lego brick forge review

lego brick forge review

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Lego Brick Forge Review


SHIPPING: varied by order size SHIPPING TIME: 5-7 days Amongst all LEGO customizers BrickForge has the greatest variety of LEGO compatible parts in the widest range of colors. This includes minifigure weapons, helmets, armor pieces, various minifig equipment and accessories, musical instruments, and even several mythical & farm-animals to fill up your LEGO creations! BrickForge is the result of an unstoppable force (Armothe) meeting an immovable object (Redbean) – two die-hard LEGO-fans. Together they boast a combined 20 years of minifig customizing experience, and have offered their unique brand of BrickForge accessories to the LEGO community since 2006. “We consider ourselves intermediaries between the community and the lumbering Danish company. For a long time the building experience has been the focus of creativity; but an increasing number of people are realizing their inner child through the role-play of the minifigs included in those sets. The mission of BrickForge is to fill in the gaps left open by LEGO and other brick-building companies.” – Armothe

“A lot of thought (and work!) goes into the creation of these tiny accessories. We do our best to consider how would these look if LEGO made them and then we attempt to raise the bar even further.”  QUALITY: The quality of BrickForge items is excellent! The same ABS plastic is used as for LEGO. Each BrickForge piece is the result of a long process of designing and testing to fit its purpose as well as to seamlessly fit with LEGO elements. MOLD DETAIL: BrickForge products have the same elegant yet minimalist style as LEGO parts. The details are subtle, beautiful, and realistic enough both for the real world and the world of LEGO. COLORS:  BrickForge products are currently available in about 50 different colors! The colors are either the same as LEGO colors; including glow-in-the-dark (this is really cool!) and various translucent colors. In addition BrickForge carries some special colors like army-green and bronze. Occasionally certain elements also get released in chrome-gold and chrome-silver.

BrickForge also carries a wide variety of printed elements with great colors and detail. PRODUCTS: BrickForge has a very extensive product line (currently over 150 different items!) with the main focus being LEGO minifig accessories. You will find everything from ancient, fantasy and modern weapons, various tools, musical instruments, and everything else your minifig may want and need! One special feature of some BrickForge elements is their modular design; meaning they can be assembled in different ways; expanding the variety and choices even more! For example the Space Marine helmet has a removable visor, the gladiator helmet has an attachable faceguard, and the great variety of pauldrons can be attached to different armor pieces in various configurations. SUMMARY: I highly recommend BrickForge! There is no-one who beats their product variety and color selection, and their prices are very reasonable. In addition the BrickForge folks are super-nice people who focus on customer service and satisfaction.

You should definitely try them out! * Centaur - Destrider Tales of magical creatures, ancient myths, and generations of folklore are the inspiration behind BrickForge Fantasy Accessory Packs!  Immerse your tinyfigs in a new age of visual splendor with these fantastical elements! Centaurs, according to Greek mythology, were a composite race of creatures, part human and part horse. These strange creatures had the head arms and chest of a man but the legs and lower half of a horse. Some were noble and wise, many were savage and ruthless bringing shame upon their kind. Conforming to official standards the Centaur piece allows you to add your own body parts to create your own ancient folk hero. Additional connection points allow for equipment storage or seating for a bold equestrian. Bundled with an assortment of armaments. Type the characters you see in the picture: Add a personal messageSomeone or something left a puddle; perhaps its best to leave it be until identified.

The contoured design is cleverly crafted to fit on standard plates, baseplates, walls and anywhere else a mess is needed. Our variety of colors allows the Spill/Splat to be used as a surrogate for almost any liquid substance: Water? It's up to you. Fits most standard 5mm 1x1 connection points. Miniquins, MOCs and Minifig parts not included with purchaseJosh’s post earlier today reminded me that I hadn’t gotten around to posting a review of the new animals from BrickForge. Three animals are available from BrickForge: You can also buy white horns for $0.50 a pair, and pink udders for $0.50 each. (The brick and plate on the Holstein and the saddle on the steer are from my own collection.) BrickForge cows are comparable in size to official horses, but with shorter legs. Like LEGO horses, there’s a slot on the back where you can put a saddle (rodeo!), a hitch, or bricks to fill in the space. Unfortunately, you can’t put a barding on a cow. The head, which is articulated, includes two holes where you can put any standard rod-sized element, such as Viking horns — and the BrickForge horns fit in holes of the same size on official elements:

The Holstein and the black cow integrate well with official LEGO, though they both feel a little lighter than a LEGO element of equivalent size. Without horns, the holes for horns look a little weird on the side of the head, but I’d rather have holes in my cows’ heads than no way to put horns on them! I think the Holstein looks great with an udder (which I haven’t tried removing, so I don’t know how easy that is), and the black cow looks great with a saddle or hitch. BrickForge pigs and sheep are about the same size as LEGO dogs. Like dogs, they don’t have any articulation, but their feet fit on any sequence of 1×3 studs (or any pair of studs one stud apart). They look and feel very much like LEGO. I especially like the pink pig, and all the pigs’ curly tails: The same fundamental criterion I used in my review of BrickForge weapons applies to these animals: “How well do these custom elements fit into my existing LEGO collection?” My life would still be complete without historically accurate weapons or modern guns (though I think both BrickForge and BrickArms make some amazingly cool stuff), but I’ve been wanting more animals from LEGO for many years.

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