lego exo suit teaser

lego exo suit teaser

lego exo suit stop motion

Lego Exo Suit Teaser


Marvel has been churning out one hit movie hit after another, and Dr Strange was another winner. Their refresh of timeless superheroes also inspires LEGO builders like Letranger Absurde to recreate these iconic characters in bricks. Geared up in his Cloak of Levitation and equipped with the Eye of Agamotto, there’s little that Dormammu, the supervillan on the big screen can do to outwit the brilliant Doctor. My favourite part of the build is actually how the nose cone elements in yellow are used to construct the gloved hands, and the white streaks of hair represented by radiator grille parts. If there were ever a vehicle that deserved the UCS (Ultimate Collector Series) treatment, the DeLorean from Back to the Future is the one I think fans would be rooting for. As Doc Brown said, if you’re going to build a time machine into a car, why not do it with some style? Korean builder 지현주 (Ji Hyun Ju) holds nothing back and puts in all the bells and whistles, from detailing on the dashboards and interior to a pair of working gull wing doors.

The only question I have is who do I need to bribe in Billund to get one of these in released in a 4000 piece count set? See more of this LEGO DeLorean Ready to build something awesome this weekend? To inspire you with some new building techniques you may not have thought of on your own, here’s an in-depth article about the unique 3.18 mm connections available throughout the LEGO System of play. This article by Tim Johnson originally appeared on New Elementary. Questo articolo è disponibile anche in italiano su Old Bricks I am sure that many people, upon seeing these models, would cite them as proof that LEGO® have lost their way “since I was a kid, when it was just bricks“. Whilst these are indeed new parts, the fact is that the changes that brought them into the LEGO System occurred in the 1970s. Read the full article after the jump Students at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, including LEGO builder Rinse, had an opportunity to present a prototype satellite design to the European Space Agency (ESA) at the European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC) in Noordwijk, the Netherlands.

With a LEGO builder among them, the student team used bricks as their design medium for constructing their 3D prototype. The LEGO model has a hexagonal shape, and the solar arrays don’t require any additional support to remain extended horizontally. I once built an 11th century Romanesque castle from LEGO for a university humanities course. How have you used LEGO in your own higher education? In her ongoing Iron Builder challenge, Cecilie Fritzvold has built a crumbling bridge. I always enjoy seeing decay built in LEGO, whether it’s fast like this one or a more tranquil style, which we often see in post-apocalyptic creations. What I also love is bridges, so Cecilie delivers on two of my soft spots at the same time.There are loads of details to be explored in this creation, like the great cracking effect or the subtle use of Nexo-Knights shield piece as the edge of the sidewalk. If you want to see more great use of the Nexo Knights shield pentagonal tile (the “seed part” in their current challenge), be sure to check Cecilie‘s and Chris Maddison‘s Flickr pages.

The Hawker Typhoon, known by the RAF as Tiffy for short, was a British single-seat fighter-bomber, produced by Hawker Aircraft during World War II. Einon‘s LEGO version of the Typhoon features a fully retractable landing gear and carries eight rockets under the wings and two bombs. The real life bomber had a few design issues but Einon has managed to iron out some of these in his minifigure-scale version.  The brick-built propeller is a good solution for sizing on this model but the invasion stripes on the upper wing surfaces and fuselage seal this as an accurate wartime Typhoon. Einon has made a short video that not only shares more details about the Typoon, but also demonstrates his version’s retractable landing gear and how swooshable this LEGO bomber can be. Mitch is not only seeing how much lime green can be put into one build, but also how many eyes. This bounty hunter, named Marq, has eleven of them cleverly created with the frying pan piece and circular 1X1 plates with a hole through the middle.

Looking past all that lime green, I really like the use of the tread and linkage pieces to create some semblance of clothing. It all started a few days ago when I saw a TV remote by Primož Mlakar‘s in my Flickr feed, with the description saying “I couldn’t imagine a TV without one :)”. I thought nothing more of it, only to be surprised later by teaser shots revealing the television set that needed the remote. The TV’s general shaping is spot on, and nostalgic for anyone growing up with these old-school TVs. The antenna, the little channel display screen, and Sony logo are just perfect. The forced perspective Back to the Future II scene demands closer inspection. Primož tells us in the description that the layout was the starting point and was intended as a minifig scale diorama, but as he encountered some problems with scale, he decided to make a forced perspective build. Turning it into a television set was just the next logical step. What, you thought I’d just go with “It’s a trap!”?

That’d just be lazy. Admiral Ackbar may not have had the most memorable line in The Force Awakens, but his presence at the Resistance base marked another point in the movie that reminded us we were watching a true Star Wars film again. Master character builder Eero Okkonen captures the essence of the Mon Calamari admiral with a variety of slopes, vehicle fenders, reins, and other sundry bits. A few pieces of brown lend subtle texture to what would otherwise be a mass of dark red. His expressive eyes are built from a black 2×2 boat stud layered over a round 2×2 yellow tile. Just a reminder that the annual speeder bike contest, run by the good folks over at the LEGO Speeder Bikes Flickr group, is drawing to close at the end of the month. We’ve seen some great entries so far but there is still time to get your rear in gear and build some awesome bikes! There are great prizes up for grabs, donated by The Brothers Brick, as well as all sorts of other swag! If you don’t have a couple hundred thousand dollars to spend on your own 1963 Porsche 911, you can always build one in LEGO.

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