lego marvel ps4 switch characters

lego marvel ps4 switch characters

lego marvel ps4 share play

Lego Marvel Ps4 Switch Characters


- 1 year agoAre they related to LEGO Mervel's Avengers? Then IGN Wiki has the answers! Which characters will I need to collect all the Gold Bricks, Minikits, Character Tokens and so on? Play the Story Mode through to the end of the game (go ahead and skip Lack of Insight, Ready A.I.M Fire, and Lost in The Aether and you'll find yourself on the SHIELD Helicarrier after the credits are done rolling. At this point, you have every Character you need (don't forget to actually purchase Loki so you can use his ice beam) except one that can dig and wouldn't you know it, there's one on the Helicarrier! Take the elevator from the flight deck down to the Control Room.  Take the exit on the left side of the room.  Walk down the hallway and enter the first door on your left (the Laboratory).  Talk to the scientist in the room and complete her quest to earn the Character Token for Iron Man (MK25)  (Click here for details on the quest).  Purchase him for the low price of 25,000 studs and you have every character you need to collect every goody in Free Play mode.

Which characters are in the game/how do I unlock this specific character? Check out this page for a full list of Characters and how to unlock them. Where the heck is the Hulkbuster armor? For some reason, the Hulkbuster armor is not available on the main Character Select screen.  Instead, you have to select it from Tony Stark's Iron Man Suit Select screen seen below.  Once you've unlocked the Hulkbuster (simply complete Anger Management in Story Mode), switch to Tony Stark or any Iron Man suit and pull up the Character Select screen.  The below will pop up instead.  That's where you'll find the Hulkbuster armor. How do I pull the switch in the pic below? Hulk and other radioactive brutes can wade through the toxic goo but they're too large to pull the switch.  So which small characters can wade through the green sludge? There are a few others but Ultron is the one you'll definitely have if you've completed Story Mode. Where do I purchase Characters and Vehicles I've unlocked? When you're in Manhattan or one of the Hub Areas, simply hold down the Switch Characters Button to bring up the Character Select screen.  

From here, you can purchase any character you've found a Character Token for. Vehicles can be purchased from the Vehicle Call Pads located around Manhattan and the Hub Areas. The blue pads are for land vehicles, the red are for flying vehicles.  Keep in mind that the Hub Areas limit with vehicles you can access so if you're shopping, make sure you do it from a Call Pad in Manhattan. I don't have 100% completion yet! What am I missing and where is it? Pause the game and you'll see a screen showing off how many Gold Bricks, Character Tokens and everything else you've collected in the game. Click the Area Totals Button (upper left corner of the screen) to get totals for the area you're currently in. You can also travel to space (from the menu) and see the totals for each Story Chapter and Hub Area. Additionally, in Manhattan and the Hub Areas, a radar in the corner of the screen will point out collectibles.  Purple dots are Character/Vehicle Tokens, gold dots are Gold Bricks, orange dots are Stan Lee in Peril and blue dots are Vehicle Call Pads.

Do I have to complete a level in Free Play to keep the Minikits and stuff I've found? Feel free to Save and Exit a level at anytime.  Every doodad you've collected will be saved. Where are the Red Bricks? Which should I purchase first? You can find a list of Red Bricks and how to unlock them by visiting this page. We recommend you start with the Studs x2 Red Brick which you'll find in Struck Off The List in Free Play. This will make it easier to get True Avenger status on each level and purchase all the characters, vehicles and cheats. It costs a million Studs but if you're frugal, you should have it halfway through the main campaign. The Gold Brick, Minikit, Quest, and Stan Lee in Peril detectors are pretty handy too. So what happens when you 100 percent the game? - 1 year 3 months ago Sand Central Station is the first level in LEGO Marvel Super Heroes. Follow the guide below for a full walkthrough, the locations of all Minikits, and how to free Stan Lee in Peril. G You will start on the ramp up to the road that surrounds Grand Central Station.

Clear a path up the ramp by smashing the taxis with Hulk. In front of the bus, use Iron Man's explosives to break the caps off of the fire hydrants to erode the sand blocking the bus, then use Hulk to smash the sand out of the way and remove the bus. Clear away some more taxis with Hulk, then blow out the side of the tanker truck with Iron Man's explosives to reveal some LEGO pieces. Assemble the pieces into handles so that Hulk can remove the truck. Use Hulk to throw the piece of junk on the left at one of the sand hands, then use Iron Man's explosives to get rid of the turnstiles on the right, revealing another object for Hulk to throw at the other sand hand. A sand train will arrive to block your path. Defeat 25 sand passengers to proceed. In order to remove the wall blocking your path, you must first weaken it by blasting it with water from the giant water gun that can be built from pieces obtained by blowing up the silver globe on top of the information booth. One the wall has been weakened, smash it with Hulk.

To destroy the wall with sand guns on top of it, use Iron Man's explosives to destroy the scaffolding on the right, then build the pieces int an anvil, which you can throw at the weak part of the wall with Hulk. Once you do, you will be blown outside, onto the roof. You will be joined by Spider-Man. Use Hulk to clear away the fallen letters, then use Iron Man's explosives to get rid of the metal fence on the left. Use Spider-Man's Spider Sense to find an attachment point, then yank it to destroy the generator. Use Spider Sense again on the right to find a way to climb up the wall, then find an attachment point and yank to pull down a satellite dish. Build the pieces into a device that will destroy the second generator, once pulled by Hulk. Once both generators are destroyed, use Spider Sense again to find two attachment points on the giant letter A, then yank them to pull the A over, creating a ramp up to the next section of roof.   BOSS BATTLE - SANDMAN Head to the right side of the area and attach some webbing to the grapple point with Spider-Man, then switch to Hulk and power down into Bruce Banner.

Climb up the webbing and change back into the Hulk to grab the green handles to tear down the water tower. Power down one more time and rebuild the pieces into a water cannon, shooting a stream at Sandman. Change back into the Hulk and run up to Sandman, attacking his cracked section. Next, head to the left and bash the cracked section of flooring. Build the resulting pieces into a cement mixer and toss it at Sandman, then attack his cracked section again. Switch to Iron Man and head to the right side of the area, blasting the silver panel and pulling the switch behind it. Switch back to Spider-Man and pull the grapple point on the left, then pull the switch underneath. Now, use your Spider-Sense to find another grapple point on the water tank in the middle of the area. After wetting Sandman once more, switch back to Hulk and attack the cracked section one final time. Use Hulk to throw a taxi into the sign on the left, then fly up and claim Minikit #1. Smash 3 mailboxes to get Minikit #2:1.

On the left , near the front.2. On the left, at the far end of the block.3. On the right, in front of the pizzeria. Use an electrically-enabled character to open the metal doors on the NYC Comics store on the right, then use Spider-Man to rip open the door and retrieve Minikit #3. Use Wolverine to dig out the delivery bike on the right, near the front. Return it to the pizzeria at the other end of the street, and be rewarded with Minikit #4. With a heat-enabled character, heat up and destroy the counterweight on the left balcony to drop down Minikit #5. Stan Lee is trapped under a vending machine on the balcony under Minikit #5. Destroy the vending machine to free him. To the right of the information booth, use a heightened-sense character to find a weak spot in the pipe, then use a head-enabled character to heat up the weak spot, causing a leak. The leak will uncover a Sandbox, activate it with Sandman to dig up Minikit #6. To get Minikit #7 use a heat-enabled character to cut away the gold wall on the left.

build the pieces into a box, then destroy the box and activate the claw switch behind it with Wolverine. This will open the metal roll door  to the left, to reveal the minikit and a weak-minded character. Take control of the weak-minded character with a telekinetic character and use him to claim the minikit. Use a telekinetic character to cause the clock at the front of the building to chime the hour. After it is done chiming, you will be awarded Minikit #8. Destroy 5 gold vents using a heat-enabled character to obtain Minikit #9:1. On the left, in front of the silver fence surrounding the generator.2. On the right, at the top of the climbing wall beside the generator.3. Just behind where the giant A was.4. To the left of Sandman (you may need to fly up and stand on the vent beside it).5. At the bottom of the tower to the right of Sandman. After destroying the water tank at the top of the tower to the right of Sandman, freeze the resulting puddle with an ice-enabled character to form an ice slide.

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