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The best-selling LEGO Marvel videogame franchise returns with a new action-packed, Super Hero adventure. Join the LEGO Marvel’s Avengers team and experience the first console videogame featuring characters and storylines from the critically-acclaimed film Marvel’s The Avengers, the blockbuster sequel Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron, and more. Play as the most powerful Super Heroes in their quest to save the world. Diverse roster of Marvel’s Avengers characters –Play and unlock more than 100 new and returning characters with an array of exciting capabilities, including fan favorites like Hulk, Iron Man, Captain America and Thor, new characters from Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron, and more. New and enhanced powers and abilities – Battle in new ways with enhanced powers and character abilities. Team up with core Avengers to execute incredible combo moves. Free Roam Gameplay – Enjoy LEGO Marvel’s Avengers’ unique take on open world gameplay as you assume the roles of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes to collect gold bricks, studs, and unlock additional characters.

Variety of iconic locations – Visit iconic Marvel Cinematic Universe locations from around the world. Experience the blockbuster action from the Avengers films – Relive key moments from Marvel’s The Avengers, Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron and more, with a splash of classic LEGO humor. LEGO MARVEL AVENGERS software © 2015 TT Games Ltd. Produced by TT Games under license from the LEGO Group. LEGO, the LEGO logo, the Brick and the Knob configurations and the Minifigure are trademarks of the LEGO Group. © 2015 The LEGO Group. TM & © 2015 MARVEL & Subs. Nintendo 3DS and Wii U are trademarks of Nintendo. “PlayStation”, “PS3”,  are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. “PS4” and “PSVITA ” are both trademarks of the same company. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners WB GAMES LOGO, WB SHIELD: ™ & © Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.This past week Tt Games and Arthur Parsons have been giving us a ton of information regarding their upcoming game Lego Marvel's Avengers, there is a lot of cool and stuff in this game which were absent in their previous game Lego Marvel Superheroes.

But, Tt Games listened to the fans are about to give us the best marvel game ever. The new things are:Tt Games recently released a new trailer in which they showed all the diifrent hub worlds in the game and each one of them looks awesome, they are big and are filled with a bunch of activities and side quest's. The hub worlds announced apart from New York are:Each of the hub world is unique in its own way and is big. For example in Malibu, you can go inside Tony Stark's mansion and also roam outside, there are 3 floors in the mansion and you can go down to the armory and suit up just the way Tony Stark does in the movie for example when suiting into the mark 6 arms come out of the floor and suit Tony up, also in Asgard you can go into the throne room and roam around. Plus there is a remodeled New York City which has building's from the movies and from the comics like Sanctum Sanctorum and the Avengers tower and you can actually go inside in Avengers tower, with no load screens(cool!).Some new characters were also revealed in the trailer and most of them were not in the previous game such as White Tiger, Diamondback,Odin,Trauma, Gorilla Girl and A-Bomb just to name a few and yes Gorilla Girl and A-Bomb can transform into their human form just like Hulk, plus there are 14 Iron Man suits and the suit up animations are great.

There are also Giant Figures(not big,but bigger) in the game like Black Goliath and Fing Fang Foom who can become as big as 10 times the size of a normal character. Plus, Stan Lee has got new powers in the game, he can run super fast, he has a shield like Captain America does, a bow which shoots pencils and can swing. He can also transform into the Hulk and climb building and super jump. And yeah, Quicksilver can run on water.Vehicles are an integral part of Lego Marvel's Avengers and there are lots of them in the game. The driving mechanics have been worked on and are better than the previous games. Some vehicles that were revealed are Lola( it can fly), Thanos Copter and Squirrel Girl Copter. There are of course more, plus when you get into a vehicle the other character automatically gets in it which is kinda nice. There are dlc's in Lego Marvel's Avengers such as the Thunderbolt's pack and some additional characters and suits like Captain America's scuba diving suit which you get if you pre-order the game, is this a nod to underwater mission's and underwater content?

We will have to wait and see. There is also a season pass available which gives you access to additional content.The gameplay mechanics are the same at its core with new features. The map is now a mini radar which shows you all things like races and side quests in the hub world, plus when you travel from one hub world to another you actually go to space and then chose where to go(kinda like in Batman 3) which is better than just going through a list and transporting there, plus the hub worlds are open and you can free-roam on the portable versions. The flight mechanics have also been worked on and give a better experience of flying. Co-op is very important in Lego games but don't worry if you are playing solo you can still get the same experience and the AI is better than ever. And yes,you have to become Moon Boy to ride Devil Dinosaur which is fine because it shows the importance of different characters like Tony Stark without his suits is still useful as he can fix certain objects and hack into security systems.

That's all for this post, if you have any questions you can ask them here or on Twitter( kam_1004000). If you liked this post and want to read more you can click the follow button.(tag:3645730) will release on 26 January 2016 on Xbox 360,PS3,Xbox One,PS4,WiiU,Vita,3DS and PC in America and 29 January 2016 in Europe. Sign In or Join to save for later Platforms: Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo Wii U, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Windows, Xbox 360, Xbox One What parents need to know Parents Need to Know About our ratings and privacy evaluation LEGO Marvel Super Heroes LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham Top advice and articles What parents and kids sayIpadcaseSmallworks BrickcasePhoneLego IpadLego TabletIpad Mini CasesMini IpadCase IpadLego CaseForwardDo they make this for the mini? The Best Comic Book Movie News From Around The WebI wanted to actually play the game first and after 22 hours of playtime and roughly 65% of all collectibles found I’m ready to say that LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham is… well, it’s a game I’m happily going to give even more hours to until I reach 100%.

The uncomplicated action combined with the gratifying reward system is addicting. I spent many nights playing this well past 4 AM. It’s a game where you always feel like you could do just one more thing and then call it a night and it just pulls you in deeper and deeper. The affection the creators of this game have for the source material is evident throughout. It’s the most charming and the funniest LEGO game yet, in my opinion. Adam West is the greatest factor here. As much as I enjoyed rescuing Stan Lee in LEGO Marvel, Lee is famous for his writing and West is famous for his comedic timing. The end result is an all-around more hilarious set of challenges and his narration of the bonus level had me in stitches. The rest of the humor in the game is the usual LEGO formula of taking iconic characters and exaggerating their personalities to 11 while also keeping it cute. This leads to amusing gags like Cyborg turning into a washing machine as his “Stealth Suit,” Alfred’s serving tray being used as a shield to make him impervious to flame, and a very Schwarzenegger-inspired Mr. Freeze. 

I also still find myself cracking up about one of Dick Grayson’s “Holy___, Batman” line weeks after hearing it. Switching between suits has always been a big part of LEGO gameplay and LEGO Batman 3 makes those transitions easier than ever. Now when you approach a hot spot requiring a specific suit, just pressing a single button will cycle to that outfit automatically. The Resogun-esque levels are a great new addition, but much like the rest of the game it could have been more of a challenge. The VR mini-games are also especially fun and feature a stylish presentation. Couch co-op in a LEGO game can be the most fun thing in the world if you and your partner have good chemistry. However, if your Player 2 cares nothing for comics and even less about video games you’d be better off playing alone because they’d just slow you down with their endless questions or frequent mistakes — Yes, I’m speaking from personal experience! One nice feature is that you can customize the way the co-op play is presented on your screen.

There’s the static split screen (which I prefer) and then there’s the more dynamic version that splits, joins, and swirls about your display depending upon where players are located within the stage. It’s entertaining for fans of all ages, but adults are going to have the most fun because they’ll notice all the callbacks to classic stories they love. Catching the references is half the fun! And it’s not just about spotting obscure characters or homages to Batman films and stabs at bad comic films like Halle Berry’s Catwoman, there are countless nods to shows and movies like Tron, Doctor Who, Jurassic Park, and other properties hidden throughout the game and even tucked within the end credits. It has the funniest end credits I’ve seen in a game. Hours upon hours of content. Many games only take 6-10 hours to finish and then you’re done forever (well, you could play them on a higher difficulty if you choose, but mostly done) but if you want to get the full LEGO Batman 3 experience you’ll be investing around 24 hours or more.

There’s SO much to do after you’ve wrapped up the main campaign. The number of unlockable characters, hidden side missions, gold bricks, red bricks, mini-kits, and more is just staggering. Plus there’s the bonus mission! The bonus level in this game is an homage to the Batman ’66 TV Series and it’s a thing of beauty that every fan of the show should witness. It’s comedic gold, wildly fun, and crafted with so much love that it’s hard not to smile the whole time you’re playing it. The game’s voice talent is stellar. Troy Baker, Adam West, Clancy Brown, Travis Willingham, Christopher Cory Smith, Dee Bradley Baker, and others really make the cut scenes count. And then there are the numerous celebrity cameos throughout the game, which were all quite good. Conan O’Brien especially brought a lot of humor to the game. The DLC looks like a load of fun. I haven’t played it yet, but The Dark Knight pack and the Batman 75th anniversary pack look like they add enough new elements to the experience and pay homage to things I love so they could be worth checking out.

The music is overwhelming. I love the Danny Elfman score as much as the next guy, but there should be customizable settings for sound. Instead there’s the option to turn the music off or on, not up or down. More variety in the score and the freedom to dial it down would be a major improvement. It’s more restrictive than LEGO Marvel or even LEGO Batman 2. The free roam of Gotham is gone and replaced by free roam of various hubs, which just aren’t diverse enough and quite limited. Flying around the Mario Galaxy-like planets is tremendous fun, but the kind of fun that just doesn’t last. Lot of wow-factor the first time soaring over Oa, though. Visually, I’ve always thought that these LEGO games should have more landscapes fully constructed of LEGO and I hope that as we move on to the newest generation of consoles that’ll be possible. I’d love to see a LEGO game with as little organic textures as possible and more bricks. I know “Beyond Gotham” is in the title, but I would like to have seen other locations besides just those from the Green Lantern books.

And a little Gotham — just a little — wouldn’t have been so bad. It no longer feels like LEGO Batman, but instead it’s really LEGO DC Comics Universe. Other than the Batcave and a brief venture through the Gotham City sewers, you don’t spend much time in Gotham at all. Nor any other DC city, unfortunately. Sure, you’ll have a boss fight in the Fortress of Solitude, but any other comic book locale is a Green Lantern one. A full level is set in Europe, but should’ve been a tour of various places like Star City, Fawcett City, etc. etc. Give me the ability to switch the voices of select characters off. While Conan O’Brien is uproariously funny, by the time he welcomes you to the trophy room for the 30th time you’re ready to douse that LEGO host in “Kragle.” Most of the characters are written well as far as LEGO caricatures go, but I found Wonder Woman’s super-charged testosterone to be an annoying way to portray that hero and The Flash’s need to claim everything as “Mine!” was a trait that I just didn’t understand.

*Reader Josh pointed out that this was explained in a cutscene that I overlooked. It’s called LEGO Batman 3, I should be playing as Batman when it comes time to win the game. Instead, you’re forced to play as Flash in order to complete the story’s final action. I did experience a few hiccups with the camera. On multiple play-throughs of the second level, the camera goes a little crazy during a boss fight with a giant cloud of bats. I want difficulty levels. The game does a good job of riding the line of being way too easy and being challenging enough to maintain your interest, but I’d like the option to crank it up a notch and also get the achievement/trophy for the hard work of overcoming that increase in difficulty. I suggest playing it on the Wii U if you’re in it for the co-op fun. The LEGO series isn’t exactly a graphics juggernaut so you don’t need the horsepower of a PC or a PS4 and the Wii U offers the convenience of giving Player 1 the touch screen controller and Player 2 the freedom of the entire TV.

Game review scores that are numbers get a bit iffy because some people see anything below an 8.5/10 as being the end of the world so I’m just going to give it to you straight on a more relatable grading scale that includes Full Price, Wait Until It’s Cheaper, Rent It, and Don’t Bother. LEGO Batman 3 is so enjoyable and has so much content that I think it’s worth Full Price for die-hard Batman fans and a Wait Until It’s Cheaper for the casual fans and folks who are just in it for LEGO. Of course, that’s if you love to find all the hidden items because if you’re seeking to complete LEGO Batman 3 at 100% you’ll find yourself 20 hours in and still only at around 60%. Anyone who’s just in it for the story could Rent It and be done with the main campaign in 10 hours or so, but seeing as how you’re reading this review at a site called Batman News I think it’s safe to say you’re a Bat-fan and this is a must-play for you and a fine addition to your gaming library.

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