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Lego Movie Ps4 Hilfe


PS4 - LEGO Dimensions Starter Pack Gehören Sie zu den Ersten. Bewerten Sie diesen Artikel Möchten Sie diesen Artikel tatsächlich Ihrer Registrierung Der/die Artikel, den/die Sie zum Wunschzettel hinzufügen wollen, ist/sind eventuell zukünftig nicht mehr erhältlich. Überlegen Sie sich, ob Sie den/die Artikel sofort kaufen möchten und fragen Sie in Ihrer Filiale nach, falls wir den/die Artikel gerade nicht auf Lager haben. Möchten Sie den Artikel trotzdem auf Ihren Wunschzettel setzen? Der/die gewünschte(n) Artikel sind nicht verfügbar und können nicht auf Ihren Wunschzettel gesetzt werden. Wählen Sie einen anderen/andere Artikel aus! Was ist LEGO Dimensions?Ein ebenso mächtiger wie geheimnisvoller Wirbel erscheint überraschend in verschiedenen LEGO-Welten und reißt zahlreiche bekannte Charaktere aus den DC Comics, Der Herr der Ringe und The LEGO Movie mit sich. Um ihre Freunde zu retten, springen Batman, Gandalf und Wyldstyle mutig in den Wirbel und kämpfen schon bald um das Überleben der gesamten LEGO-Menschheit.Kreativität ist der Schlüssel zu einem neuen Bau- und Spiel-Abenteuer.

Reise durch unerwartete Welten und gehe unwahrscheinlich anmutende Bündnisse ein, um den bösen Lord Vortech zu besiegen. Spiele mit verschiedenen Minifiguren aus unterschiedlichen Welten in einem einzigen LEGO-Videospiel und nutze ihre Vehikel und Ausrüstung auf nie zuvor mögliche Art. LEGO Bad Cop fährt die DeLorean-Zeitmaschine warum nicht?! Die LEGO Ninjago Masters of Spinjitsu kämpfen gemeinsam mit Wonder woman ja, bitte! Sei bereit, alle Regeln zu brechen. Denn die einzige Regel bei LEGO Dimensions ist, dass es keine Regeln gibt!Zum Beginnen wird nur das LEGO Dimensions Starter Pack gebraucht baue die Basis und unternimm eine fantastische Reise! Das LEGO Dimensions Starter Pack beinhaltet:Im Lieferumfang enthalten:LEGO Dimensions VideospielLEGO Toy PadSteine für den Bau des LEGO Gateway3 LEGO-Minifiguren (Batman, Gandalf und Wyldstyle)LEGO Batmobil-FahrzeugBaue die Minifigur-Helden und starte das Spiel, um aufzubrechen. Folge der Bauanleitung im Spiel, errichte aus den enthaltenen Steinen das LEGO Gateway und stelle es auf das LEGO Toy Pad.

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Erlebe die neue Multi-Build-Funktion und such im packenden neuen „Blaster Battle“-Modus Deckung. Reviewed by playing a PlayStation 4 on October 12, 2015 Lego Dimensions: The Simpsons Level Pack is also compatible with Xbox One, Wii U, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360 The Simpsons Level Pack is one of the Lego Dimensions build sets available at launch. If you're wondering if its contents are enough to warrant splurging on, I'll break down what you can expect to help you make up your mind. As long as Homer has a TV and a car, he's one happy camper As with other Level Packs, this includes a character (Homer Simpson), a vehicle (Homer's car) and an item (The Simpsons' TV). The Homer figurine depicts him holding a can of Buzz cola which makes me wonder if they intentionally avoided giving him some Duff Beer to keep the game kid-friendly. The Simpsons family vehicle has 3 forms, the first of which being Homer's car - the standard pink vehicle that's shown outside the Simpsons' garage in every episode.

The second transformation is The Homercraft which allows you to sail on water (yay, you can finally do those water races!) Finally, The SubmaHomer is a submarine that allows you to go underwater and shoot missiles. Homer can't swim underwater though, so don't exit the submarine when you're deep sea diving around Springfield. The television is less exciting than the vehicle and only really has one ability unique to the others (destroying gold bricks). This can be unlocked by upgrading it twice to The MechaHomer. The standard TV build called Taunt-o-Vision distracts enemies for you and destroys silver Lego bricks when it blows up. The first upgrade for the TV changes it to the Blast Cam - a turret for Homer to ride. Read on for a list of the abilities gained in the Level Pack as a result of using and upgrading the toys. The following abilities become available for you to use throughout the Lego Dimensions universe when you purchase this Level Pack: Homer: Destroy glass by burping (sonar smash*), grow to super-size (big transform) and break cracked walls (super strength)Vehicle transformations: Homer's Car (tow bar*), The Homercraft (sail on water), The SubmaHomer (destroy silver blocks and dive underwater)Television transformations: Taunt-o-Vision (destroy silver blocks and taunt enemies to distract them), Blast Cam (rideable turret), The MechaHomer (destroy gold blocks)

* also available with an upgraded Batmobile They should call that cereal Krusty Uh-O's You may recognize the name of the level included in this pack as an actual Simpsons episode - The Mysterious Voyage of Homer. This level follows the episode's story quite closely. Homer attends a chili cook-off held in Springfield and tries to impress the crowd by eating all of the chili. However, when he tastes Chief Wiggums' chili, the peppers used are so strong that it sends him into a hallucinogenic trance. Playing the level will take you to the Simpsons' home, the chili cook-off event, a desert, a pyramid and the docks. It took me a little longer than other levels in the game, likely due to the variety of settings that you traverse. One thing stood out like a sore thumb while I was playing which was the lack of voice acting. I only heard Homer's voice and a couple of other characters had a few one-liners. Marge is seen occasionally but she never utters a word, making some of the cutscenes come across as awkward.

Voice acting aside, the level is great fun to play and if you're a Simpsons fan, you'll surely appreciate the time taken to recreate this classic episode in Lego form. The Simpsons adventure world that you unlock is none other than the town of Springfield itself. The world is quite large and offers fans of the series lots of eye candy. Although you can't go inside some iconic buildings, there's fun to be had around their vicinity. This can be said for structures like Barney's Bowlarama, Burns Manor and The Aztec Theater. Larger regions that have more to do include such areas as Springfield Nuclear Power Plant, the Springfield countryside and Krustyland. Though Krustyland isn't a prominent piece of the Simpsons universe (I had to look it up to remember what it was), it can be quite fun running around and actually riding the rides. Hopefully your head has more luck staying on than other recent visitors to the park. On the other hand, there are some crucial Springfield features that are missing such as the Springfield Retirement Castle, First Church of Springfield and Moe's Tavern.

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