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Lego Star Wars Giant Chess


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LEGO Castle Chess Set - 852001 Not sure whether the 852001 is a standard Lego reference, or just something local to Amazon ... Anyway, that's what I found. The pieces appear to come 'ready made', which will be seen a good by those who want to get on with a game of Chess; while others may have preferred it to be like normal Lego sets, where you get to put the bits together. Regarding Board dimensions, the size is 10" x 10", so a decent scale for kids. Staying with the Chess Board, the surface has the traditional Lego type blobs that allow the pieces to be lightly fixed to it and, in the ethos of Lego, easy to detach by a young child. Price-wise, you seem to be looking at forking out around $160, on average ... One thing to consider may be if Lego decide to discontinue the range, they could become "collectors items". LEGO Castle: Fantasy Era Giant Chess SetEverything about this set is bigger ... from the pieces, to the 17" x 17" scale Board and, unsurprisingly, to the price - put it this way, don't expect much change, if any, from $450.

Ignoring the price, the set does look impressive ... The good-size pieces appear wonderfully detailed, with the Rooks probably my favorite, as they have a little Lego man at the top of the turret. As for the Board, it has a smooth surface, rather than the blobs of Lego's aforementioned 10" Castle Chess Set. Because of the larger pieces, I imagine they're weighty enough to stand upright on their own, without having to be physically pressed into the Board. As a novelty, it's certainly up their with the best of themed Chess Sets, like Star Wars and certain Medieval sets you can get. Definitely a Collectors item, as much as a fun Chess set for the kids. If you've got a PC, you can also find the Lego brand dabbling in Chess Software ... Looking on Lego's own website (click here), it appears there have been a few bugs in the software that require you to download and install a 'patch' - basically, this is just extra software code that gets added to the main code, to make it work as intended.

Overall, the animation is great for kids, while the movement of the pieces might hold a child's attention for a bit ... but, long enough to properly learn to play Chess? The following video is probably the best currently on YouTube showing actual gameplay footage: It's very possible that, by the time a child's mind is capable of understanding the rules and tactics of Chess, I think they'll probably be too old to sit down and play with this Lego Chess game and that something like Fritz 12 might be a better purchase - I could be wrong, but that's my view. From Lego Chess To Flash Chess III. <<< Back to the Chess GlossarySubscribe To This SiteMouseover to zoom or click to see larger image Lego Star Wars Millennium Falcon ZipBin Storage Case - 00878119001948 Building Sets, Blocks and Models Lego Star Wars Zipbin Toy Box & Battle Bridge PlaymatStar Wars Vehicles Millennium Falcon ZipBin Race... Star Wars Millennium Falcon Model Kit , New, Free Shipping

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Store ratings and product reviews are written and submitted by online shoppers to assist you as you shop. They do not reflect our opinions. We take no responsibility for the content of ratings and reviews submitted by users. Ron: "That's Wizard's chess." — Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley during Christmas season in 1991[src] Wizard's Chess is the enchanted variant of the classic board game in which the pieces move of their own accord when commanded by the player. When a piece is taken, it is removed by the attacking piece, often in a barbaric manner where the losing piece is smashed violently by the winning piece. During the Christmas feast, in a number of Wizard Crackers, Harry obtained, among other things, his very own Wizard's Chess set. He later broke it in by losing, once again, to Ron. (Although Harry saw this more as the fault of Ron's brother, Percy Weasley, who stood over his shoulder and gave him "advice"). During 1992 an enormous Wizard's Chessboard was the third-to-last layer of security for the Philosopher's Stone.

Harry played as one of the black bishops, Hermione as a rook, and Ron as a Knight. Using his extensive knowledge of chess, Ronald Weasley managed to get himself, Harry, and Hermione Granger across, ultimately sacrificing himself to the White Queen so that Harry could checkmate the King. "Exactly the same as Muggle chess except the figures are animated and can be directed like troops." The chessboard is a type of checkerboard that consists of 64 squares (eight rows and eight columns) arranged in two alternating colours (light and dark). The coulors are called "black" and "white" (or "light" and "dark"). The Chess pieces, or chessmen consist of one king, one queen, two rooks, two bishops, two knights, and eight pawns. The chessboard and chessmen are exactly like Muggle chess except they are animated. Players move their pieces by speaking the name of the piece and the square it is to move to by algebraic notation. For example, "Knight to E5". Aside from the self-moving pieces, the rules of Wizard's Chess are exactly the same as muggle chess.

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