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Lego Batman 3 Zone Telechargement


Voilà une nouvelle qui ne vas pas égayer votre soirée : Cpasbien, le roi du torrent français pourrait bien vivre ses derniers instants… Après Zone Téléchargement, c’est au tour de Cpasbien d’être dans le collimateur des ayants droits. Après l’attaque impitoyable contre le roi du direct download, c’est maintenant la référence du torrent qui est sur le point de prendre sa claque. Le site pirate devrait ainsi venir gonfler la liste des sites tombés dernièrement (Wawa-Mania, Bleutigers…). S’il n’y a encore rien d’officiel là-dedans, plusieurs indices relevés par les utilisateurs laissent peu de place au doute… Premier indice : le site n’a mis en ligne aucun nouveau contenu depuis la fermeture de Zone Téléchargement. Je ne crois pas non et le site Next Warez non plus. Deuxième indice : lorsque l’on recherche le site Cpasbien dans Google, des sites de même nom apparaissent mais pas le bon. Mais c’est lorsque l’on tape que les choses deviennent intéressantes.

Le site renvoie alors à Torrent9 qui pourrait bien être un « site miroir » de l’équipe de Cpasbien. Si le site ferme effectivement ses portes prochainement et que cela vous attriste, vous pourrez toujours vous rabattre sur Torrent9 ! Pour la petite histoire, Torrent9 enregistre des audiences à peine croyables et est notamment passé de la 250ème place à la 155ème de la liste des sites les plus visités de France. Un dernier conseil pour la route : certains profitent de la situation pour lancer de faux sites de téléchargement accessibles via des adresses très proches des originaux et bourrés de virus. Cet article t'a plu ? Partage-le avec tes amis ! Notre site indexe des films, séries tv, animés, mangas, spectacles, ebooks et bien d'autres encore. Nous indexons sûr eMule mais aussi en Streaming et en téléchargement direct, le tout gratuitement via nos sites partenaires. TOP20 de la semaine The EndThe Walking Dead - Saison 7 - VOSTFRLes Animaux fantastiquesLes Animaux fantastiquesLa Fille du trainSnowdenAssassin's CreedPassengersBeauté cachéeDoctor StrangeBrice 3Vaiana, la légende du bout du mondeMan DownOppression666 Road (Southbound)Moi, Daniel BlakeDark WebFencesL'Homme qui défiait l'infiniI Don't Feel At Home In This World Anymore.

We have detected a history of abnormal traffic from your network so we ask that you please complete the following form to confirm that you are not a robot and are indeed a real person. Most of this time this happens if there has been a lot of malicious bot activity from your current internet provider's network or you are using a VPN. It likely has nothing to do with you. We're really sorry for the > Articles > French Authorities Raided Torrent Sites Posted by:  Date:  Tuesday, December 6th, 2016« Previous articleNext article »1posted by Clob (2016-12-06 20:04:42)LOL, they keep taking peoples cars. You'd think they'd know what a rat hole is.2posted by niamster (2016-12-07 11:20:48)i really wana ask all Torrent People Do answer! Why Do sites like etc torrent sites gets offile not similar to them like and many more big torrent sites ? there are also copyright material right ! please explain me !

thanks!3posted by Clob (2016-12-08 02:44:53)"but the copyright owners asked them to consider how creators are to earn a living in the face of piracy. Besides, they suggested that they’re only chasing the bigger fish." Takes a pirate to catch a pirate... and they become the biggest pirates/privacy violators of them all! They even break into peoples homes and put hidden cameras in them. They take more than copyrighted material also.4posted by Elrad135 (2016-12-08 18:14:12)Those news about "big" french torrent sites getting raided always get me laughing. I'm french, and I have no idea what those sites are which are supposedly "big".5posted by Clob (2016-12-09 08:28:17)@#4, It's interesting how all the expensive cars are constantly confiscated as well in the articles.. LEGO Dimensions is a toys-to-life crossover video game, in the style of Disney Infinity and Skylanders, developed by LEGO and Traveller's Tales, was released on September 27, 2015. The game is available for Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, and Wii U.

The game was announced to be in development on April 9, 2015, but was first rumored a few weeks before. When a mysterious and powerful vortex suddenly appears in various LEGO worlds, different characters from DC Comics, The Lord of the Rings and The LEGO Movie are swept away. To save their friends, Batman, Gandalf and Wyldstyle bravely jump into the vortex and quickly find themselves fighting to save all of LEGO humanity. Let creativity be the guide to a building and gaming adventure – journey through unexpected worlds and team-up with unlikely allies on the quest to defeat the evil Lord Vortech. Play with different minifigures from different worlds together in one LEGO videogame, and use each other’s vehicles and gadgets in a way never before possible. LEGO Bad Cop driving the DeLorean Time Machine…why not?! The LEGO Ninjago Masters of Spinjitsu fighting alongside Wonder Woman...yes, please! Get ready to break the rules, because the only rule with LEGO Dimensions is that there are no rules.

There is an ancient planet at the center of the LEGO Multiverse inhabited by an evil mastermind, Lord Vortech. It is said that he who controls the Foundational Elements that this planet is built upon, controls all of the Multiverse. Lord Vortech has vowed to be that ruler, summoning characters from a variety of LEGO worlds to help him find these building bricks of LEGO civilization. And only the combined powers of the greatest LEGO heroes can stop him. When a mysterious and powerful vortex suddenly appears in various LEGO worlds, Robin, from the DC Comics universe, Metalbeard, from the LEGO Movie universe and Frodo, from the Lord of the Rings universe are swept away. To save their friends, Batman, Gandalf and Wyldstyle bravely jump into the vortex. As they journey to locations beyond their wildest imaginations in search of their friends, they soon realize that Lord Vortech is summoning villains from across different LEGO worlds to help him gain control. As his power grows, worlds mix, unexpected characters meet and all boundaries are broken.

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