lego hobbit game bilbo

lego hobbit game bilbo

lego hobbit game baby smaug

Lego Hobbit Game Bilbo


- 2 years 9 months ago An Unexpected Party is the second level in the Story Mode. This chapter takes place in Bilbo Baggins home. After the previous chapter ends, Bilbo is dropped into the game hub for the first time. Follow the light blue stud trail up to Bilbo's house to start this chapter. Once the story starts inside Bag End, destroy the chest to the right of the door to uncover the key. Pick up the key and use it to unlock the door. In the next room, destroy the bookcase on the right then build the rest of the platform next to the piano. Switch to Dwalin and hit the left side of the piano with his hammer to clear the way into the next room and launch another cutscene. There's nothing much that can be done in Story Mode in the newly accessible room, so instead backtrack and take a left into the living room. Keep heading left into the kitchen and then into the dining room. Destroy the cabinet to the left of the red curtains, then build the crafting table. Stand in front of the crafting table and turn in the correct Loot to start the Lego Build to build the dining room table and launch a cutscene.

(If the characters don't have enough of the right Loot yet, wander around the house destroying things and collecting loot). Once the cutscene ends, the task at hand is to find three food items and deliver them to the table (one at a time). Switch to Kili and use his bow to shoot the target above the sausages. Pick them up and deliver them to the table. In the next chamber, destroy the shelves to the left to bring down the cheese. Pick up the cheese and deliver it to the table. Switch to Fili and use his dwarf axe to destroy the cracked plate at the far end of the chain of rooms, bringing down the shelves and the milk bottle. Pick up the milk bottle and deliver it to the table to launch the next cutscene. And now it's time to dance! Play the plate throwing game by hitting the correct button when the indicator glows. The better timed the button press is, the more studs you'll earn. Doing well here is the key to earning Master Burglar in this chapter. Once the dance is over, it's time for a finishing cutscene and the end of the chapter!

Most of the Collectibles in this level are outside or in the cellar, which is accessed from the outside. All are found during the "At Your Service" portion of the level. To get outside, follow the Story Mode walkthrough above to get through the first locked door and destroy the piano. Once the piano is destroyed, the way is open to a new room with a door with a blue lock on it. Use Gandalf to blast the lock, and the door, revealing a new door. Take this exit to the back garden. Lego the Hobbit: The Video Game (2014) Video game released 8 April 2014 See full cast & crew » Do you have any images for this title? Rest of cast listed alphabetically: See full cast » Bilbo Baggins, a simple Hobbit of the Shire is a Hobbit who doesn't like adventures accompanys 13 Dwarves and the Wizard Gandalf on a Quest to reclaim the Dwarves home of Erebor from the Dragon Smaug. Gandalf also has his own side quest regarding a familiar Shadow that is taking shape in an abandoned fortress called Dol Guldur.

See All (8) » Add content advisory for parents » Release Date: 8 April 2014 (USA) See full technical specs » Most of the lord of the rings characters were added to the game for example Sam and Frodo See more » Featured in Troldspejlet: Episode #51.16 (2014) This FAQ is empty. Add the first question. Contribute to This PageBilbo Baggins is a minifigure in The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug and The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies theme. He first appeared in July 2012 in the Comic-Con Exclusive Bilbo Baggins Giveaway, and has appeared 4 sets thus far after that as well as a Target exclusive for The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Blu-ray. He is the adoptive uncle of Frodo Baggins and also appears in LEGO The Lord of the Rings: The Video Game. Bilbo Baggins was one of the most predictable, respectable, and unadventurous hobbits in the Shire. One day, Gandalf the Grey came to Bilbo's home, Bag End, and asked him to come on an adventure.

Bilbo refused, but the next day, Gandalf returned with the 13 dwarves, and they forced Bilbo to come on the adventure. When the company had reached the Misty Mountains, and Bilbo was separated, he met Gollum and found The One Ring. Over the course of the adventure, Bilbo proved his usefulness. When he got back, he generously gave most of his treasure away, but he kept some of it, including the Ring, seeing as its power made him want to keep it close. He was forced to give it up to his nephew Frodo during his 111th birthday party, (Gandalf had discovered its evil power). The Ring Quest then took place. Afterwards, Bilbo went to live with Elrond in Rivendell before leaving Middle-earth on the last boat to the Grey Havens with the rest of the elves. RegularShireTarget ExclusiveGood Morning Bilbo Baggins! LEGO The Lord of the Rings: The Video Game LEGO The Hobbit: The Video Game Bilbo in the second developer diary video for LEGO The Lord of the Rings: The Video GameBilbo in LEGO The Hobbit: The Video Game

Master of Lake-town | Mirkwood Elf Chief | Mirkwood Elf Guard | Radagast the Brown | Mouth of Sauron | Necromancer of Dol Guldur | King of the Dead | Soldier of the Dead | Video Game only others:King of Men | Lake-town Man (Archer) | Video Game only Hobbits: Bandobras ˝Bullroarer˝ Took | Video Game only Dwarves: Armoured Dwarf Guard | Jimli the Blacksmith | Video Game only Elves:Círdan the Shipwright | Video Game only Dark Forces:Oliphaunt Mahûd Leader | Video Game only Creatures:The Watcher in the Water | Lego the Hobbit: The Video Game Contribute to This Page Bilbo and his company of cheerful dwarves managed to reclaim the Lonely Mountain from the vicious and cunning dragon, Smaug. While the dwarves stayed, Bilbo went back to his Hobbit-Hole to care take of his lovely garden. We hope you’ve had lots of fun playing with the LEGO® The Hobbit™ sets! Bilbo’s adventure may be over, but yours doesn’t have to be! You can still explore Middle-Earth and play as Lord of the Rings characters in LEGO DIMENSIONS™!

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