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Lego In China Bestellen


Compare Low to 50% off Cardboard Stand Up Display Paper Display Board for Lego Toys Shenzhen Eco Packaging Co., Ltd. US $2.54-11.61 1 Piece Transaction Level Aliexpress is full of lego replicas, does anyone bought them, and can say something about it's build quality? I'm sure it shouldn't be stored together with regular Lego blocks, but if these are taken as a separate product, can this replicas be used without any unexpected issues? You might be interested in the excellent, hilarious and comprehensive Communist LEGO report. It tells you all you can expect, from the good brands to the bad brands. At a minimum, it'll get you rolling of your chair with laughter. A summary taken from the document: LEGO is a global brand and has been the subject of many copies over the years. The US company Tyco were the first with ‘Super Blocks’ in 1984, after LEGO’s brick patent expired in 1983. Almost every attempt at cloni ng has been inferior, mainly due to production costs being lower resulting in inferior grade

materials and poor fitting pieces. Set design has generally varied from mediocre to rubbish. invigorated factories of China have begun to chu rn out variousIt’s worth noting that the potential Chinese domestic market is far, far larger than that of Europe and America combined . There are many Chinese companies making LEGO copies, with new ones starting up at an astounding rate. seems to be endemic, taking advantage of enormous demand for collectable box sets that LEGO cannot do due to contractualA brief trawl of the AliExpress export website finds a list of 50 companies making plastic building blocks, with probably at least half doing LEGO clones. Most if not all are based in Chenghai, the toy capital of China. Some companies appear to source their products from each other and subcontract, so working out exactly who makes which branded kits is not always str aightforward. are of random quality and there is a lot of chaff and

The following is an incomplete list of some of the moreBy the time you read this, there willIt is interesting to note that many Far East websites list the keyword ‘Enlighten’ above ‘LEGO’. Net: Some knock-off brands are getting really good and compare in quality with LEGO. Some are absolutely horrific. Some are complete cloners (and will likely disappear soon when the LEGO lawyers swoop in), some have found a niche that LEGO doesn't cover and will likely stay around. I should post the answer as a comment to Phil B.'s post, but since it contains some useful content for the others, it will also be an answer. First of all Phil B. thanks for the link, that's exactly what i was looking for and i will mark it as an accepted answer. After reading the PDF, here is the summary of which blocks can we risk buying and which to avoid. Lego (99) - obviously - Gudi (99) - Star Diamond (99) -

Lite-Up Bricks (97) - this one are interesting, bring Led lighting powered by USB port. Click Brick (93) - not produced anymore Oxford Toys / Kre-o (90) - Cobi (87) - LELE (-79) - I don't know how did they come below 0, but they did it. Decool blocks didn't have a little lower rating, but after checking the online reviews - they are a good quality too - Thanks for checking the list I've bought some sci-fi military-themed sets from Gudi, and this is my opinion: Plastic quality is almost on par with Lego, albeit a bit harder. Minifig are slightly less good. They seemed to have a quite good model designer in 2014-15: there are some sci-fi and military kits that actually look good. However, 2016 models marked a step backward, IMHO. I blogged my adventures with Gudi here: (in Italian, sorry!) My son got a LELE set and I am really impressed!

The quality is VERY good, the pieces are totally regular like a LEGO, it has some sticks to glue on some pieces and I really believe these sets are the best clones in China. The manual for assembling is perfect, LEGO like, all the pieces match perfectly. LEGO forgive me, but this LELE is a high quality copy. And it has several languages stamped in the box, and as far as I know, they are spelled correctly (many chinese products have lousy translations). Browse other questions tagged building sets or ask your own question. Zoll vernichtet Tausende Lego-Plagiate Gefälschtes Lego-Spielzeug: 3000 solcher Packungen hat der Zoll nun in der Müllverbrennungsanlage Böblingen vernichtetFoto: Hauptzollamt Stuttgart Immer wieder stoßen Zöllner oder Verbraucherschützer auf gefälschtes Billigspielzeug aus Asien, das für Kinder gefährlich ist. Die Hersteller arbeiten eng mit den Behörden zusammen. Winnenden/Böblingen - Das Hauptzollamt Stuttgart hat jüngst 3000 Packungen gefälschtes Kinderspielzeug aus China in der Müllverbrennungsanlage Böblingen vernichten lassen.

Es handelte sich dabei um Figuren, die den Originalen des dänischen Spielwarenherstellers Lego täuschend ähnelten. Sie sollten vor einem halben Jahr für eine In- und Exportfirma über das Zollamt Winnenden eingeführt werden. Die Zöllner wurden damals auf die Plagiate aufmerksam, weil sie der wirklich günstige Einkaufspreis von nur 1000 Euro für die Ware irritierte. „Dass so viel Zeit zwischen dem versuchten Import und der Vernichtung der Ware vergangen ist, liegt daran, dass Lego die Ware von einem Gutachter auf den Plagiatsvorwurf prüfen lassen musste“, sagt Thomas Seemann, Sprecher des Hauptzollamts Stuttgart. Im Falle der in Winnenden beschlagnahmten Figuren sei es um das Geschmacksmusterrecht gegangen, also um die Ähnlichkeit im Design der Figuren. Außerdem hatte der Importeur noch Widerspruch gegen die Beschlagnahme seiner Ware eingelegt. „Am Ende hat er aber eingesehen, dass der Plagiatsvorwurf gerechtfertigt ist“, sagt Thomas Seemann. Um Produktpiraten auf die Schliche zu kommen, stehen Hersteller und Behörden im engen Kontakt zueinander.

„Wir arbeiten im Bereich der Bekämpfung von Produktpiraterie intensiv mit der deutschen Zollverwaltung zusammen“, sagt Rechtsanwältin Friederike Schubert von der Anwaltskanzlei Hogan Lovells International LLP, die Lego in Deutschland in Angelegenheiten des Markenrechts vertritt. Diese Kooperation wird auch von Hauptzollamt-Sprecher Thomas Seemann bestätigt: „Lego und andere Firmen stellen dem Zoll immer wieder Warenmuster zur Verfügung, damit die Beamten erkennen, worauf sie achten müssen.“ Die Zusammenarbeit von Zoll und Produktherstellern geht in einigen Fällen über den Austausch von Warenmustern hinaus. „Der Kettensägenhersteller Stihl ist sehr aktiv in der Bekämpfung von Produktpiraterie, er hat bei uns im Hauptzollamt schon Schulungen abgehalten“, sagt Thomas Seemann vom Hauptzollamt. Auf den Markt wären die gefälschten Lego-Figuren aus China allen Plagiatstreitigkeiten zum Trotz nie gekommen. „Wir hätten sie wegen des Verbraucherschutzes aus dem Verkehr gezogen“, sagt Seemann.

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