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Lambo Door Kits For Peugeot 206


Preview: KW automotive at the Auto-Salon Geneva – you’ll find us in Hall 2 Together with our brands KW suspensions, ST suspensions and LSD Doors we are showcasing our latest innovations in Geneva. While a Porsche Cayman GT4 from the official customer motor sport program emphasizes KW’s strong commitment as a development partner for numerous automobile manufacturers, refiners, and tuners. At the KW exhibition booth (stand 2042 hall 2), ...1200 years Fichtenberg – a reason to celebrate In 2016, KW already celebrated its 20th birthday, but what is much more important: Fichtenberg celebrates an anniversary of 1200 years. In the year 816, Fichtenberg was then mentioned under the name “Viheberg”, in an historical record of Louis the Pious for the monastery Murrhardt. To outsiders, the headquarters of KW automotive must be somewhere ...JDM seduction: Toyota GT86 meets KW V3 and KW HLS! After Toyota decided to say “Sayonara” to sports cars like the Toyota Supra, mid-engined Toyota MR-2 and even to the Toyota Celica in 2005, nobody had the Japanese manufacturer on the sports cars list anymore.

After announcing and showcasing the Toyota FT-86 concept car at the Tokyo Motor Show 2005 a lot of JDM fans were ...KW automotive at the 85th Auto-Salon Geneva 2015 Together with its brands KW coilovers, ST suspensions and Lambo Style Doors, the suspension manufacturer KW automotive presents its new products in Geneva. The new exhibition stand in Geneva (Stand 2042, Hall 2) emphasizes  the strong commitment of the suspension manufacturer as a development partner of many sports car manufacturers, car tuners and car manufacturers. LSD Doors now available for Audi R8 models LSD-Doors hinges characterize small cars and super sport cars already for a decade. With a low installation effort, the series hinges are replaced by the vehicle-specific LSD fittings, in order to enable an opening of the doors like it works for many Lamborghini models. Now KW automotive has further developed the stylistic influencing LSD-Doors. VW Polo 6R by LSD Doors Nothing quite offers the visual impact like LSD Doors!

Made in Germany to the highest possible standard, LSD Doors utilise the original door mounting points for a secure and accurate fit. What’s more, with the adjustable roller guidance of the GRS (Guided Roller System) you can guarantee the doors will open precisely every time without ...Lamborghini Gallardo LP 570-4 Superleggera with LSD-Doors Ever seen the installation of LamboStyleDoors in a Lamborghini Gallardo LP 570-4 Superleggera? No, then you should watch this Chinese Video. At the meanwhile we already developed our next generation of LSD Doors. The latest generation of LSD Doors incorporate our “ONE MOVE Technology” which provides a more fluid and elegant operation of the car ...In a turbo engine the pressures build up as air is compressed and forced into the engine. The turbo is driven by the exhaust gases so the faster the engine goes the more air you get forced into the engine. This is fine until you lift off the accelerator. You engine speed does not instantly change and you are not asking for fuel to go into the engine where does the compressed intake air go?

This is the job of the recirculating valve also known as a dump or blow off valve. Well you certainly don't want it to go bang, which it would if the air was not released. Enter the Blow off valve. This effectively vents the air out of the intake area and most OEM recirculating valves put this air in to the air intake upstream from the filter where it does no harm and is actually ready for the next press of the accelerator. If this process takes a while you have a situation where the turbo compressor is trying to compress air beyond its design. This caused the turbine to spin more slowly and creates drag on the exhaust. In a high performance engine this could easily damage the turbo. Aftermarket valves can handle much more pressure and respond more quickly than the OEM ones. If you remap a turbo engine you should also replace the recirculating valve. The dump valve or blow off valve vents this pressurised air into the atmosphere rather than discretely back into the intake beyond the turbo and filter.

This gives the option of a noise as it does this and there are plenty to choose from. Some variations include a whistle, a clatter, a pop, a pfffst noise like a bus brake and variations on these themes. Do not confuse a blow off valve with a screamer pipe or a waste gate control these work in different ways and have more to do with the cars exhaust flow through the turbo than the intake flow. This entry was filed under air intake, engine, turbos. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. FeedbackPlease use our forums if you wish to ask a tuning question, and please note we do not sell parts or services, we are just an online magazine. Help us improve, leave a suggestion or tipAre you looking for spare parts for your PEUGEOT 206? We are here to help! Only our online store can offer you such an ideal balance of high quality parts for your PEUGEOT 206 and affordable prices. The auto parts exceptional quality and flexible pricing policy are our priorities since the founding.

You can purchase absolutely any part for your PEUGEOT 206 model at a reasonable price and its working lifespan will be a pleasant surprise for you. PEUGEOT Auto Parts And Spares PEUGEOT 206 Hatchback (2A/C) PEUGEOT 206 SW (2E/K) PEUGEOT 206 car parts are the exemplar of the best quality, remunerative prices and a reliable guarantee. PEUGEOT 206 parts are always carefully inspected before they are put into operation. In most cases after an emergency, drivers are forced to replace damaged parts. In our online shop you can buy quality PEUGEOT 206 car parts at moderate prices. The process of ordering is very simple. What is more profitable – you get quality and original car parts at low prices in short delivery terms. 307, 406, 306 , 106, 207, 407, PARTNER , 607, 807, 806, 107, BOXER, 308, EXPERT , 1007, 504, 4007 , 20coeur , 2008, 301, 4008, 208, 408, 508, RCZ, 5008, 3008, BIPPER, HOGGAR,0905 611 2680918 976 126 Vertik�lne otv�ranie dver� od firmy LSD-DOORS

M�me pre V�s �al�iu novinku v na�ej ponuke, tentoraz op�� z nemeckej produkcie. Kone�ne sme spracovali nov� syst�my vertik�lneho otv�rania dver� od firmy LSD-DOORS. Tento produkt sa st�va st�le popul�rnej�ou a �iadanej�ou tuningovou �pravou a d�fame a pevne ver�me, �e na na�ej slovenskej tuningovej sc�ne sa stane hitom u� v tejto novej prich�dzaj�cej sez�ne 2005. Doors), (nem�li� si pros�m s istou syntetickou drogou :-)) sa vyzna�uje ve�mi prec�znym a funk�n�m spracovan�m. Je vyv�jan� pre ka�d� typ automobilu zvl᚝ a je podrobovan� ve�mi n�ro�n�m z��a�ov�m sk��kam. Punuka syst�mu LSD je neust�le roz�irovan� o �al�ie nov� typy automobilov. Nu�, dos� bolo slov, pozrite si, �o konkr�tne n�jdete v na�ej ponuke. Tu sme pre v�s pripravili kr�tky v�ber niektor�ch �ut, vybaven�ch t�mto extravagantn�m otv�ran�m dver�:

VW Golf III Cabrio: ...a mno�stvo �al��ch pr�kladov a aplik�cii pre r�zne typy �ut. V pr�pade �e nen�jdete Vami po�adovan� syst�m v zozname dostupn�ch in�tal�cii, tak V�m m��eme pon�knu� individu�lny v�voj pod�a Va�ich po�iadaviek. Dodacie lehoty v���iny doplnkov sa pohybuj� okolo 20-tich dn� odo d�a objedn�vky. Pri z�kazkovej v�robe sa term�nyNa v�etky v�robky LSD poskytujeme pln� z�ruku (24 mesiacov). Tu sme v�m pripravili zop�r z�kladn�ch inform�cii k t�mto syst�mom: Otv�ranie dver� prebieha v dvoch krokoch. Najsk�r treba dvere otvori� klasick�m sp�sobom do uhlu otvorenia asi 15� a� 30� stup�ov, �o je individu�lne nastavite�n� za pomoci dorazov�ch skrutiek. V druhom kroku treba vyklopi� dvere smerom hore (tak ako to mnoh� z v�s poznaj� z �ut Lamborghini Countach, Diablo, at�.). Uhol vyklopenia sa pohybuje medzi 35� a� 70� stup�ov pod�a typu auta.

Funkciu namontovan�ho syst�mu si m��ete pozrie� aj v nasledovn�ch kr�tkych vide�ch (form�t WMV): [ 20,6 Mb ] [ 17,5 Mb ] [ 10,5 Mb ] [ 5,4 Mb ] Pred samotnou mont��ou odpor��ame zafixova� dvere u� pred povolen�m p�vodn�ch skrutiek a p�ntov za pomoci reme�ov, najlep�ie o proti�ahl� dvere. T�m zabezpe��te to, �e sa v�m dvere neposun� pri mont��i nov�ho otv�racieho syst�mu a bud� t�m p�dom perfektne dolieha� a zatv�ra� aj bez dodato�n�ho dopasovania a nastavovania. Prv� �as� mont��e si vy�aduje prinajmen�om z�kladn� znalosti pr�ce s letova�kou, ktor� je potrebn� na pred��enie origin�lnej kabel��e ved�cej do dver�. Druh� �as� mont��e syst�mu je u v���iny automobilov u� pomerne jednoduch� (plat� ale iba mechanicky zru�n�ch tunerov). Syst�m sa uchycuje na p�vodnej poz�ci� origin�lnych p�ntov a pripev�uje sa dodan�mi skrutkami.

Pr�kladov� mont�� syst�mu v piatich krokoch si m��ete pozrie� aj v nasledovn�ch kr�tkych vide�ch (form�t WMV): individu�lny v�voj pre ka�d� automobil relat�vne jednoduch� mont�� (zv�ranie a in� n�ro�nej�ie pr�ce odpadaj�) dod�va sa spolu s kompletne potrebn�m in�tala�n�m materi�lom sp��a podmienky nemeck�ho T�V a DEKRA Firma LSD-DOORS s�dli v meste�ku Fichtenberg severov�chodne od mesta Stuttgart v z�padnej �asti Nemecka. Bola zalo�en� v roku 1999 a od sam�ho po�iatku sa venuje �isto v�vojom, v�robou a predajom tohto extravagantn�ho syst�mu otv�rania dver�. Celkov� po�et zamestnancov dnes �in� 16, v���ina z nich sa venuje v�voju a predaju. V�etky ich v�robky s� certifikovan� a homologizovan� v E� a sp��aj� aj n�ro�n� krit�ria a podmienky nemeck�ho T�V (Technischer �berwachungs-Verein) a DEKRA Firma LSD-DOORS je teda �pecialistom V�LU�NE na tieto syst�my otv�rania dver�.

A pr�ve preto s� v�etky pon�kan� diely a sady vyr�ban� v najvy��ej mo�nej kvalite. Tieto mont��ne kity sa cenovo pohybuj� od cca. 65.000,- Sk za jeden syst�m (na dve dvere). Kompletn� sortiment v�robkov od firmy LSD-DOORS si m��ete pozrie� a zak�pi� na na�om webe: Ceny sa daj� zobrazova� v oboch men�ch, EUR a �esk�ch korun�ch s DPH. Kliknut�m na SK alebo CZ vlajku ved�a ceny na danej polo�ke si m��ete v�dy prepn�� zobrazenie meny. Pri jednorazov�ch objedn�vkach nad s DPH V�m pon�kame DOPRAVU na �zem� Slovenska ZDARMA! Odpor��ame preto spoji� Va�e objedn�vky s priate�mi a zn�mymi. (Nevz�ahuje sa na akciov� tovar alebo polo�ky vo v�predaji ako aj z�sielky kuri�rskou slu�bou, nadrozmern� tovary a polo�ky s nadv�hou) LSD dvere si m��ete zak�pi� a necha� namontova� aj u takmer v�etk�ch na�ich partnerov po celom �zem� Slovenska:

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