lego jango fett mandalorian

lego jango fett mandalorian

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Lego Jango Fett Mandalorian


The good folks at Latino Review have dropped anotherStar Wars scoop on us, and this one has nothing to do with poor old Harrison Ford or his broken leg. Instead, they revealed some information about just who the good guys will be facing in Episode VII, and both of these reveals should make long time Star Wars fans very happy. The first rumor has to do with the mercenaries that are said to be causing trouble for our heroes, who are said to be none other than the Mandalorians. Hardcore Star Wars fans know that both Boba Fett and his father Jango Fett used Mandalorian armor, but weren’t Mandalorians themselves. In various novels and comics, the Mandalorians are described as being a lethal tribe of warriors who eventually became the best bounty hunters in the galaxy. The Clone Wars animated series, however, has a somewhat different take on the Mandalorians, as they are a militant offshoot of the now peaceful world of Mandalore, who called themselves “The Deathwatch”. While the whole “Expanded Universe” of Star Wars is no longer canon, according to Lucasfilm, The Clone Wars animated series is, so whatever version of the Mandalorians we see in Episode VII is going to have to line up with that.

Which should be fine, because the Mandalorian Deathwatch as presented on that series were very bad ass.  Reports from set that Latino Review have received claim to have seen some black and silver/chrome troopers. Are these Mandalorians or new Imperial Stormtroopers? The other hot rumor posted has to do with what they are referring to as “Sith Witches.” While there aren’t any “Sith” witches per se in Star Wars, there are the Witches of Dathomir, who use spells and rituals to harness the Dark Side of the Force. While this concept was introduced in the Expanded Universe novels, again, Mother Talzin and the Nightsisters were used extensively on The Clone Wars animated show, which makes them an official part of Star Wars canon now. There are lots of rumors that Lupita Nyong’o is playing a villain, some even suggesting she is playing Nightsister Asajj Ventress, but I doubt she is going to be an already established character. Playing an all new Nightsister seems a distinct possibility though.

So what do you think of these latest Star Wars rumors and developments? Chime in on the comments below.From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This page is based on a Wikipedia article written by Text is available under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license; additional terms may apply. Images, videos and audio are available under their respective licenses. Cover photo is available under {{ || Add your first bookmark by selecting some text or hovering over a link. Look for the bookmark icon. Already have this bookmark Date: {{( | date:'mediumDate') || Uploaded by: {{}} on {{ | date:'mediumDate'}} License: {{ || || || View file on Wikipedia Thanks for reporting this video!The [Star Wars: Episode VII — The Force Awakens](tag:711158) release is growing ever closer, and the third trailer has finally dropped, revealing a plethora of new plot hints and sparking many a fan theory.

As always, there are plenty of Star Wars 7 clues to dissect, and tons of hints you may have missed. One such hint is the most surprising of all: could Star Wars 7 herald Boba Fett's return?!This is something only those sharp eyed fans could spot, but it turns out that Boba Fett might have featured in the trailer after all! If nothing else, this is surely an excuse to watch the trailer a second (or third, or fourth, or fiftieth) time so take a look and see if you can spot him. Did you catch that? There's actually several clues to look out for, the first of which is just a Mandalorian symbol. The Mandalorians are a nomadic race, known for their mercenary tendencies, and they're the culture from which Boba Fett hails. Much of their history was explored in the Expanded Universe, but seeing as that's not canon any more, it's anyone's guess as to what the Mandalorians are up to in Star Wars 7. But they might just be getting a drink at Maz Kanata's castle...See that white symbol on a flag in the centre?

Many fans are theorising that this is the Mandalorian sigil. But that's just the first hint that Boba Fett will appear. Later on in the trailer, we catch a glimpse of Kylo Ren hanging out with some pals... and one of them certainly looks familiar!This motley crew don't really have any sense of uniform, aside from the black clothing and helmets. And check out that guy to the far left... could this be Boba Fett? The helmet shape certainly seems to match, as does the square shoulders of his jacket. And the gun definitely bears a resemblance to Boba Fett's favoured weapon.The evidence is hardly overwhelming, but it's not the only hint we've had that Boba Fett will return in Star Wars 7!If Disney have proved nothing else in the run up to The Force Awakens, it's that they really really know how to hype a film. We've been drip fed clues via merchandise, using dialogue from Star Wars 7 as well as little snippets of information to tantalise fans and feed speculation. Disney have also published several comics that are officially canon, with plots that lead up to Star Wars 7.

And of course, there's the book Star Wars: Aftermath, which set fans buzzing with plenty of plot hints. Not the least of this was the implication that Boba Fett didn't die in the Sarlacc Pit after all! The idea that Boba Fett survived is hardly new: the Expanded Universe featured Boba Fett heavily, as he sought revenge on Han Solo once he escaped from the Sarlacc Pit. Fett's survival is due to his tough armour, and that's exactly what Aftermath uses to hint that the notorious bounty hunter is not as dead as we might think.Boba Fett's armour turns up in the shell of a luxury sail barge (Jabba The Hutt's preferred mode of transport), as scavengers pick through the ruins....There you have it folks: if the armour survived so, probably, did Boba Fett. But is that really him in the trailer? It's possible, but this could also just be a shot of the Knights Of Ren (Kylo Ren's Dark Side cult). Fett certainly could have joined the Knights, but avid dedication to a spiritual cause (even a dark one) isn't really his style.

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