latex foam mattress vs innerspring

latex foam mattress vs innerspring

latex foam mattress twin xl

Latex Foam Mattress Vs Innerspring


Innerspring mattresses are the most common type of bed, and for many people who have only used spring beds, considering a new mateiral like latex can seem a bit daunting. Several differences exist both in the mattresses’ construction and materials that can affect the shopping process and purchase satisfaction. To help you navigate through the terminology and make product research easier, we put together this guide. We begin by explaining how latex beds differ from from innersprings and then go over latex-specific terminology and other information prospective buyers should consider in order to shop smart.The differences in feel and durability between latex foam and spring beds arise from the inherently different materials and the way the beds are put together. Overall, spring mattresses tend to be cheaper and easier to find, but latex tends to last longer, prove more comfortable, and earns higher owner ratings (60-65% of spring owners satisfied versus 80-85% of latex owners).The feel of sleeping on latex versus that of an innerspring is difficult to adequately explain.

Innerspring beds, because they contain metal coils, can accurately be referred to as “springy” or “bouncy”. These types of mattresses have a layer of foam and/or fiber above the springs to provide cushion and the support level can range from extra-firm to soft. Models with greater amounts of foam tend to be better at contouring, while those with slim pillow-tops will have a limited ability to contour to the sleeper. The types of coils can also affect the overall feel, with individual/pocketed coils reducing motion transference compared to continuous coils.These mattresses should be all latex foam, and as such will not be “bouncy” like a spring bed. However, good-quality latex foam does have a resilience that may be described as springy since it bounces back to its original shape instantly (unlike polyurethane or memory foam which recover more slowly). With a mattress made of latex, the ILD number will reflect the firmness, with lower ILDs being softer and higher ILDs being firmer.

Both the firmness and the overall thickness of a latex bed can affect conformability, with thicker and softer materials conforming more readily than firmer, thinner beds.Innerspring mattresses vary somewhat by manufacturer, but in essence they consist of coils that are either independently pocketed, wired to a frame, or linked together. The coil support core is wrapped in foam and/or fiber padding. Some models have a cheaper recycled compressed fiber, while others may have poly foam, memory foam, or even latex foam incorporated into the pillow-top. The entire bed is then covered in fabric ticking, which can very significantly by brand. The primary indicators of quality with an innerspring bed are the type and count of coils used, and quality of the topper materials.All-latex beds contain a solid latex core for support, and this may or may not be topped with additional layers of latex. Some brands may also add other materials like wool or fiber quilting on top. The bed is then covered in a fabric encasement, which might be fixed or removable. 

Depending on the brand, these mattresses may be customizable, meaning the layers are not glued and could be changed or replaced by the owner. The primary indicators of quality when it comes to latex are the type of latex (natural, synthetic or blended), and the quality of other materials used in the bed. Understanding the basics is important when shopping for a latex bed, and those new to the mattress type may be confused by all the new terms they encounter when they begin shopping.Whereas with an innerspring bed one might check coil count and pillowtop materials, the “checklist” for latex is a little more complicated. Here are the primary things to consider when comparing:Shopping for a mattress, especially all-natural latex, is not always an easy task. Unlike spring beds, they can be difficult to find in local showrooms, and can easily become overpriced. The best place to shop for 100% natural latex is online,  due to the greater selection and more competitive pricing. Take your time to research the various factors and mattresses you find, and make sure there is a decent warranty and return period.

In a previous article, we compared a few leading brands of latex. While there are several brands out there, here is a comparison of a few to get your research started. paring latex mattresses to innerspring mattresses really can be like comparing apples to oranges, as you can see by the differences in construction and performance. Latex foam provides a spring-free support core with an emphasis on pain relief and more natural components, however innersprings have the advantage of being widely available and affordable. Overall, if you are looking for a bed that is more likely to hold up over time and less likely to cause pain, latex mattresses might offer the solution but will likely require a little more research when shopping. Innerspring/Coil Memory Foam Latex Waterbed Hybrid/Other OtherWhat is a latex mattress? A latex mattress does not have any springs or coils in it. Unlike an innerspring mattress, a natural latex mattress is made out of one type of material: latex. You may be wondering what latex is, exactly.

It is a natural product that comes from the sap of the rubber tree. This milky sap is processed into mattress blocks which have a natural springiness and which offer excellent spinal support. What does a latex mattress feel like? Those who suffer from chronic pain, such as back pain, find that the comfort of a latex mattress helps alleviate the pain. Increasingly, medical professionals such as osteopaths, physical therapists, and so on are recommending latex mattresses for their ability to align the body and spine properly and comfortably. What is an innerspring (spring coil) mattress? What does an innerspring mattress feel like? Advantages and disadvantages of a latex mattress Outstanding comfort - a latex mattress performs above and beyond other types of mattresses. The soft comfort and supportiveness of latex is able to alleviate pain. A latex mattress does not transmit movement easily. If someone on one side of the bed rolls over, it won't affect the other person.

No harsh chemicals - latex is a natural product. Latex is naturally resistant to dust mites and mould. Latex mattresses do not need added chemicals to protect from these problems. Superb air circulation - latex is naturally breathable due to its open cell structure. Furthermore, latex mattresses have pinholes inserted in them during their processing, allowing for much better airflow than any other mattress. Highly durable - a latex mattress has a longer lifetime than other types of mattresses. Excellent body pressure support - the spine is correctly aligned while sleeping. Higher cost - a latex mattress can be expensive compared to other mattresses. Heavier - a latex mattress weighs heavier compared to most innerspring mattresses Advantages and disadvantages of an innerspring mattress Innerspring mattresses start out low in price. High-end innerspring mattresses can be costly, but a basic innerspring is cheap. Easy to find - innerspring mattresses are one of the most popular types of mattress, so you will have no difficulty finding one to try out when you are shopping.

Are often fairly lightweight - the weight varies a lot from one mattress to the other, but innerspring mattresses tend to be moderately light and therefore easy to turn. A very wide range of firmness levels is available. Comparatively short lifetime - the top comfort layer can wear down rather quickly, meaning that it is possible to then feel the springs. Another reason for the shorter lifespan of an innerspring mattress is gradual sagging over time, and eventually this will lead to sleep discomfort. Metal coils may pose ‘antenna risk’ - those who are concerned about electromagnetic radiation should stay away from innerspring mattresses. The metal of the coils is said to be able to act as an antenna and amplify ambient electromagnetic radiation. Just google ‘mattress antenna’ and you can find articles on this issue. The possibility of noise from springs - an innerspring mattress may make noise in response to movement. This noise is almost always from the springs and can result in annoying squeaking or clunking sounds.

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