lego movie 3ds ign

lego movie 3ds ign

lego movie 3ds gamestop

Lego Movie 3ds Ign


Somewhere along the line, LEGO games on portables got really small. Older LEGO adventures on DS and PSP at least tried to recreate the large-scale action and exploration of their console big brothers, but more recent installments (like LEGO Marvel Superheroes) have streamlined the gameplay to the point where the portables feel like they’re getting a plastic brick shaft. The LEGO Movie Videogame on PS Vita and 3DS is no exception: its stripped-down gameplay and focus on bite-sized levels and timed achievements make it feel like a rushed, lesser version of the console experience. Like the console version, The LEGO Movie Videogame for 3DS and Vita follows the storyline of the movie exactly, only this time the action is divvied up into 45 mini-levels. In theory, that makes a lot of sense on portable systems where you might not have 20 or 30 minutes to complete a single level and just want a quick burst of LEGO fun, but most levels go by so quickly that the desire to go back and replay them to explore further is ruined.

Some levels can be completed in a couple of minutes, such as those love-’em-or-hate-’em falling sequences in which you have to maneuver the lovable star, Emmet, to avoid obstacles while plummeting through as many bonus pick-ups as possible. Others, like driving and mine-cart railed sequences can be so infuriating to get through in the first place that only completionists will want to load them up again. The action on 3DS and Vita is also shown from an overhead isometric perspective as opposed to the console versions’ closer, over-the-shoulder viewpoint. So, yay - not only are you playing on a smaller screen, but everything looks smaller, too. Otherwise, the gameplay is the regular entertaining LEGO formula of exploration (though more limited), smashing your surroundings into collectible studs, punching bad guys, and solving puzzles using each character’s unique abilities. Emmet, for example, can fix machines with his wrench, and Wyldstyle is a Master Builder capable of assembling huge contraptions.

And then there are the timed objectives, like beating a number of bad guys in a set amount of time to earn bonuses. I get why they’re here - they add variety and give you an extra reason to go back and replay a mission - but they seem counterintuitive to the laid-back, toybox approach of LEGO games. Suddenly you’re being prodded to hurry up, or worse, race to an objective, when what you really want to do is explore and experiment with the colorful plastic world around you. What’s most irritating about this portable version, though, is that you can actually die. As in, the kind of death that forces you to restart the level and try, try, again. In the console version, like most LEGO games, you’ll lose some studs when your health is depleted, but you can always jump right back up and continue from where you fell to pieces (literally). But the Vita and 3DS editions greet you with a “restart level” screen that puts you back at the start. True, most of the levels aren’t terribly long to begin with, but the side effect is that the portable version is tougher.

Accidentally fall off a platform? Get whacked to bits by a tough boss? Since portable editions tend to skew towards younger players, the increased difficulty on 3DS and Vita seems strange. The LEGO Movie Videogame naturally looks best on Vita given its power and higher resolution, while the 3DS version is more pixilated and has a lower framerate. Otherwise, the two are virtually identical, including the annoying touch-screen controls that make you tap the screen repeatedly to make Emmet jackhammer something or swirl your finger around to assemble objects. Most of these are optional, though, and you can substitute button presses or the control stick/D-pad to do the same things. The LEGO Movie Videogame manages to ride the charm of its hilarious source material, yet still reeks of movie tie-in-itis. The 3DS and Vita versions’ bite-sized chunks of gameplay make the overall experience feel less like a grand LEGO adventure and more like a series of mini-games and puzzles crammed into where the story should be.

There’s still a lot of fun to be had in wanton destruction and problem-solving, but this trip into LEGO-land feels too rushed to be awesome.Rossz hír a klasszikus Star Wars rajongóinak Hírek - 1 óra, 13 perc A napokban szárnyra kapott a hír, mi szerint végre tényleg megjelenhetnek az eredeti Star Wars-filmek - eredeti változatukban. Nem úgy van az... Traileren a Nintendo Switch egyik legjobb játéka Videó - 1 óra, 18 perc A Snipperclips nevű, ügyességi elemekkel is megbolondított kooperatív puzzle-játék nem csak végtelenül aranyosan néz ki, hanem hihetetlenül szórakoztató is játszani vele. Ingyenes próbaverziót kap a The Division Hírek - 1 óra, 43 perc Ingyenes próbaverziót kap a Tom Clancy’s The Division, amely bizonyos platformokon mától már el is érhető. Az MMO-knál bevett üzleti modell azonban bizonyos megszorításokkal jár. KRITIKA: Szólít a szörny Teszt - 1 óra, 46 perc Az árvaház és A lehetetlen rendezőjének új filmjében egy kisfiú képtelen egyedül megbirkózni a rá váró nehézségekkel, ezért képzeletéhez fordul segítségért.

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Hivatalosan is érkezik a Middle-earth: Shadow of War! Hírek - 17 óra, 8 perc Reggel még csak a kiszivárgott hírről szóltunk, mostanra megérkezett a bejelentés és az első előzetes is, folytatódik a Shadow of Mordor! Nem egyeztettek az Uncharted fejlesztőivel a filmváltozat készítői Hírek - 17 óra, 59 perc A napokban Joe Carnahan forgatókönyvíró büszkén jelezte, hogy a Naughty Dog el volt ájulva a film terveitől. Ezzel csak az a baj, hogy nekik senki nem szólt. Íme, a márciusi játékfelhozatal Exkluzív - 18 óra, 3 perc Nemcsak a tavasz, hanem az idei esztendő egyik legerősebb videojátékos kínálata is a nyakunkba zúdul több, az év játéka címre is esélyes programmal. Itt a Pappa Pia első előzetese Hírek - 18 óra, 17 perc Megérkezett Csupó Gábor musicaljének első előzetese, a Pappa Piában a hetvenes évek legjobb slágereire ficánkolhatunk majd a moziszékben. Még mindig a For Honor kell a legjobban a briteknek

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