lego racers 2 berg

lego racers 2 berg

lego racers 2 arctic golden bricks

Lego Racers 2 Berg


This minifigure has only appeared in video game(s)Although this article is about an official minifigure, it never existed in physical form, or appeared in any official LEGO sets. The Berg is an Ice Monster that appears in the video game LEGO Racers 2 as the boss of the Arctic world. He presents himself as a scary monster, although he isn't. He does not drive a car; instead he simply runs. At the beginning of the race against the player, he cheats and starts before the light turns green and while racing, he leaves giant ice spikes behind him. After the player defeats him he cries, but after some reassuring from the player he calms down and gives him large tyres. However, according to Captain Ross, he abducted an explorer who has yet to be found. He eventually appears when the player beats Rocket Racer on Xalax calling the player his friend. He is the only known intelligent Ice Monster, or any such creature, for that matter. Lego Racers 2 is the sequel to Lego Racers. The storyline for this new version was expanded as well as the variety of types of cars you can drive and worlds that you get to explore.

One of the main differences that sets Lego Racers 2 apart from other racing games is the variety of the types of tracks and the types of cars you can drive, including snow mobiles, trucks, and hover cars. Each one with its own driving feel. Just like most racing games, there are a variety of races that you must beat in order to unlock new races. Within 4 of the 5 worlds that exist in Lego Racers 2 (The first one is Sandy Bay which includes 4 one on one races that help you get used to the feel of the game) there are 4 main races that you must win which are against multiple racers and then a final Boss race that you must win in order to move on to the next world. Every time you enter a new world, you must build a new car because each world has a different kind of terrain. So in arctic world you can have blades rather than wheels, and on Mars you can have a hover car that doesn’t even have any wheels. After you defeat each boss, you get some super powerup from them that you bring with you to the next world.

Sam Sanister from Dino Island gives you his super-fast turbo engine, Rigel from Mars gives you his super shield, and Berg gives you his super good Grip tires (despite the fact that he doesn't even drive a car). Within each world you can go exploring too. You can collect hidden golden bricks (which are necessary to proceed) and also play mini games which enable you get upgrades for your car as well. While you’re racing there are also a variety of powerups you can get by driving through certain Lego bricks that are scattered throughout the course. These are mostly your typical powerups such as discs or rockets that you can throw at opponents cars, invincibility, and a thunderbolt which causes damage to any cars close to you. But the best powerup is the Destructabrick, which hits every car on the racetrack (except yours) no matter where they are, but this powerup is much more rare and normally you only get it if you're in last place. Every time you get hit, you lose some bricks off your car and if you get hit too many times without going through a pit-stop, then you lose your car entirely and must run, on foot, to the nearest pit-stop.

The aesthetics of Lego Racers 2 is very similar to the other Lego video games. Not the highest quality but it still feels as if you’re in the Lego universe. Compared to other racing games, the driving controls of the car aren't as advanced, making it easier to control at some times and more difficult at other times. One really cool aspect though is that depending on which of the 5 worlds you are on, driving will feel different: more slippery on arctic world and Dino Island, and on Mars, you even get a hover car! Also, there are different boosts that you can get as you advance through the game that can give you better grip, a stronger shield, and a faster speed. Throughout the game you are guided by, Sparky, who gives you hints throughout your adventure and encourages you as you move on to each race. You start out on Sandy Bay. There you must race and beat 4 of the locals in order to move on to the next set of races in the next world. Your goal is to win every race in all 5 of the worlds plus the boss on every world in order to get a chance to race Rocket Racer.

The 2nd world is Dino Island, the 3rd is Mars, the 4th is Arctic, and the final one is Xalax. Each world and boss has its own unique characteristics. Most of the bosses (except Rocket Racer who’s really nice and friendly even after you beat him) are pretty mean and some even cheat by jumping the gun. The Arctic Boss, Berg, doesn’t even have a real car he just runs the entire course. And Rigel, on Mars is not affected by any of your powerups. When you’re not racing you can also explore each world and collect golden bricks which allow you to pay to get to the next world. This game was originally made for Windows PC, Play Station 2 and Game Boy Advance. Collisions and handling of the car are fairly simple as far as technology goes, but that’s also part of how the game is supposed to be, you are driving a car made out of Legos after all. When you hit another car it goes flying up in the air for a few seconds too, which is pretty amusing to watch. Overall, though this game may not be the most advanced racing game, it has a very good mix of different types of races and a good storyline too.

Plus, it’s all in the Lego universe, and each world that you race on is based on a different Lego set. So any Lego fans will definitely appreciate this. Also, the way that they enable you to totally build your own car and the fact that when you get hit you lose bricks from your car really make you feel as if you are in the Lego universe. Definitely one of my favorite racing games growing up. Lego Racers 2 is het vervolg op Lego Racers uit 1999. Nadat Rocket Racer in het eerste deel na een spannende race is verslagen, gaat hij naar Xalax. Xalax ligt in de ruimte en daar verslaat hij iedereen die het tegen hem durft op te nemen op het Galactische racekampioenschap. Het nieuws verspreidt zich, dus ook naar Sandy Bay. Daar woont de speler en samen met zijn hulpje Sparky gaat hij de strijd aan en probeert hij de beste racer van het heelal te worden door Rocket Racer te verslaan. De besturing van Lego Racers 2 verschilt van dat van het eerste deel. De racer heeft nu te maken met grip.

Verder kan de auto kapotgaan door toedoen van powerups, door tegen muren op te rijden of van een helling te vallen. Tijdens de race moet de racer door de aangegeven poorten rijden om te race uit te rijden. Al mist hij zo'n poort moet hij terugrijden en er alsnog doorheen rijden. Er zijn 5 werelden. Als een wereld is uitgespeeld, mag de racer naar de volgende. Elke wereld is verdeeld in 5 racen, behalve Sandy Bay (4 racen). In Sandy Bay moet de speler racen tegen Gavin, Bobby, Mike en Fred. In Adventurers, op Mars en in Arctic moet in de eerste vier racen geracet worden 7 willekeurige racers en in de vijfde race tegen respectievelijk Sam Sinister, Riegel en The Berg. In Xalax wordt er de eerste vier racen tegen 7 bewoners van Xalax gereden en in de laatste race tegen Rocket Racer. Naast het racen is er ook nog de optie verkennen, waarbij de racer een wereld verkent op zoek naar gouden stenen (deze moeten gespaard worden tot een aantal van 35) en naar wervelwinden. Met dit laatste kan de racer een bonusopdracht uitvoeren.

Wanneer deze goed is uitgevoerd, mag hij een upgrade voor de auto uitkiezen. Gedurende een race kunnen powerups opgepakt worden door er simpelweg doorheen te rijden. De powerups kunnen vervolgens geactiveerd worden. Er zijn in totaal 7 powerups, ieder met een ander effect: Na een bonusopdracht bestaat er de mogelijkheid een upgrade uit te zoeken. De speler kan kiezen uit de volgende upgrades: Ole Kirk Christiansen · Godtfred Kirk Christiansen · Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen · Legoland Discovery Center · LEGO Dino Attack · LEGO Harry Potter · LEGO Indiana Jones · LEGO Orient Expedition · LEGO Power Functions · LEGO Star Wars · LEGO Racers 2 · LEGO Eiland 2: De wraak van Dondersteen · Island Xtreme Stunts · LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game · LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy · LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga · LEGO Batman: The Videogame · LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures · LEGO Harry Potter: Jaren 1-4 · LEGO Harry Potter: Jaren 5-7 · LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game ·

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