lego set 7892

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Lego Set 7892


> "lego" in toys, games in Ontario Use Distance Search to find Ads based on where you are and how far you want to travel. Get an alert with the newest ads for "lego" in Ontario. Sign up or log in to customize your list. Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question The best answers are voted up and rise to the top My son has fallen in love with the Lego City series. Alas, I let him watch a YouTube from the video game, and as we look to reward good behavior with reasonable sets, we are seeing very odd price patterns. Within the Lego City series, a simple set, like a small car or helicopter might be $10. But the police station might be 70-80 dollars. Ok, more complex set, I suppose I can accept that. But then we look at some of the medium size sets and the prices on Amazon seem very high. (Any prices I quote for specific things are meaningless since they seem to change). But we are seeing 200 and 300 dollar sets? That seems a bit extreme.

Without examples, it's difficult provide a precise answer, but I'll give it a shot. Since you mentioned Amazon, I assume that's where you are getting your pricing information from. As you noted, prices from many retailers will fluctuate based on supply and demand, and that can often explain why a set is expensive. Amazon in particular lists many sets which are no longer in production. As an extreme example, the UCS Millenium Falcon is currently listed at over $3000 USD even though its MSRP is just $499.99. Popular items tend to be more expensive on sites like Amazon after the item is no longer being produced by TLG due to shrinking supply. and others to find information about the year a set was released and its MSRP. In general, if a set was released more than 3 years ago, it is no longer in production and you will probably pay a premium to get it new and in its original box. where all of the sets will be currently in production. Just to add one more thing to jncraton's very nice and detailed response.

You mentioned that your son really likes City sets. That is actually a good thing as far as getting standard prices because City is a perennial LEGO theme. The Police station your son sees at the back of an old instruction-manual may have been retired, but you can be rest assured that there is a newer version currently available. LEGO City police, fire, construction and cost-guard sets are always available. I would suggest that you check the Online LEGO Shop for the current selection of LEGO City sets and have your son choose what he likes from there. You can also request a Retail Catalog LEGO will send you by mail every few months which contains some of the latest sets - it is very nice to browse through it. This might be a better way for your son to pick the sets he likes. If you still decide to shop on Amazon, shop only for current sets (the ones you have seen at the Online LEGO Shop), instead of retired sets. Current sets should be the same price or better then what's available directly from LEGO.

Also make sure you are shopping directly from Amazon, and not from an Amazon reseller. Listings with the "Eligible for Free Super Saver Shipping" option included are directly from Amazon and should have the best price. The cheapest set for basic bricks if 6177. 650 Bricks for $30 (US). Most are the tiny ones, not the standard 4X2s, but it's still the best value out there. A great article on Medium explains this in detail: essentially it boils down to marketing costs, licensing royalties, and an obsession with quality. Think about it, when's the last time you put two LEGOs together and they didn't have a perfect, snug fit, even after years of use? Sign up or log in Sign up using Google Sign up using Email and Password Post as a guest By posting your answer, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service. Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged shopping city or ask your own question. This is a list of Lego City sets (also previously known as Legoland, Lego Town and Lego World City).

A very small subtheme of Town, Houses incorporated older sets of houses and buildings, like 6592 Vacation Hideaway into a new subtheme. However, the theme was the only 1991 subtheme not to continue another year. Launch Command was released in 1995 as a Lego Town subtheme. It was the first dedicated Lego theme that attempted to depict real-life contemporary efforts of space exploration. Prior to the theme's official launch in 1995, two sets were released in preceding years that are considered predecessors to the theme. Space Shuttle Launch, released in 1990, featured NASA logo, unlike subsequent releases. Shuttle Launching Crew, released in 1992, featured the characteristic "V" pattern seen on Launch Command sets released in 1995. The two shuttles released in 1995 were in fact labeled "2" and "3", leading one to believe that shuttle 1 was contained in 6346 Shuttle Launching Crew. Space Port was released four years after Launch Command and is often seen as a continuation of that theme due to its similar logo and status as a Lego Town Subtheme.

Space Port took the Launch Command concept and expanded upon it into new areas such as astronaut training and scientific experiments. The Space Port theme took a slightly less realistic approach to set design compared to Launch command, and some sets featured special Light & Sound bricks to enhance playability. Space (City) is the third attempt at depicting contemporary efforts in space. The theme was preceded by Shuttle Adventure, which was released in 2010 under the Lego Exclusives line to coincide with the retirement of the Space Shuttle. The set proved to be extremely popular among children and was re-released in 2011 as Shuttle Expedition with several re-designs to improve playability. Both of these sets as well as all sets in the Space theme feature a logo inspired by the Lego Classic Space logo. Set 60113 2016 Rally Car Set 60114 2016 Race Boat 60115 2016 4 X 4 Off Roader 60116 2016 Ambulance Plane 60117 2016 Van & Caravan 60118 2016 Garbage Truck 60119 2016 Ferry

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