lego heath ledger joker for sale

lego heath ledger joker for sale

lego head sorter storage

Lego Heath Ledger Joker For Sale


Sorry….The Bunny is Sick I’ve been fighting some kind of virus all week.  Cancelled some of my classes, and lay in bed with literally every symptom you can name.  Yup, all the ugly ones, and some of the more presentable ones (like shivers, sneezes and coughs, as well as many far less discussable events). And somehow, in the middle of all that, I messed up my right hand.  It’s dark purple and swollen like a balloon for a couple of days now. It’s been an unpleasant week. But I’ll see you soon. Ty the Guy, Passed Out. Everything You Need to Know About Lego Batman in Four Panels!  Everybody knows everything about Batman.  That’s kind of the point of the new Lego Batman movie…but does everybody know everything about the Lego Batman Movie? Thank god I’m here. I’m not kidding about the Easter Eggs.  You have to keep your eyes peeled at all times for road signs, boutique stores, background characters, minor cameos, major cameos, crossover characters and DC shout-outs.  

Bring a pad and paper and encourage your friends to do so as well, just to keep track of them all. And hey, 4th out of about a dozen Batman movies isn’t that bad.   Ty the Guy OUT! As delightful as the new Batman Lego movie is, everyone out there knows it’s the THIRD Lego Movie to feature Batman, right? At least this one doesn’t have Zach Galifianakis. The Scissors Saga: Part Four: The Final Cut And so, the saga comes to an end.  As with every instalment, I promise you every moment and word of this is true. Here’s part one, part two, and part three, if you’re joining late. I’ve edited down the conversation with the guy at the lost and found.  He actually told me quite a bit about his mother and his life as a child in Canada and Armenia.  It was very touching how much my scissors mattered to this guy.  And to the nice lady at Air Canada. Somehow, in a world spinning into chaos, one little thing went right on one day last month.

I’m holding onto that. Oh, one last thing… That’s me, my mother and the scissors.  The photo was taken last night, on the one month anniversary of their return.   My mother said to me, “I never gave you those scissors, you know. you just took them.  Technically, they’re still mine.” The Scissors of Destiny, Part III Sorry this wasn’t here last week…I was doing an appearance for a local comic store’s birthday party.  We return to the saga of the scissors I had taken from me at Toronto Airport, still in progress…. Here’s part one and part two if you’ve missed them…. The tear-jerker conclusion next week is worth the wait, I promise.  There won’t be a dry eye on the internet. CLICK HERE TO READ IT NOW! Scissors and comic books.  Such a natural fit. THE SCISSORS OF FATE part 2 I know the cliffhanger from LAST week’s BUN TOON was difficult to have to wait for, and this should have been up yesterday, but I had family in from out of town, and family comes first.  

If I learned anything from this experience, it’s HOLD ON TO FAMILY. If you missed it, here’s part one. Now on to part TWO of our thrill-ride adventure. At the time it all made perfect sense. 2016 had so much loss in it, and there had to be a line drawn in the sand…a hill worth dying on. CLICK HERE TO READ PART 3 NOW Scissors have always played an important part of the world of comics. THESE Wonder Woman scissors still adorn my studio wall, given to me as a gift some years ago.  These scissors I shall NEVER let go. ANOTHER HONEST-TO-GOD, TRUE LIFE ADVENTURE Hello, fellow time travellers, into the world of 2017.  Hope you had a good Christmas/New Years/Hanukkah/Festivus/MightySauce/PaganDanceOff Day. Mine was delightful and pleasant in all the right ways.  Well…except for one asterisk on the whole season… CLICK  HERE TO READ PART TWO RIGHT NOW! I thought the world was long overdue for a comic strip that features airport security staff as the stars of an epic, mini-series event like the one that’s unfolding here. 

Other airport workers have often been featured as comic book stars… From the flighty romantic stewardesses… …to the sexy pilots they fall for. This is a rich genre, with much to explore. It’s Jolly Jingle Day! See you next week! Ty the Ho Ho GuyBATMAN fans will have the chance to get two wheels closer to becoming a fully fledged superhero when the Caped Crusader’s Batpod from The Dark Knight trilogy goes up for sale. The same bike Batman used to take on Heath Ledger’s Joker is expected to sell for around £70,000 at auction. Christian Bale’s Batman rides the Batpod in The Dark Knight The BatPod will need a bit of work before it’s ready for the road Despite being battered about in the second and third instalments of Christopher Nolan’s trilogy, The fibreglass Batpod is in remarkable condition. In The Art and Making of The Dark Knight Trilogy, director, Christopher Nolan said: “I hesitate to call it a motorcycle because its design was much more exotic and powerful looking than a traditional motorcycle.”

The futuristic vehicle is steered in prone position by the rider’s arms and shoulders but despite its advanced features, the lucky bidder will need to make a few additions to get it on the road. The Batpod is in a non-functional ‘rolling only’ condition and to get it revved up as seen on the streets of Gotham it requires a new battery, fuel tank and throttle controls. Fibreglass body panels finished in metallic grey paint cover the bike’s engine and handlebars. A pair of cannon barrels made of plastic, resin and fibreglass are secured at the front of the vehicle, and a laser targeting unit is fitted above the right hand grip. A moody shot of the BatPod Batman’s motorbike is said to be in tiptop condition NOT FLYING OFF THE SHELVES A radiator and hydraulics are fitted behind the saddle, and the braking system is operated by controls on the left handle and the right pedal. Batman’s very own bike will be supplied with a metal support stand for display purposes and a Warner Brothers certificate of authenticity.

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