lego batman 2 gates

lego batman 2 gates

lego batman 2 for ps3

Lego Batman 2 Gates


Achievement Guide for Harboring a Criminal This solution has 11 positive votes and 0 negative votes. Please log in to vote. /pc/sg/lego_batman_2_dc_super_her....txt Super Hero at 90,000Characters: Batman, Robin---Walkthrough - Outside Theater - Well, looks like your chopper's all messed up. You'll just have to fix it. First, assemble the pieces right next to the chopper. The other parts somehow landed themselves further up the building. Head to the trailer back and to your left and use a Batarang on the red locks to open it. Break the equipment inside and assemble the pieces into a Power Suit. This suit has rockets that you can fire either by targeting or just by tapping Circle. Launch a rocket at the silver spotlight in front of the right side of the theater, then assemble the pieces inside to Robin's next suit, the Magnet Suit. Head to the shiny blue wall behind the spotlight, and hold down Circle. This will move the two blue parts away so you can start scaling the wall with the Magnet Suit.

Clomp up the blue wall, being careful about your direction so you don't fall. Once you reach the top, look up for a Grapple Handle and use it. You'll ride the banner up. Jump off to the left and climb up the railings. Use your magnet again to lower the blue panels, then walk up them to the other side. Use your magnet one last time on the scaffolding and you'll drop it so Batman can come up and join you. This also releases the second part of your helicopter, but don't bother assembling it yet. Batman's Power Suit not only has rockets, but extra strength. Once you ride up the scaffolding, press Circle in front of the orange handle to yank the gate open, then have Robin pull the ladder down. Have Batman climb the ladder, then blast the silver object at the back wall, then have Robin magnetize twice more to make a Grapple Handle so you can ride up another level. Blast the silver spotlight and assemble the zipline to ride over to the left. Now, grapple up the tower, head back to the right, then magnet one more blue object and grapple up.

Pull on the orange handle and you'll release the last piece for your helicopter. Assemble all the pieces, then hop on.Batwing Chase - Y'know, if Batman had this the whole time... Anyway, it's time to chase down the Joker. This part's quite simple. Shoot the joker until the meter empties, then shoot up any goons he summons to harrass you between those times, either boats or helicopters.Parking Lot - Joker seems to have parked his boat in front of the amusement park, and you'll need to get close to stop him. Go to the digger on the left and blast the silver part holding up the scoop. Assemble the pieces into a cannon, then aim it at the Joker, then pull on the orange handle to fire. For the next phase, Joker will throw electrified pies with an area effect. Head up to the back of the area and put together the parts busted off Joker's boat. You'll make silver teeth, so blast them with a rocket, then assemble the blue parts into a magnet wall. Walk up it with Robin, then smash the part at the top of the swinging sign and use your magnet twice to loosen it onto the Joker.

For the final part, a giant dodgem car will roll out to attack. You'll have to alternate between the silver and shiny blue parts with your powers until it's scrap, then assemble the pieces for something that'll finish off the Joker. Pull on the orange handle. Do you have a question about this achievement? Please post it in the LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes Forum Related Achievements and TrophiesPS3 games909/0372)LEGO£10.49Credit options available find out moreCheck stockTell us where you are to check stock:123456789Add to TrolleyAbout this productFree roam through an expansive LEGO-ized Gotham City, commandeering vehicles and interacting with citizens. Explore iconic locations like never before, on the ground or in the air, including Arkham Asylum, Wayne Tower, Ace Chemicals, Monarch Theatre and Wayne Manor. 27 reviewsOverall rating (4.8)DifficultyGraphicsEntertainment valueQuestions & answersBe the first to ask a question!We have never charged less than £10.49 for this product

Buy Red Dead Redemption PS3 GameTom Chick, June 25, 2012 Batman rides a gorilla. Robin builds a rickshaw and trundles around the parking lot. Clayface and Hush– Who? Clayface and Hush are in here. Lex Luthor’s hovership is defended by impenetrable electrical fields, yet there are convenient spawn points for Batman’s electricity suits next to every electrical field. There’s no room for Robin in the Batmobile, so he runs along behind it as if you were riding a horse in Skyrim. But Robin can roll around inside his own personal hamster ball. You’ve just unlocked a mime. That’s right, a mime. He approached you on the chaotic and panic-riddled streets of Gotham City and offered to sell himself into your collection for 25,000 Lego studbucks. Of course, you accept. Then you smash a row of hedges to earn a golden brick, which will finally let you buy whatever’s for sale inside the as yet unlocked front door of Wayne Manor. Wait, what’s over here? A little man throws a pie at you.

You might ask, “Why?” You have asked the wrong question. The overriding question of Lego Batman 2 is always and only “Why not?” This is as ridiculous and ridiculously effective an open world game as Saints Row 3, but whereas that game was driven by action movie excesses, Lego Batman 2 is driven mostly by the two things all boys love most: breaking things and collecting stuff. And then playing with them. If you have a toy gorilla and a Batman action figure, Batman will naturally ride the gorilla. After the jump, toy story The first and most important thing you need to know about this latest Lego videogame is that you get to run, fly, and drive around a pretty lively Lego version of Gotham, brimming with stuff to do and places to see, and not as insufferably kiddie oriented as Hogwarts. Because, you know, Batman. He’s all, like, grim, even when he’s cute and tiny. The game’s 15 missions move you through his non-grim adventures, where Superman pretty much gets so much time that you wonder if he doesn’t have his own game to go to.

It probably got canceled. You mostly just smash stuff, but sometimes you have to change suits to solve things that are supposedly puzzles. Calling them puzzles is a bit of a stretch, since Lego Batman 2 is wonderfully mindless. I grant there are occasional sticking points. I was certainly stuck a few times, sometimes because the game had glitched and I had to restart a level. A few times I was stuck because I’m just a little dense. Oh, so that’s a socket for Robin’s goo gun! Ah, so I have to break these crates to get to a lever! Mostly you’re going to get stuck because you didn’t realize that you had to smash everything. Even in the Batcave. These superheroes are little terrors. No respect for property. But Lego Batman 2 moves forward, ever forward, a bit like Diablo on normal difficulty, but minus any sort of skills or loot or meaningful combat. You just break stuff and move your superhero toys forward, ever forward, through a rain of glittering Lego studbucks, like all those glorious bolts in a Ratchet & Clank game, unlocking stuff, always unlocking stuff, on your way to collecting new things, always forward, ever forward.

Did I say forward? Sometimes you just move laterally, faffing about in Gotham to get more gold bricks which are the ultimate determinant for how much progress you’ve made. Did you know Clayface and Hush are in here? Don’t you want to unlock them? Okay, how about Flash and Aquaman? Do you want to unlock them? So you might as well grab Clayface and Hush, too. The subtitle of this game is DC Super Heroes, and it certainly earns it, primarily by cramming that invulnerable blowhard Superman into the action. But anyone who buys a Batman videogame is barely a Catwoman whisker away from collecting virtual action figures. That he can play with. Funnily enough, the story in Lego Batman 2 is actually pretty good, inasmuch as a series of missions pitting superheroes against villains can be good. What could have been just a string of puzzle rooms nicely sprawls out into memorable scenarios across the open world. Remember how absurd the Batman TV show was? This is like that, but with charm where the camp used to be.

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