lego boba fett costume

lego boba fett costume

lego boba fett 2015

Lego Boba Fett Costume


This Boba Fett Lego costume, created by Dented Helmet member CGS1 for his 6-year-old son, is one of the more technically impressive cosplays we've seen in some time. A graphic designer for almost 20 years, CGS1 spared no detail in the creation of the blocky outfit, which is all but indistinguishable from an embiggened Boba Fett minifig (From the 9496 Desert Skiff lego set, specifically. That's it in the top image, on the right, for reference.)"The entire costume is built from scratch using photo references and scans I took myself," CGS1 writes at The Dented Helmet. "The costume is built primarily out of sintra with pink insulation foam used to carve the helmet dome and a small amount of plastazote foam used on the tips and base of the jetpack rockets." Which jetpack, it bears mentioning, is removable – just like the one on the minifig. CGS1 goes into some detail on the design process over at The Dented Helmet, where you can see the project come together over several stages.

Here's the first of three "making of" posts on the helmet alone: All elements of this costume were approached the same way - photos, measurements, 2D drawings, scale, proportions. I used Adobe illustrator to hash out linear drawings of the helmet. Once I had the correct size of the dome, I was able to start. After a couple failed attempts at creating the dome with plastazote foam (making wedges to form the dome) I decided to carve it the old fashion way and simply used pink insulation foam from Home depot. Once I completed the dome, I began building the helmet using the antenna mount as my anchor point. I used a heat gun to shape and form the sintra, and glued layers to create the details throughout the helmet. After a few revisions ( the dark green concave section wasn't deep enough and I had to redo it) the helmet was ready for bondo glazing putty. I use this to fill the seams and rough spots in order to achieve a seamless plastic molded look, much like a Lego minifigure.Many more details over at The Dented Helmet.

Show All ItemsA huge Star Wars / Lego fan, my son decided that he wanted to be Lego Boba Fett. His mini figure costume was modeled after (Lego set 9496 - Desert Skiff)The costume was built using the same material and technique as his Lego Lord Vampyre minifigure costume.Step 1: THE HELMETShow All ItemsAll elements of this costume were approached the same way - photos, measurements, 2D drawings, scale, proportions. Next, it's on to priming and sanding. I tried a filler primer for the first time which I found nice. It helped fill small imperfections. however, I sanded and primed over it several times with Krylon Rudy red, not much of the filler primer was recognizable. I also flexbonded the insulation foam on the dome in order to allow for painting. Flexbond is basically a glorified white glue and acts as both a sealant and smoothing agent. It's brushed on and then wet smoothed with your fingers.The T-Visor was created using 1/16" plexiglass and was nothing short of frustrating. Unlike Boba Fett's helmet visor from the trilogy which is mounted from behind, the Lego Boba Fett Visor is flush with the helmet.

Fitting the visor into place was lengthy and required a lot of fine-tuning. I created tabs that were set 1/16" below the surface of the helmet and both glued and double sided taped the visor into place.The range finder stalk / Antenna was created using sintra with a cylindrical styrofoam tube underneath. I built it in 3 pieces, head, pole and base, then glued it all together with E-6000.The antenna is pressure fitted to the helmet and is removable.Painting: I wanted to colours to be accurate - especially the helmet and jetpack. After having little success finding a good spray paint match, I decided to have the colour customized. My local paint store will transfer latex house paint into a spray can. I chose a green that was almost perfect and had it compressed into a spray can. This was expensive and the paint delivery was thick and heavy. I needed 2 cans as the paint didn't go very far. I had planned on doing the same for the legs and arms but after using it, decided to find a close match from an available brand.

I started with the base coat of light green and then masked off the area for the dark green. I then masked off and painted to crimson pattern on the helmet. Next I painted the silver and finished with the yellow kill stripes on the side of the helmet. I used automotive masking tape and found that it created a nice tight seal and little to no bleeding between colours.The helmet was clear coated with a gloss finish.I created the base of the actual Lego head as it is visible beneath the helmet. I stacked and glued plastazote foam together prior to carving the shape. It was sanded with a dremel and by hand before adding the neck - also made out of sintra. The Lego head base was painted and glued to the inside after the helmet was complete.« PreviousNext »View All Steps DownloadLego Boba Fett Costume Owns All Star Wars Costumes to Date9/09/09 8:50am If there's anything better than a home made Boba Fett costume, it has to be this Lego Boba Fett costume. This little kid will be one of the most popular and happiest kids next Halloween, as his face shows:

These photos were sent by his dad, Gizmodo reader Brad Methvin:The scale came out perfect because minifigs are 40mm. My son is 40 inches. I originally made this for Halloween, but DragonCon was do-able so, I rushed to finish so my 3-yr old would be ready for the parade. I was actually finishing it on the MARTA (Atlanta Rapid Transit). When we arrived but he saw Darth Vader, all bets were off. He was not going near the parade or any Star Wars characters. I had to carry all the costume parts all over downtown Atlanta until we made it back home, where he asked me if he could put on his costume. (ahh being a parent)His 8-year old brother, (who I SHOULD have begun with) will be getting a Jango costume on a larger scale for Halloween. I'll send it when I get it done.Yes, Brad is probably the coolest dad on his block. Probably the whole city, and half of the US too. This one beats the AT-AT couple costume—although not on dorkiness. The Mandalorian warrior Boba Fett is renowned as the best, and most feared, bounty hunter in the galaxy.

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