lego star wars 111 cheat codes wii

lego star wars 111 cheat codes wii

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Lego Star Wars 111 Cheat Codes Wii


Collecting all ten minikit canisters at the Niima Outpost mission will unlock the quadjumper for you, as well as getting you a gold brick and a warm sense of satisfaction. This guide will give you the location for every minikit in the level, how to get them, and which characters you'll need as well. All minikits in Niima Outpost in Lego Star Wars: The Force AwakensAs you go through the outpost there are three bits of triangular junk with a bird perched on them - you can see one on top of the grate in this picture. There are two others, one just before the area shown in the picture, on top of a sandbank at the back, and one a little further on, next to two sunbathing stormtroopers in the background (you can shoot it and them when you're in the turret gun you've just built). Get all three of them and you win the minikit canister.Once you've activated the conveyer belt and shot down the junk on top, you can run up it, right to the back. Stay running in place there for a bit and you'll get some studs, and then a minikit, for some reason.

They turn up in the darndest places.When you've unleashed the happabore (pig monster) and luggabeast (big blue mechanical cow thing) and smashed through into the next arena, you can use one of them again to crack open a broken container, on the right side of the gate. The minikit canister will appear, as if by magic.In the same area as above, keep moving right and you'll find some droids stuck in the sand. You need a character with force powers to do it, but you can get all of them out and return them to the large junk dealer in the corner. He's so grateful that he opens up a crate with a minikit in it for you. All minikits in Niima Bombardment in Lego Star Wars: The Force AwakensOnce the new segment of the level starts you'll be looking at a troop ship firing at you from the left. Use either the bricks in front of you to build a turret, or a character who can destroy gold bricks (Phasma, for example) and take it out, then the gold bricks on the rock behind where it was. This will drop down a crate that a strong character, like Chewie, can pull open to get to the minikit canister inside.

As you get to the first cover shooting segment don't run forwards to take cover, go right and then back. You'll get to a little junk heap on the side with a broken water pump. Use a character with thermal detonators (Chewie is the first one you'll have) to break open the taps on the front and it'll fill a pool in front of it with water. Admiral Ackbar can then dive in and retrieve the minikit.When you've gotten round the corner and are heading to the Millennium Falcon, you'll get to the point where you wake up a little sand digging droid. Take him to all the way left to the furthest heap of sand and bricks and he'll dig out the pieces of a minikit canister for you to throw together. All minikits in Jakku Graveyard Flight in Lego Star Wars: The Force AwakensAs you're flying through the wrecks in the first section there are four orange-brown arches going over the track that you can blow up. Take all of them out for the minikit, but keep a sharp eye out; you can fly under them without noticing if you're not careful.

Once you've gotten into the open arena part of the flight and are shooting down TIE fighters, look over the floor of the area. There are three gold brick bits of wreckage - they look like the remains of AT-AT walkers. Blow them all up for the minikit.Near the edge of the area is an enclosed bit of wreckage you can fly into and through. The minikit is in the middle of it. It's a tight squeeze but you should get it without any issues.I lost General Grievous and all my minikits and everything! January 25, 2011   SubscribeMy 8 yr old is demoralized because he somehow accidentally erased all of his progress (weeks of effort apparently), points, money, loot, everything that he had saved in Lego Star Wars and he was very close to mastering all of the levels. Is there any possibility of recovering "all [his] work?" Please note that the details below reflect the time and playthroughs required to get all the Achievements in this walkthrough. Achievements in this walkthrough 30 to 35 hours

Questions about this walkthrough General hints and tips Free Play (Mini-Kits & Red Bricks) Full Achievement Breakdown17 of 17 are Cooperative Achievements17 of 17 are Online/Offline Achievements17 of 17 are Single Player Achievements6 of 17 are Main Storyline Achievements2 of 17 are Collectable Achievements2 of 17 are Cumulative + Achievements This walkthrough is for LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga Sign up or log in to customize your list. Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question The best answers are voted up and rise to the top Apart from the price :) and the quality of the graphics are there any significant differences between the versions of the game on the different consoles. Having access to both a 360 and Wii I could get either, but can't decide which to go for. Just to repeat I'm not interested in hearing that the 360 has "better" graphics - given the relative power of each console I can work that one out for myself.

What I'm interested in are whether one version has more levels, more characters to unlock etc. I've done some research but most of the posts seem to be about differences between the 3DS version and the "full" console version. I haven't played Lego Clone Wars but for the past games (Harry Potter, Indiana Jones, etc) they have been identical. The only differences were the achievements on Xbox. If you don't care about the graphical differences then there is really no difference. Plus with the Xbox version you are not stuck using that clunky WiiMote :) If you look at the strategy guides, there seem to be no sections indicating different content for the Wii and are all labelled as applying to all three systems. My conclusion is they are the same except no achievements and some controls mapped to Wii's motion controls. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google Sign up using Email and Password Post as a guest By posting your answer, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service.

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