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Lego Shop Sk


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LEGO 41099 Friends Heartlake Skate Park FREE Delivery on orders over . DetailsLEGO 41097 Friends Heartlake Hot Air Balloon Set FREE Delivery in the UK. Toys StoreVisit the Toys Store at to browse even more toys with everything from dolls and games to fun for all the family with toddler toys, arts & crafts and educational games too. Product Dimensions26.2 x 6.1 x 19.1 cm Manufacturer recommended age:6 - 12 years Main Language(s)Italian manual, German manual, French manual, English manual, Spanish manual, Spanish Number of Game Players1 Number of Puzzle Pieces199 12,170 in Toys & Games (See top 100) in Toys & Games > Building & Construction Toys Delivery Destinations:Visit the Delivery Destinations Help page to see where this item can be delivered. Date First Available10 April 2015 Would you like to update product info or give feedback on images? This product is subject to specific safety warnings Hit the half pipe at the LEGO Friends Skate Park with Mia and her dog, ramp, camera, vending machine, stereo and a beachside pier.

Includes a Mia mini-doll figure plus a dog What do customers buy after viewing this item? 41097 Friends Heartlake Hot Air Balloon Set Friends 41032: First Aid Jungle Bike See all 23 customer reviews See all 23 customer reviews (newest first) on It's tiny bricks that kids love to leave everywhere 10 year old niece loved this! Missing piece which was very frustrating Bought for a present, the girl loved it! Toys & Games > Building & Construction Toys Už dlhé roky sa viaže najznámejšia a najzábavnejšia hra k menu Lego. Desaťročia trvajúcej neprerušenej popularite môže ďakovať hlavne jednej veci: od zahájenia výroby vysokej kvalite svojich výrobkov. Lego hry – oproti mnohým dnešným moderným hrám – majú osvedčene dobrý vplyv na deti. Stavebnicové hry povzbudzujú deti k tomu, aby úmyselne alebo neúmyselne, ale zistili ich potenciál pre kreativitu, a pomocou stavebnicových hier túto aj zvyšovali.

Hoci rôzne sady Lego hier sú dnes obvykle postavené na ústrednú tému, ale v rukách detí prvky stavebníc Lego dávajú podnet na niečo nové, na vytvorenie jedinečnej štruktúry. Tak vznikne z Lego hier v jednom zábavná, kreatívna a psychicky náročná hra. Jedným najdôležitejším vplyvom stavebnicových hier, ako aj Lego hier, je  zážitok z jednotlivých dokončených stavieb „Ja som postavil!”. Počas akvizačného procesu spojeným so zvláštnou hrdosťou si deti usvoja dôležité do budúcna úrokujúce zručnosti. Kreativitu, štruktúrované riešenie problémov, záujem a fantáziu, ktoré budú dobrým odrážadlom do času dospelosti. Nie v poslednom rade, si deti používaním drobných stavebnicových prvkov nevedomky vyvíjajú zručnosť, ich koordinačné pohyby sa tým jednoduchšie vyvíjajú, stávajú sa silnejšími a bezpečnejšími. S týmito vlastnosťami sa Lego hry stali zaslúžene populárnymi nielen medzi deťmi ale aj dospelými napomáhajúcimi k vývoju detí, veď počas ich používania sa deti nielen hrajú, ale počas hry sa aj v jednom učia.

Táto popularita sa dobre odráža i v tom, že Lego hry zabávajú a učia deti vo viac ako 130 krajín sveta. Výroba Lego dielikov s extrémnou presnosťou prebieha v Dánsku, vo Švajčiarsku a od roku 2009 v Maďarsku. Pre ozdobu Lego prvkov a pre iné pracovné procesy boli zriadené továrne vo viacerých krajinách, a to v Dánsku, Švajčiarsku, Južnej Kórei, Česku a Spojených Štátoch. V týchto továrňach pracuje viac ako 8000 ľudí, a ročne vyrobia viac ako 20 miliard Lego prvkov. Poznajúc týchto fantastických údajov niet divu, že Lego je piatym najväčším svetovým výrobcom hračiek. Lego však myslel aj na odpočinok a to vo forme interaktívnej zábavy pre celú rodinu, a preto dal život takzvaným Legoland-om, ktoré sa tešia obrovskej popularite. Tieto zábavné parky obsahujú stavby v rôznych Lego témach, Lego interaktívne hry a hry plnej zábavy. Tu si prídu aj deti aj dospelí na svoje a pritom sa baví spolu celá rodina. Svoje prvé brány otvoril v mieste svojho sídla, v dánskom Billunde.

Po obrovskom úspechu nebolo potrebné dlho čakať a dnes sú supermoderné Legoland-y otvorené už aj v Anglicku, Nemecku, Kalifornii, na Floride a v Malajzii.What are we best at? We have more than How was the museum started? The idea of starting a private museum was born in 2010. A private collector Miloš Křeček figured he had accumulated over 1000 original LEGO models. It became obvious he couldn´t keep them in his flat anymore. Also, it would be a shame to keep them for himself. That is why he started to work on a project of how to make his huge collection accessible to public. At the end of 2010 he found and rented the right space, with 340 m2 big enough for his intentions.This set contains everything you need to start teaching STEM and computer science using the exciting LEGO® MINDSTORMS® concept. It offers full teacher support, including STEM and computing teaching materials, and a comprehensive eLearning program. The system includes the EV3 Intelligent Brick, a compact and powerful programmable computer that makes it possible to control motors and collect sensor feedback using the intuitive icon-based programming and data logging software that is delivered with the set.

The set is delivered in a sturdy storage bin with a sorting tray, three Servo Motors, five Sensors (Gyro, Ultrasonic, Color and 2x Touch), a EV3 Rechargeable DC Battery, connecting cables, and building instructions. Includes 541 elements that can be used for teaching science, technology, engineering, math, and computer science. The LEGO MINDSTORMS Education EV3 Core Set comes with a curriculum pack and includes 48 tutorials to help you and your students learn the basics of LEGO MINDSTORMS Education EV3. The 48 step-by-step tutorials are designed to help educators and students master basic and advanced programming as well as hardware and data logging functions. The easy-to-learn, easy-to-use EV3 Software and the EV3 Programming app are optimized for classroom use. Programming is done by dragging and dropping icons into a line to form commands allowing students to uild simple programs, and then easily and intuitively build on their skills until they are developing complex algorithms.

The data logging feature inside the EV3 Software is a powerful science tool for carrying out experiments. It is easy to predict, collect, view, analyze and manipulate data from sensors and see the data in interactive graphs. The software is based on LabVIEW, the industry-leading graphical programming language, and is optimized for classroom usage. The LEGO MINDSTORMS Education EV3 software lets your students: Program robots and other creations Document and track progress using the documentation tool Create and edit content Access the Robot Educator tutorials Log real-time data and calculate data sets (not available on the tablet app) The software is Windows, Mac, Chromebook and iOS compatible. The LEGO MINDSTORMS Education EV3 Creative Process Assessment provides a bridge between LEGO Education activities and concepts of creativity. The Creative Process Assessment is a document containing methodology for accurately and effectively assessing the creativity of your students who are engaged in LEGO Education activities and related curriculum materials.

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