lego star wars gems

lego star wars gems

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Lego Star Wars Gems


Something bad has occurred on the TrueAchievements website. Our developers have been notified and are attempting to rectify the situation. Lucasfilm delivers interactive entertainment across multiple platforms and genres, ranging from the classic Monkey Island series to the hit Angry Birds Star Wars mobile game. With titles on consoles, PCs, and mobile devices, Lucasfilm endeavors to deliver experiences — whether it’s piloting a snowspeeder in the Battle of Hoth or slinging Jedi Birds at Sith Pigs — that are not possible in any other medium, and dazzle fans with stunning graphics, engaging storytelling, and fun gameplay.Continually pushing the art form forward, Lucasfilm leverages the global skills, technology, and resources of its family of companies, in addition to strategic partnerships, to further the boundaries of gaming. Star Wars: Battlefront allowed gamers to control factions from both the original and prequel Star Wars trilogies, and included vehicular and on-foot combat.

The LEGO Star Wars games, combining humor and intuitive gameplay, are among the most popular titles published by Lucasfilm. Angry Birds Star Wars broke records by topping the US iTunes chart just 2.5 hours after release. Grim Fandango's lovingly rendered 3D graphics complemented its unique art style and setting. LEGO®, the LEGO® logo are trademarks of the LEGO® Group. ©2013 The LEGO® Group. iTunes® is a registered trademark of Apple, Inc.The number one LEGO videogame franchise is back!LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens marks the triumphant return of the Star Wars franchise in LEGO form, six months after Episode VII blew our minds. The usual potent brew of tongue-in-cheek, witty LEGO mannerisms, coupled with arguably the biggest movie/toy franchise in the history of entertainment is reason enough for any fan to dive right in.But this isn’t just another game to capitalise on the movie (not that we care even if it is). Add in exploration of the backstory and events between Star Wars Episode VI and VII for the colourful cast of characters, and you got yourself a game worthy of the attention of any Hutt!

The fifth game in the mainline series, LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens will allow players to relive the awesome set pieces as seen in the movie, infused with the trademark humour of LEGO. Not only that, exclusive and new story levels will explore events leading up to Star Wars: The Force Awakens, accompanied by the numerous iconic characters of the franchise and its instantly recognizable locales.With Rey, Finn, Poe Dameron, Han and Chewbacca in tow, bring the fight to Kylo Ren, General Hux and Captain Phasma in all new Blaster Battles. Be wary though, your enemy is now smarter, and can use LEGO bricks for nefarious purposes to stymie the Resistance’s progress. Be prepared as you take to space and sky to dogfight in high-octane and action-packed sequences! Additionally, the Multi-Builds system now allows players to choose what to build next, to solve puzzles or unlock even more laughs. This brings a new dimension to the traditional brick building gameplay. As with all LEGO Star Wars game, it’ll be equally accessible for new players to the LEGO formula, and exciting and light-hearted for those schooled in the ways of LEGO!

If that’s not enough, and if you have been living in a swamp and have never played any of the LEGO games, allow me to blow your mind like Alderaan (Dark side for the win!) and catch you up.The first game in TT Games’ LEGO Star Wars franchise, it placed the spotlight on the prequels of film franchise. Introducing the trademark LEGO gameplay, players solve puzzles, fight enemies and collect studs either alone or with a partner. You can unlock characters using studs, and find hidden minikit canisters that reward you with vehicles when completed.56 characters with different abilities are available to use, with Jedi/Sith being able to double-jump and use the Force, while others like Padme, use blasters. Droids also come into play by opening special doors. One of the coolest features is the ability to import unlocked characters into the sequel Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy. With Free Play and Story mode, it’s fun and easy enough for the whole family and fans alike.With an improved camera and better vehicular levels, the second game in the series just happens to be about the superior trilogy of films, and it is a gem!

Packing even more comedy and adorable LEGO versions of heroes and foes (over 60!), the same gameplay hooks remain. The Mos Eisley Cantina acts as the hub, and the numerous Easter eggs strewn around the game will certainly make any fan happy with glee!More emphasis has been placed on character abilities, with tools like grappling hooks and lightsabers playing a bigger part in puzzle solving and combat. The additions to an already solid foundation make for one of the best in the series.Ushering in the HD era of LEGO games, this entry is a compilation of the first two games in the series, and boasts better graphics and smoother gameplay. The Complete Saga also includes two previously “secret” levels, “Anakin’s Flight” and “Bounty Hunter Pursuit”.The console versions (Xbox 360 & PlayStation 3) also allow for co-op play online, so you and your buddy across the world can play together and relive your childhood dreams of teaming up Han Solo and Boba Fett!Four years after the last game, the fourth entry in the series follows The Clone Wars animated series, with gameplay remaining largely the same and amazingly accessible.

However, several new additions freshen up the formula. Story Swap allows players to jump between teams in separate locations to complete objectives, boss battles make an appearance and a hint of real-time strategy rears its head, with the game allowing you to command ground armies on battlefields. With 115 characters filling out the largest roster ever, the game engine was upgraded to hold more than 200 moving objects on-screen! Split-screen was also added with players now able to exit their vehicles to fight in the same sequence!With the biggest roster, best gameplay and enhancements to the visual fidelity, The Clone Wars is the best in the series so far until…LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens has finally landed on current-gen consoles! Looking the best it has ever looked, the latest entry in the franchise will look to charm you with its cuteness and satisfy the fan in you. With better graphics, enhanced gameplay and possibly the most exciting cast ever assembled, LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens will definitely cause a disturbance in your wallet!PS: Did I mention that the LEGO versions will be voiced by the actual actors?

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