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Lego Set 103


LEGO DUPLO Set treno deluxe Il set LEGO DUPLO Treno Deluxe contiene un treno moderno con effetti sonori, 2 vagoni, un camion, una gru funzionante, una stazione, pompa di rifornimento e tanti altri elementi! Rifornisci il treno e ascolta i veri effetti sonori! Scarica le pietre con la gru funzionante. Attraversa il ponte e la galleria. LEGO DUPLO: un mondo di divertimento per i più piccini! Giocare non è semplicemente un gioco, soprattutto per i più piccini! Attraverso il gioco, infatti, i bambini imparano a scoprire il mondo che li circonda e sviluppano il loro apprendimento. Siete pronti per infinite ore di gioco e divertimento, liberando la vostra immaginazione? Per i bambini giocare insieme agli altri è importante e divertente! Racconta al tuo piccolo l’affascinante mondo degli animali, o immaginatevi di cucinare una prelibatezza: ci sono così tante cose che può imparare divertendosi! Con i coloratissimi set LEGO DUPLO i bambini imparano divertendosi tantissime informazioni che li accompagnano nella loro crescita: la vita in fattoria, la combinazione dei colori e della frutta, l'alternanza del giorno e della notte o imparano a contare.

I bellissimi starter set LEGO DUPLO sono perfetti per avvicinare il tuo bambino al mondo delle costruzioni grazie ai loro mattoncini grossi e tutti colorati, pensati proprio per essere sicuri e adatti alle manine dei più piccoli. Grazie ai mattoncini LEGO DUPLO più grandi, sviluppati appositamente per le manine più piccole, il tuo bambino può immaginare, costruire ed esplorare infiniti nuovi mondi! L'ingresso nel mondo dei mattoncini Con LEGO Juniors, i bambini a partire da 4 anni incontrano i loro temi preferiti: divertentissimi camion, supereroi, edifici grandiosi ed altro ancora. I mattoncini LEGO Juniors hanno esattamento le stesse dimensioni dei normali mattoncini LEGO ma i set contengono elementi di costruzione più grandi, ideali per rendere l'esperienza di costruzione perfetta anche per i giovani costruttori. I temi LEGO DUPLO I miei primi set LEGO DUPLO Gioca e impara con LEGO DUPLO grazie a questi starter set semplici da costruire. I grandi mattoncini colorati sono perfetti per le vostre prime costruzioni, mentre con quelli decorati potrete liberare la fantasia, creando piccole storie e momenti di apprendimento.

I mattoncini LEGO DUPLO sono stati ideati per essere divertenti e sicuri anche per i più piccini, e i personaggi DUPLO per ispirare le vostre magiche ore di gioco! Il Mio LEGO DUPLO Town Appassionanti temi di gioco per tutti i bambini che amano la realtà e che amano inventare infinite storie di gioco e divertimento. Temi sempre nuovi ed appassionanti svilupperanno la loro immaginazione! Tantissimo divertimento con mattoncini colorati e set dalle tenere e dettagliate decorazioni. I Suoi Personaggi Preferiti Tante fantastiche avventure da costruire con i personaggi preferiti dal tuo bambino. Gioco, divertimento e curiosità Fantastiche app per bambini in età prescolare. Queste app gratuite sono state progettate appositamente per le capacità e gli interessi dei bambini che non vanno ancora a scuola. LEGO DUPLO su Facebook Visitate la nostra pagina LEGO DUPLO su Facebook per scoprire tutte le nostre attività ed iniziative!Perché non visitate allora il nostro negozio LEGO DUPLO su Amazon?

In 1958 LEGO estimated that six standard LEGO bricks could be combined together in nearly 103 million ways. Math professor Soren Eilers discovered that they were off by more than 900 million. In this clip from A LEGO Brickumentary, in theaters, iTunes and On Demand this Friday, the good professor explains why LEGO’s initial estimates were so far off. They were only taking into account six bricks stacked on top on each other in a tower configuration. What about laying four bricks side-by-side and connecting them across the top with the other two or other small, flat structures? After theory failed, Professor Eilers created a computer program to help determine the actual number. After about a week of calculations, he came up with 915,104,765 calculations. Today the same calculation takes only five minutes, but adding additional bricks ups the computing time exponentially. Seven bricks takes two hours. Eight took 20 days. Eilers estimates that calculating nine or ten bricks would take years, or even hundreds of years.

I’m looking forward to seeing what other small, brick-shaped nuggets of information I’ll learn once I catch the full movie. A Lego Brickumentary will be available in an easily calculable number of places this Friday.This is the final installment in our series on room block management, where we’ve pulled back the curtain to reveal how hotels work to manage your room block and their occupancy. (Here are the prior two posts:  Legos 101: General Block Management and Legos 102: Attrition.) When it comes down to negotiating your hotel contract, few clauses have as much impact to the overall success of your event than your reservations clause and cut-off date. As a refresher, the cut-off date is the date when all of your room reservations must be made. By ”made,” I mean either the date your rooming list is due to the hotel or, if there’s no rooming list, the date when your attendees must have made their own reservations. Any rooms left unused in your block after this date are returned to the hotel inventory and put up for general sale.

And often these rooms are sold at a higher rate than your negotiated group rate. This becomes a real bummer for those who procrastinated in making their reservations (which I’m notorious for doing – ugh!). Before we dive into some key strategies you can use to better leverage the cut-off date, let’s quickly review why the date exists in the first place. If you’ve read the prior two posts, you know that everything a hotel does relating to your room block is for one purpose: to drive occupancy. The cut-off date is no different. By forcing groups to fill their room blocks early – hence, the cut-off date – the hotel has a better shot at managing around the block to fill as many rooms as possible. The more time they have to fill the rooms, the more likely they’ll actually fill them. So what strategies can you use to mitigate the effect of the cut-off date on your program? The first, of course, is in your contract negotiations, by working to get the cut-off as close to your arrival date as possible.

The hotel will probably agree to anywhere from a 30- to a 21-day cut-off, depending on the demand. Less demand means more flexibility on the cut-off date. In peak season, you may find cut-off dates as long as 45 days from arrival. But that’s the easy strategy to deploy. The rubber meets the road only after you’ve signed your contract. What do you do then to manage the cut-off date? Start by asking one question to the hotel reservations manager at 90, 60, 45, and 30 days out: “What’s your forecasted occupancy over my group’s dates?” You see, hotels today have some very slick technology that enables them to predict their occupancy pretty far out. This is great news for you, as you’ll be far more effective at managing your own block with this information. The hotel’s response will drive all of your decisions from this point forward in managing to your cut-off date. I should mention here that if your group is generally good at timely reservations or registrations, then you probably don’t need to read any further.

However, if your attendees are like most, procrastinating all the way to the end, read on. Here’s how to act depending on what you hear. Anything above 90% means the hotel is yielding their inventory – that is, charging higher rates as the occupancy grows – and will not allow you to have your negotiated rate after cut-off. Assume the hotel will sell-out, and act accordingly. React NOW: Communicate to your attendee list immediately. Let them know to get their reservations in by the cut-off date or they’ll likely be out of luck. Track it: Create a simple chart to track the hotel’s occupancy forecast each time you call. (Click here to download Zentila's simple hotel occupancy tracking spreadsheet.) This will give you more insight into the speed in which reservations are being made and allow you to adjust if, for instance, the hotel is on pace to sell out earlier than expected. Pick up the pace: At 45 days out, create a communication plan to get those latecomers to make their reservations quickly.

The most important thing to remember: By communicating frequently with your hotel, you’ll gain the most control over your reservation cut-off date. I should add that it’s also critical to these strategies that you let the hotel know of any challenges you’re having in filling your blocks. Often they’ll step in to lend a hand, whether by creating marketing pieces for you or even by offering early-bird incentives. No one wakes up in the morning and says, “Gee, I’d loooove to manage my group’s reservation cut-off dates today!” Nevertheless, keeping an eye on the calendar and talking with your hotel sales manager 90, 60, 45, and 30 days before your event will go a long way to controlling costs and eliminating surprises. Get more great tips to help you manage your room block, download our free guide: Meeting Planner Guide to Room Block Management & Avoiding Attrition Download today and keep this valuable resource at your fingertips for your next meeting request.

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