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Can't read the text above?Try another text or an audio CAPTCHAText in the box:What's this? Review: Roccat Arvo Compact Gaming Keyboard Introduction After my review of the Roccat Isku Illuminated Gaming Keyboard, I’d thought I’d stay on the track of keyboards and see where the Roccat Arvo Compact Gaming Keyboard takes me. For this review, I also got some added insight from a fellow gamer in the building, flipside_b, aka Big Al. The Roccat Arvo Compact Gaming Keyboard is exactly that – compact. It gets rid of most of what would be considered the non-essential keys and leaves a distilled, minimalistic keyboard behind. Is trading size and functionality for the sake of compactness really a good thing? We look into what makes this keyboard special (and not so special, this week). Usability of the Roccat Arvo Compact Gaming Keyboard The Roccat Arvo Compact Gaming Keyboard shares many traits with its bigger brother, the Isku. It still features the same dome-switch key mechanism that most conventional keyboards share, and its operation and feel is identical to the Isku – in fact, I tried switching some key caps on the keyboards, and they fit perfectly into each other.

Function key look and layout are also the same, as is the thumb-based macro keys. When I first laid eyes on the keyboard, I was reminded of the old series of Dell Keyboards supplied with the office machines around here – the look of the keyboard is very similar – minimalistic overall chassis with the extra bits bulging out at the sides, that same look is present with the Arvo with its ESC and numeric keypad function keys bulging out on the sides; it’s a pleasing aesthetic. Switching from a conventional keyboard to this compact layout does take some getting used to, as muscle-memory will start kicking in and causing one to make frequent mistakes initially, especially when using a keyboard for the intended purpose of typing. Front and center, soldier! As seems standard procedure with Roccat gear, attention is paid to the little things – Good grip on the bottom of the keyboard to prevent sliding around when the gamer rage rears its ugly head, along with a metal base-plate to keep on going after the afore-mentioned nerd-rage has subsided.

Windows and other function keys can be disabled within the driver software, and alternative status illumination of the num-lock and caps-lock functions are directly on the keys, to keep keyboard real estate down to a minimum. Another little thing I noted – all keyboards have a little raised tab on the F and J keys for touch typists to orient themselves – there is a similar little tab found on the W key as well – for the touch-WASD’er to align themselves, too. We know that there are all sorts of strange gaming types out there, even those who can’t let go of playing on the arrow keys – the good thing is there are macro keys available to those knuckle-draggers too – the numeric 1 and 3 keypad keys switch to macro keys when placed into arrow mode. It’s all about the little things… Drivers and Control of the Roccat Arvo Compact Gaming Keyboard The Roccat Arvo Compact Gaming Keyboard comes with a minimalistic set of drivers. Most of the control components relate to shortcut assignment to the thumb keys as well as the two shortcut keys which activate when the arrow keys are activated.

Shortcuts can be assigned as alternate keystrokes, multimedia key functions, web browser shortcuts or a full macro assigned to them. The Arvo supports up to 5 profiles, so profiles could be set up for normal Windows usage, or specific games. Like the Arvo itself, compact and to the point System keys can also be disabled on a per-profile basis, such as the tabkey, the Windows key, the context menu key, etc. Other functionality of the driver includes a driver update check-up and a general help and support section. Conclusion I worked with the Roccat Arvo Compact Gaming Keyboard for a relatively short time. When playing your typical shooter title, the keyboard is adequate, but became a problem to use for anything which required doing any kind of extended typing exercise, such as when playing my favourite MMO’s. This is in no way a problem with the keyboard itself – it types and feels exactly like the Isku, but due to the small but significant change in layout, muscle memory was kicking in and I found myself mis-typing frequently.

Practice is required to get used to the altered layout. If space is at an absolute premium, I would wholeheartedly recommend the Arvo; that being said there are slightly less compact keyboards that fulfill the need of being compact while providing better functionality, especially if the macro functionality isn't being used. For all its little niggles, this keyboard is a solid performer, although as previously stated, I would only really recommend this keyboard for the hardcore shooter gamer that really needs the real estate for other things. Box shot  Pro’s Good key-press distance and actuation Solid grip on table or other surface thanks to huge rubber feet Thumb macro buttons Great Space saver Illuminated arrow keys with macro buttons in easy reach Cons Changed in keycap sizes needs getting used to Lack of extended macro keys and multimedia key functionality Rating of the Roccat Isku Gaming Keyboard Looks *** Value ** Durability **** Usability ** Overall 2/5 stars Recommended retail Pricing - R699.95 Availability 

:  Follow me on Twitter!  Velhos são os trapos, como se costuma dizer, e para garantir isso temos para breve o lançamento de um fighter para a lendária consola Super Nintendo, lançada no início dos anos 90. Impresiones de LEGO Marvel Vengadores para PSVITATambi�n disponible en Xbox One, Xbox 360, Wii U, Nintendo 3DS, Ordenador, PlayStation 4 y PlayStation 3.Si consideramos a todos los videojuegos de LEGO como una �nica saga, ahora mismo no hay en el mercado una serie m�s sobreexplotada, ya que llegan cada a�o dos o tres entregas, que adem�s cambian muy poco la f�rmula entre s�. Sin irnos demasiado lejos, en 2014 tuvimos The LEGO Movie Videogame, LEGO: El Hobbit y LEGO Batman 3: M�s All� de Gotham (m�s alg�n t�tulo port�til como LEGO Ninjago: Nindroids), y en lo que llevamos de 2015 ya hemos podido disfrutar de LEGO Jurassic World y quedan por llegar LEGO Dimensions y LEGO Marvel Vengadores, y bueno tambi�n tenemos LEGO Worlds, el Minecraft de LEGO, que ya est� en acceso anticipado de Steam, y que guarda muchas similitudes con el resto de t�tulos.

La f�rmula de los brit�nicos TT Games es tremendamente exitosa, y las ventas, la cr�tica y sobre todo la satisfacci�n del p�blico la avalan, un estilo de juego para todos los p�blicos que pueden disfrutar por igual padres como hijos, con aventuras repletas de contenidos, buen gusto y mucho humor. Una de las claves de su �xito ha sido convertir conocidas sagas cinematogr�ficas en figuras de LEGO, y desde Star Wars a Harry Potter, pasando por Piratas del Caribe e Indiana Jones, siempre ha sido un placer revivir estas pel�culas desde la particular �ptica de los videojuegos de LEGO.La otra vertiente igual de divertida es la de convertir a los superh�roes m�s conocidos del mundo de los c�mics en mu�ecos de LEGO, y si primero lo hicieron con Batman y otros personajes de DC Comics, en 2013 por fin pudieron contar con los personajes de la competencia directa, en el genial LEGO Marvel Super Heroes, un fest�n para los amantes de personajes como Iron Man, Spider-Man, Thor, El incre�ble Hulk, Lobezno y un largu�simo etc�tera, tanto de villanos como de h�roes, recreados con mucho mimo y cari�o.

Ahora nos llega una especie de continuaci�n, LEGO Marvel Vengadores, que a diferencia de lo que ocurr�a en LEGO Marvel Super Heroes, en el que se nos contaba una historia completamente original que serv�a como excusa para mezclar a todos los personajes de Marvel, ahora repasar�n con fidelidad los hechos ocurridos en las dos exitosas pel�culas de Joss Whedon: Los vengadores (2012) y Vengadores: La era de Ultr�n (2015).En el E3 pudimos probarlo, y la verdad es que a simple vista cuesta diferenciarlo del juego que se lanz� hace un par de a�os, parece que est�s jugando otra vez a lo mismo, solo que con situaciones ligeramente diferentes. S� se nota que esta vez, al estar centrado solo en las pel�culas de Los vengadores y no abarcar todo el universo de Marvel, los personajes est�n m�s mimados, haciendo m�s hincapi� en las habilidades y poderes que los diferencian, y en su personalidad, perfectamente recreada a trav�s del cl�sico humor que imprime TT Games a sus juegos.

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