
California is the states on the west coast of the united states.

It is very big state from Mexica in the self.

Up to  Oregon Ilinois  in the north.

They are three big cities is California: san Francisco in the north, san diego in the self and between is too Los angeles or LA.

LA is a very busy city. Nearly four million people live there. The are lot Different district in the city: places like santa monica on the coust and Pasadena on the east.

Some of these districts are  very rich. This is a Beverly hills . It is a famous area in the north of the city. This street is rodeo  Drive,  it has a lot an expensive shops.

LA especially Hollywood area is a home of the movies.

One of the reason for this is good weather

You need good weather, to make movie is. Hollywood is also at home of the movie studies. This is the headquarters of  sony pictures. Sony make to spider-man and men in black movies.

Day do not make many movies in the Hollywood today because it is too expensive. In fact the  Make movie is Canada, in England, in east Europe and sometimes in australian and new zealand.

 But the movie industry   employs lot the people in LA. About two hundred and fifty thousand in total.

Many actors, writers and directors live in the city. And a studios also employ a love in ………..

Hollywood is not make any movies ( anymore ) but the makes a lot of television programs. In fact programs is like the CS ……… Las Vegas and ohio actually made in Hollywood.

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