lego set 6721

lego set 6721

lego set 6712

Lego Set 6721


Women earned only 18% of Computer Science degrees in 2012, down from 27% in 2001, and this gender imbalance needs to be rectified in order to meet the looming skills gap in the software industry. A report  published last week to coincide with Computer Science Education Week, reveals the way in which the gender divide in computer science is becoming more extreme. It comes from Change The Equation, a business coalition that aims to mobilize the business community to improve the quality of STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) education in the United States. With the title Half Empty the report points out: Men have surged back into computing in the past five years, but women have not recovered from last decade’s slump. The main findings are summarized in this infographic that has the title Code Red, indicating the importance of taking action to remedy the scenario in which half the nation's population is "untapped" in terms of being a resource for meeting the growing IT skills gap.

Source: Change The Equation - click to open in new window) At the event hosted by Change the Equation to explore the question "where are the women in computing?" Kimberly Bryant, the founder of the nonprofit group Black Girls Code said: "There's a social image around what a computer scientist looks like.  The startup culture is very male dominated. Changing that culture and its dynamics is how we can entice girls to become interested." A great deal is now being done to reverse the message that has prevailed that tells girls and women that computer science is not a suitable choice, but there is still a way to go.HomeMailFlickrTumblrNewsSportsFinanceCelebrityAnswersGroupsMobileTechCrunch•February 9, 2017iPhone rumor season is upon us — as if it ever ends — and the latest claims that the next iPhone will cost upwards of $1000 (at least, for the most expensive model).To be clear, that isn’t a huge deal considering that the top-of-the-line iPhone currently costs more than $900.

Still, Fast Company reports that Apple may be switching from...What to Read NextVous adorez les dinosaures à la sauce LEGO et vous collectionnez tout ce que le fabricant a pu produire sur ce thème ? Muttpop a besoin de votre aide sur un projet qui s'annonce très intéressant. L'éditeur travaille actuellement sur un ouvrage qui traitera du vaste sujet des dinosaures avec une approche plutôt originale : D'un côté du contenu rédactionnel sérieux et documenté fourni par un paléontologue, de l'autre des illustrations à base de LEGO toutes réalisées par le talentueux photographe Aurélien Mathieu aka Shobrick. Vu comme ça, le projet semble un peu fou, mais je fais confiance à Muttpop pour nous proposer un ouvrage de qualité, à la fois éducatif et divertissant. Pour faire simple : Muttpop recherche en priorité les quatre boites (et surtout leur contenu) commercialisées en 2001 dans la gamme "Dinosaurs" portant les références 6719 à 6722 (visuels ci-dessus).

Chacune de ces boites permet de reproduire quatre dinosaures différents à l'aide de l'inventaire fourni. Muttpop recherche également l'ensemble des créatures présentes dans les six sets de la gamme Jurassic World commercialisés en 2015 (Références 75915 à 75920). Si vous êtes en mesure de prêter ces dinosaures à l'éditeur, celui-ci ne sera pas ingrat et saura se montrer reconnaissant en vous permettant de rencontrer les artistes et les professionnels qui travaillent à la réalisation de ce livre, en vous en offrant un exemplaire et en vous remerciant chaleureusement dans ses pages pour que tout le monde sache que vous avez fait preuve d'une générosité sans faille. Vous pouvez contacter l'éditeur à cette adresse : . Vous pouvez par ailleur vous faire une idée de la qualité du travail de Shobrick en vous rendant sur sa galerie flickr ou en feuilletant le n°1 du magazine Breeks qui propose un reportage d'une douzaine de pages sur l'artiste et son oeuvre.

Sign up or log in to save this to your schedule and see who's attending! Sunday July 24, 2016 11:15am - 12:15pm 1: Programs, Action Figures - Toys - Collectibles, Games, Video Games Tags Action Figures - Toys - Collectibles, Games, Video Games CMDNhHn View All →Old Guns is a Minutemen main quest and achievement/trophy in Fallout 4. This quest can be received from Preston Garvey in Sanctuary at a certain point in the game. Alternatively, a few days after securing the castle, one will be approached and engaged in conversation by a woman named Ronnie Shaw, or by listening to Radio Freedom. She tells of the old Castle's untapped armory. After some dialogue, the Old Guns quest will begin, and Ronnie will lead to a large hydraulic steel door within the Castle, she will say that this door is not accessible and the player character will need to find another way around. Ronnie then leads them inside the Castle's halls into the old general's office where a hallway (now blocked by rubble) leads to the armory.

Ronnie Shaw will ask to clear the rubble. Using the workshop, the Sole Survivor can clear said rubble and gain access to the lower tunnels leading to the armory. This is done simply by scrapping the rubble in workshop mode. Inside are a few rooms with general junk and a shelf with ten cannonballs for the Broadsider. There are also some minor defenses--mines and a single level-dependent turret. This initial area has some environmental radiation. Just beyond, across from the chemistry station is a power generator with a fusion core. Guarding the far entrance is a heavy sentry bot called Sarge. Once the bot is destroyed, Shaw will gain access into the next room where General McGann's body is found and a computer containing his last entries. The next door leads to the West Bastion. Shaw will access a terminal that will open the armory. Inside is an array of plunder, including an artillery schematic and some artillery smoke grenades (inside a yellow ammo box container on the metal shelf), which are needed for the next part of the quest.

After taking the schematic, it will add an artillery piece to the workshop under a new Special category. Speak to Ronnie and she will ask to build the artillery piece. Place it (some pre-existing spots exist on the walls if preferred) and assign a settler to them. After doing this, speak to Ronnie again and she wants to test the new artillery. Shaw asks the Sole Survivor to keep the Minutemen radio station on (Radio Freedom), (this is an optional task) and to throw a grenade into the test site (shown on the compass, and with a quest marker). If the have the radio station on, the Sole Survivor will hear Ronnie speaking on it. On approaching the test site, throw an artillery smoke grenade into the site and step back. After a few seconds the guns will fire and Ronnie will say the test was a success. After this, speak to Preston Garvey and complete the quest. Cleanup (Issue: verification of descriptions) To meet Nukapedia's quality standards, this article or section may require cleanup.

Please help by improving the article. StageStatusDescriptionLog Entry50 Quest active - Meet Ronnie at CastleSomeone named Ronnie Shaw has arrived at the Castle looking for me. I should find out what she wants.200 Gain access to ArmoryRonnie Shaw told me that the Minutemen's armory was located in the west bastion of the Castle. It still might contain a lot of useful weapons and supplies, if we can find a way in.300 Objective clear the rubble400 Rubble cleared450 Explore the passage.460 Start of fight with Sarge Sentry Bot.470 Sarge Sentry Bot defeated.480 Ronnie has just opened armory door540 Told to collect schematic and flaresRonnie Shaw and I managed to get into the old armory at the Castle. It contained schematics and supplies for building artillery, which would be a huge boost to the hitting power available to the Minutemen.570 Talk to Ronnie600 Build artillery800 Head to test fire location805 Listen to radio820 Throw smoke grenade920 Artillery test done. Artillery strikes now available to be called from settlements.

I've built and successfully test-fired the artillery at the Castle. I can now call in artillery fire from nearby batteries with the smoke grenades from the Castle armory.950 Talk to Preston1000Quest Complete There is a reference to the short story The Cask of Montresor's Amontillado by Edgar Allen Poe during this quest. After entering the locked room with General McGann's body inside, the player character can find Amontillado wine next to the corpse as well as a broken wall with a skeleton shackled inside across from the body. In the short story, a man hates another for insulting him. As revenge for the slight, the murderer lures his victim down into a cellar by promising him a drink of Amontillado wine, and buries him alive inside a wall in this same fashion. This short story was actually based on an urban legend about Fort Independence, wherein an officer is buried alive by the soldiers for killing a favored officer in a duel. Deactivating Sarge with Robotics perk doesn't trigger next script, the player character needs to destroy the robot to proceed or on PC open console and type .

If Ronnie still does not react set the stage to 480 to open the door. If starting the quest after having already retrieved either the artillery blueprints or smoke grenades (via console commands, etc), one will not be able to progress. However this can be fixed by adding the smoke grenades to the inventory if not having any. Ronnie Shaw may get stuck "taking a knee" if knocked out during the fight with Sarge, preventing her from progressing the quest. Going back upstairs and returning, or sleeping in a bed in the room seems to reset her and allows her to work on the terminal. Ronnie stops being a vendor and gets locked in "trade mode" when talked to even when she is in the armory. Seems to happen at random. Tuning into Radio Freedom after throwing the smoke grenade may cause the broadcaster to leave his post and refuse to return. Open up console using ~ Select the radio transmitter (hex value should be ) Assign any settler to the radio transmitter; this should force the minute man to sit down and start using it again.

The artillery may fail to fire after throwing the smoke grenade, completing all other quest objectives without triggering the "Speak to Preston Garvey" objective, rendering the quest unbeatable. Applying the radio-fix above, and then throwing another smoke grenade to the same area as earlier in the quest, can trigger the artillery, and the quest will continue. Another possible fix is to use a command to modify the timescale: Wait and see if the artillery is firing and if your quest can go on Revert back to timescale default value, type: . Radio operator may complain that he can not use the radio as it needs more power even when enough to run a small town is present. Refuses to sit at radio and no other NPC can be assigned to task.If it occurs before old guns is completed it renders this quest uncompleteable. Could be linked with Ronnie Shaw suddenly stop being a vendor. Ronnie gets stuck behind the door that the computer terminal needs to open and the terminal says inaccessible.

This happens when Ronnie takes a knee in the hallway prior to entering the room with the sentry bot. When a bottle cap mine is placed at the right corner of the rooms doorway and the sentry bot triggers it. When the mine goes off Ronnie disappears and the sentry bot gets stuck. Once the bot is defeated Ronnie appears behind the security door and cannot come through to unlock the terminal. When doing the "Old guns" quest, once underground in the Castle's armory, there is a chance Ronnie Shaw can die and spawn in the other side of the room preventing her from opening the door that only she is able to open, which is game breaking as it prevents you from completing the quest. To fix, move Ronnie to the player with . When Ronnie leads the player outside for a test firing after building the artillery and collecting the smoke grenades, If extensive work had been done on the walls and/or outside prior or before this quest, Ronnie will continually attempt to reach the location needed for the test fire, but the quest will never progress.

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