25FMVT � Jedi Starfighter Obi-Wana Kenobiego 7NEC36 � OG-9 Homing Spider Droid DB7ZQN � Onaconda Farr 8X87U6 � Padme Amidala SZ824Q � Padme Amidala (arena Geonosian) BH2EHU � Pirate Ruffian Z567HR � Pirate Saucer 3NQGYL � Pirate Speeder Tank BUD4VU � Plo Koon L4LCDV � Jedi Starfighter Plo Koon�a 4592WM � Poggle the Lesser 2D3D3L � Princess Leia (wersja klasyczna) U2T4SP � Probe Droid ZQRN85 � Queen Neeyuntee LKHD3B � Qui-Gon Jinn (wersja klasyczna) PZMQNK � Rebel Commando (wersja klasyczna)

BQCXWR � Republic Attack Shuttle J3MFJZ � Republic Cruiser J2JNDD � Republic Dropship C7M3DU � Republic Gunship P8Z9M5 � RX-200 Tank MELL07 � Savage Opress EPBPLK � Senate Commando S4Y7VW � Senate Commando Republic EA4E9S � Senator Kharrus 9Q7YCT � Senator Philo G4N7C2 � Shahan Alama 5C62YQ � Sionver Boll KDDQVD � Slave I 7RL23G � Soulless One 3RE9XV � Starhawk Speeder Bike XPY46K � Stealth Ship HPE7PZ � Stormtrooper (wersja klasyczna) MJKDV5 � Super Battle Droid RYLVNW � Super Tank FYVSHD � Tee Watt Kaa MHG3XB � The Halo T4K5L4 � The Twilight JSBLJS � Trident Assault Craft HEBHW5 � Turk Falso GC2XSA � Tuscan Raider (wersja klasyczna) QGENFD � Undead Geonosian AKA9BB � V-19 Torrent Starfighter EGQQ4V � Vader�s Apprentice (wersja klasyczna) 7W7K7S � Vulture Droid VRUVSZ � Wag Too

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