lego city 3ds 1

lego city 3ds 1

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Lego City 3ds 1


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Game Informer Rating:Rated 6.0 out of 10 by Game Informer.Comme je suis le premier � m'en �tre moqu� lorsqu'il a �t� annonc� lors de la conf�rence Nintendo de l'angoisse de l'E3 dernier, je suis d'autant plus content que LEGO City : Undercover sur Wii U soit une r�ussite. J'aime �tre agr�ablement surpris, j'aime quand le mauvais esprit c�de sa place � l'admiration. En sera-t-il de m�me avec LEGO City Undercover : The Chase Begins sur 3DS, alors qu'� l'accoutum�e les adaptations portables sont toujours un peu r�alis�es par dessus la jambe et souvent d�cevantes ? On s'en fiche un peu mais ce LEGO City Undercover 3DS relate les p�rip�ties du LEGO flic Chase Mc Cain deux ans avant celles v�cues sur Wii U, le jeune poulet forgeant alors sa l�gende. Ainsi, Chase prendra d�j� en chasse l'inf�me Rufus mais la comparaison ne s'arr�te pas l� avec la version console de salon. En effet, malgr� des performances techniques moindres, TT Games propose sur la portable de Nintendo, � peu pr�s le m�me environnement et le m�me syst�me de jeu que sur Wii U. Et m�me s'il y a des failles, c'est d�j� pas mal, la prime � l'ambition, je suis toujours pour.

LEGO City est une ville ouverte que l'on pourra parcourir par section et dans laquelle il y aura des petits puzzles � r�soudre pour r�cup�rer des super briques, permettant de construire des environnements essentiels ou non pour progresser dans le jeu ou encore des jetons pour obtenir de nouvelles apparences. Comme sur Wii U, LEGO City 3DS propose en effet de grimer son h�ros de flic en voleur (il pourra alors forcer des portes, ouvrir des coffres), en ouvrier (afin de perforer le sol avec un marteau-piqueur), en fermier (pour chevaucher... des cochons) et avec toute une panoplie de costumes attribuant � Mc Cain de nouvelles capacit�s pour progresser dans l'histoire mais aussi d�nicher toutes sortes de petits tr�sors, toujours l'une des grandes activit�s dans les titres estampill�s LEGO. Dans son costume de base, Chase pourra d�j� utiliser une sorte de grappin � la Batman et "enqu�ter", c'est-�-dire suivre des traces de pas avec sa loupe et non plus avec la r�plique miniature du Game Pad comme sur Wii U. La gyroscopie sera utilis�e dans ce titre 3DS pour rep�rer des points d'int�r�t dans le d�cor.

Cette progression � la Zelda, les costumes rempla�ants ici les outils de Link, se d�roule donc dans un monde ouvert mais l'aventure est ici plus dirigiste que sur Wii U,  avec toutes ces missions de l'intrigue � vivre, de l'infiltration de gangs principalement, la faute � des � c�t�s moins nombreux en ville, en jeu libre. Pas vraiment un d�faut en soi �tant donn� que le titre s'adresse principalement � des enfants (on retrouve l'humour rigolo et la non-violence qui font le charme de la s�rie) mais il est bon de savoir que le terrain de jeu fourni par ce LEGO City, m�me s'il est toujours appr�ciable de piloter des petites bagnoles, n'est pas tellement riches en activit� et que les diff�rentes missions sont vraiment d'une grande facilit�, l'objet avec lequel vous devez interagir, le lieu o� vous devez vous rendre �tant toujours bien indiqu� sur la carte de votre �cran inf�rieur.  On regrettera aussi la mollesse des combats, malgr� leurs effets � la Matrix,qui ressemblent au bout d'un moment � une sorte de corv�e � laquelle on ne peut �chapper.

S'ajoute � �a la lenteur des diff�rents v�hicules. Fractionn�e, LEGO City est aussi en permanence recouverte d�s que l'on regarde � cent m�tres devant soi en voiture, d'un �pais brouillard. A vous de juger s'il s'agit d'un hommage � San Francisco (o� le brouillard fait partie du quotidien pr�s de l'oc�an) dont LEGO City s'inspire grandement ou plut�t d'un effet � la N64... Avec LEGO City Undercover : The Chase Begins, la 3DS n'�tait pas loin de tenir son GTA pour bambins, avec l'humour et la tonne de choses � r�colter qui caract�risent la s�rie. S'il on y revient avec plaisir, ce ne sera malheureusement pas pour cette fois, la faute � une LEGO City un peu �triqu�e et malmen�e, due � une technique qui p�che un peu, rendant le nombre de choses � faire en jeu libre un peu limit�e. Cependant, l'ambition est l� et si effectuer les diverses missions devient vite tr�s dirigiste, destin� essentiellement � des enfants, le titre TT Games m�rite une demie-�toile de plus, la facilit� du titre et son ambiance �tant calibr�s pour eux.

Un achat s�r pour les parents ayant r�sist� � l'appel de la Wii U ou qui cherchent � occuper leurs mioches pendant les longs trajets des vacances de P�ques.Here are my Lego City Undercover: The Chase Begins tips to find all the collectables and complete the game. But first, a couple of ingenious suggestions from my kids -- now how did they get better than me at this video gaming lark? After all I have more experience, knowledge and strategies than they do. Surely it can't all be down to faster reaction times?I took the time to watch them play Lego City Undercover: The Chase Begins on their 3DS XL while we toured New Zealand last month -- being able to download it while we were out there made for some ideal on-the-go entertainment. What I noticed was that they played the game very differently from me.While I worked through the various fetch quests, fights and collecting tasks they were much more haphazard. In many ways they didn't play by "the rules" at all, certainly not how I imagine the game developers expected the game to be played.

Rather than following the suggested route, or using the provided vehicles, they often went their own way or made up their own challenges. Things like seeing how far they could drive without bumping other cars or running red lights or endlessly practicing skids in each of the vehicles.This approach had its downsides, I've even seen the game crash while they played and it's never done that for me, but it also yielded benefits. They stumble upon functionality that I remained oblivious to even after completing the game. Their lackadaisical approach to progression meant that they experimented with buttons, touch-screen and environment, and discovered some nice little ways to play.As you can see in my separate tips video, there are two of these that I thought would be worth sharing, before running down my more systematically discovered tips forLego City Undercover: The Chase Begins.Car Surfing Tip: A few days into playing the kids realised that you could stand on cars as well as get into them.

This led to not a few hours touring the city on the roof of various automobiles, and quickly turned into a competition about who could get atop the biggest truck.Watching them play like this, letting the game drive them round the streets of Auburn I noticed they would keep a finger poised over the scanner button. They had realised that this was not only a fun way to get around but also the best way to find all the side quests.You see, if you get into a car to hunt down the various collectibles the scanner option disappears, you have to get out to use it -- and this means you can't see when it is flashing to tell you there is something nearby to discover. Riding on top of a car this problem goes away as you tour the world while still have the scanner icon visible. Camera Control: I'm often berating my youngest for returning my 3DS XL covered in sticky finger prints. On Lego City Undercover you don't have to touch the lower screen so I had respectfully asked them to keep their grubby paws off.

So, when I received the handheld back with the lower screen covered in goo I started on a bit of a rant. "But Dad, you need to touch the bottom screen to control the camera" was their stereo response. After a bit of investigating I too discovered that while the Left and Right triggers will pan your view left and right you can also hold a (preferably clean) finger on the lower screen to gain full control of where you are looking - both horizontally and vertically, just like you do with dual stick controls.This is not only a useful way to see what's going on but also means you can scan around to find the best routes onto high buildings for those hard-to-reach collectables. They also discovered that you don't have to hold your 3DS up like a berk when using your scanner, the Circle Pad also lets you look around the environment.So now you've had the kid's Lego City Undercover wisdom, here's my accumulated tips and tricks for the Wii U and 3DS game:Red Bricks First: Aim to collect and unlock the Red Bricks that offer stud and collectable multipliers first as this enables you to ramp up your collecting and purchasing of other items.

Smashing: If you're stuck, trying smashing up everything around you -- more often than not, you'll discover an object to build.Police Station: Don't forget that you need to return to the Police Station to unlock bonuses and extras you have collected. With the open world nature of the game it is easy to avoid going back to the game hub for a long time, this just slows your progress down.Vehicle Flipping: If you flip your vehicle over you can shake the Wii U Gamepad to get yourself back to normal. On the 3DS if you get stuck just hold down A until you over-rev and get repositioned back on track.Be Diverted: In Lego City Undercover more than any Lego video game it pays to go wondering. Don't be too objective-focused otherwise you will miss intricacies of the game.Save Up: It is worth destroying everything in sight for those all important studs and bricks. Also, don't be in a rush to spend your studs or bricks. Take particular care of which super builds you complete first, some are important and part of the main quests while others are optional (like the ramps).

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