lawn chair webbing installation

lawn chair webbing installation

lawn chair webbing for sale

Lawn Chair Webbing Installation


Spending a little time each fall performing some maintenance and repair--along with a good cleaning--will keep your chairs looking good for years to come. Turn the chair upside down. If the damaged straps are held on by metal screws, remove the screws; for plastic rivets, pop them off with a flathead screwdriver. For fasteners inside a slot in the frame, cut the strap with a utility knife very close to where it goes into the slot. The fastener should then fall loose. With a measuring tape (or a length of twine you can measure later), measure the length of the strap you'll need. The tape or twine will need to go over the hole or slot in the frame, around the frame, over to the other side, and then around the frame again to cover the opposite hole or slot. Pull as tight as you can when measuring. Cut a length of strap 1 inch (2.5 cm) shorter than your measurement. This will ensure that you stretch the strap as tightly as possible when installing it. With an awl or the point of a screw, make a hole about 1/4 inch (6 mm) from each end of the strap.

Attach one end of the strap with a sheet-metal screw (see A). If you are using plastic rivets, you'll need to drive them in with a rubber mallet or very gently with a hammer. Loop the other end of the strap around the other side of the frame, pull tightly and attach in the same manner. Replace any other straps as necessary. With a screwdriver, remove the screws or metal clips holding the webbing. If only one or two straps are torn and the rest look good, you may want to replace only them. If the chair has a drooping seat or many frayed straps, you'll need to remove all the webbing. Using the method described in step 2, above, measure the distance from the slots or holes for each of the horizontal straps. Remember, the chair back and seat may not be the same width, so take measurements for each. Unroll a length of nylon webbing. If you are attaching the horizontal straps with screws, add 2 inches (5 cm) to each measurement, and cut the roll into strips of that length with scissors.

If you are using clips, add 1 1/2 inches (4 cm). For chairs with screws, fold down the corners at one end of the strap to form a point (you'll be able to see from the old webbing how this is done). Make a hole with an awl or screw about 1/2 inch (12 mm) from the tip of the point. Screw in one end of the strap, pull it around tightly, and screw in the other end. If you're using clips, fold 3/4 inch (2 cm) of strap around the clip and insert it in the slot (again, you should be able to see from the old webbing how to do this). After all the horizontal webbing is done, install the vertical webbing using the same methods as above. You'll need to weave the vertical straps in and out of the horizontal webbing (see B). Make sure the vertical straps all run behind the bar that is the pivot between the back and the seat. To clean a vinyl-strap chair, use an ammonia-based cleaner and a sponge. For a web chair, an ordinary household cleaner and a scrub brush will work best. To really stretch the nylon strap across the seat, soften it by soaking it in very hot water for 10 minutes, then take it out (use rubber gloves for this) and quickly install it.

Be sure to punch the holes in the strap ends first. The best time to clean the chair's frame is while the straps are off. For an unpainted metal chair, apply an aluminum brightener with a nonabrasive scouring pad to perk it up. You May Also Like Patio chairs with metal frames should last a long time. But the webbing wears out eventually. Since the metal frames often last... If you need to repair a lawn chair because it was the victim of a windstorm or just one too many sittings,... Patio furniture takes a beating in the long, hot summers and over time will start to show signs of wear and tear.... Over time, it may become necessary to repair the nylon webbing in furniture such as lawn chairs or other outdoor pieces. Patio furniture can take a beating, not only from the weather, but also from use. Maybe the frames of your patio furniture... Fixing an outdoor, or patio chair, can be fairly easy. The main questions you must answer before starting this task is what...

22 DIY Ways to Update Your Home on a Small Budget About Rewebbing Vinyl Patio Chairs Alternative Replacement for Plastic Strapping for Chairs How to Replace Vinyl Chair Straps How to Attach Webbing to Lawn Chairs How to Repair a Patio Swing How to Repair Webbing Straps for a Couch Order new sling (for mesh sling replacement) Before you get started, you have to measure your chairs and order replacement sling. To find width, measure from the center of one rail to the center of the opposite rail at the bolt locations typically found at the top and bottom of the sling. To find length, lay a cloth tape measure along the top face of one rail so it follows the rail's curvature. Cut the old sling Slash the old sling down the middle with a utility knife. (A damaged sling cannot be saved.) Remove the end cap on each side rail. Remove the old sling Slide the two halves of the sling out of their tracks in the chair's rails. Loosen but don't remove the bolts that attach the rails to the chair frame, then pop out the spreader bar.

This is the best time to retouch or repaint your frame. Go to Frame Touch-Up Techniques for how-to and tips. Slide the new sling on Remove one rail entirely. Hold the sling with its hem side to the back and slide its nylon rod into the track of the rail that's still attached to the chair frame. Secure the new sling Slide the detached rail over the sling's other nylon rod. Bolt this rail back on the frame. Tighten the loose bolts on the opposite rail to make the sling taut. Reattach the spreader bar Reinsert the spreader bar. Use a pipe clamp to spread the rails slightly; if need be, bend the bar a bit to make it fit, then hit it with a rubber mallet to restore its shape. With a wire cutter, trim each rod flush with the end of the rail. Push the end caps back on the rails. You're done reviving your sling chair. Now, see Care and Maintenance tips. Or, click next to see how to replace vinyl straps. Order new straps (for vinyl replacement) For a single-wrap strap (one with exposed plastic pegs or metal clips), measure across the frame from hole to hole with a cloth tape measure wrapping around the outside of the frame.

A double-wrap strap (shown) covers the fasteners. Start at one hole, loop the tape measures fully around the frame, then pull to the opposite hole and repeat. Buy enough straps and pegs to redo the entire piece. (Metal clips can be reused.) The supplier will cut each strap to length and punch a hole for pegs or attach edge clips on both ends. Make the straps flexible by soaking them in hot (not boiling) water; never use a hair dryer or heat gun. Attach the strap end by pushing a peg through its hole and into the hole on the back of the frame. Wrap the strap around the frame With the peg seated firmly, wrap the strap all the way around the frame, covering the peg. (For a single wrap, simply go halfway around the frame and pull to the opposite side.) Stretch the strap to the other side Grab the strap near its middle and stretch it to the opposite side of the frame. Hold it tight against this side with one hand; use the other to loosely wrap the strap's free end around the frame 1½ times.

Keep tension on the strap as you push a peg through the free end and into its hole. Slide the loop up over the peg with your thumb, then let go of the strap. It will tighten as it cools. Repeat this process for all straps. You're done reviving your vinyl strap chair. Now, see Care and Maintenance tips. The time to touch up nicks and scratches on the frame is after the old straps or slings have been removed and before the new ones go on. The method to use depends on the type of metal to be painted. For aluminum, rough up the surface slightly with 100-grit sandpaper, then smooth with 220-grit paper. There's no need to prime—just apply an exterior-grade acrylic enamel paint. Use a tiny touch-up brush on nicks, a spray can on bigger scratches. For wrought iron on tubular steel, use a wire brush and sandpaper to sand any rust spots or chipped paint down to bare metal. Next, brush or spray on a metal primer, then apply an exterior enamel topcoat. (A coat of rust converter such as Rust Reformer stabilizes rust without sanding, but a rough, crusty look will remain.)

When a painted frame is covered with scratches or caked with rust, it's probably time for a professional overhaul. Factory-authorized refinisheers like The Chair Care Co. will sandblast and repaint furniture with a tough, powder-coated finish that will last 15 years or more. "The pieces come out looking brand-new," says owner Steven Gentino. The full-body treatment—blasting, repainting, welding, repairing straps, slings, or cushions, and replacing fasteners—runs about $120 for a typical chair. That's still only one third to half the cost of buying new. Once paint is dry: • Continue fabric sling replacement • Continue vinyl strap replacement The plastic components of outdoor furniture (shown)—vinyl straps, plastic pegs, and mesh slings—last about 10 years. In the meantime, the easiest way to keep outdoor furniture looking good is to give it a quick scrubdown with mild dish soap, followed by a water rinse. In addition, each material has its own particular needs.

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